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Posted by Mark on 03-16-2003 at18:46:


I hope it's in a store in town here. I don't want to have to wait over a week for it to arrive by mail.

Posted by jwaltb on 03-16-2003 at21:06:


I agree. Matter of fact I'm gonna call my friendly neighborhood Family bookstore tomorrow to see if they have it on order and, if not, to do so post haste.


Posted by DaLe on 03-17-2003 at08:32:


Originally posted by audiori
I think the 25th will stick.. some of our original concerns with that date are vanishing.

good to hear

Posted by jollyholiday on 03-18-2003 at14:45:

  Nazarene Crying Towel in hand

I am listening to my copy of "Nazarene Crying Towel," which will be releasing next Tuesday March 25th. I'll post a bit more about it later. There are some great liner notes by Terry about each song and the disc as a whole.

Posted by anne on 03-18-2003 at14:53:


a preview - cool!

Posted by carl on 03-18-2003 at14:54:


Originally posted by jollyholiday
I am listening to my copy of "Nazarene Crying Towel," which will be releasing next Tuesday March 25th. I'll post a bit more about it later. There are some great liner notes by Terry about each song and the disc as a whole.

But... but... but.... HOW??? Crying

Posted by jollyholiday on 03-18-2003 at15:24:

  NCT an explanation by TST

The liner notes aren't tied to each song but are interspersed throughout the cd booklet between the lyrics. The notes are entitled, "The Nazarene Crying Towel (an explanation).

Following are some of the liner notes explaining The Nazarene Crying Towel printed in the CD booklet:

One of my earliest and most vivid memories concerning our family's churchgoing experiences is by no means a pleasant one. It's early evening at the Downy Nazarene Church midweek service, and I'm a very young child sitting in a church pew staring in wide-eyed disbelief and horror as my mother and grandmother, along with a small group of fellow parishioners, are falling to their knees, sobbing and wailing and vehemently crying out for God's forgiveness. Today I see this surreal scene as a kind of emotional frenzy of despair...a guttural disgorge of pent up guilt, shame, and remorse. I didn't understand then what much of the tumult was about, but I do remember thinking that God had to be a pretty mean and angry person to cause my Mom and my Grandma such misery. I want them to stop. I want desperately to comfort them, to hold them and tell them everything will be all right, but a kind of paralyzing force that is a fear previously unknown to me renders me immobile. This was my initiation into the world of unbridled religious zealotry, and it was like encountering a towering wall of fire whose awesome intensity kept me from attempting to save those it was about to consume. The experience was at once riveting, bewildering, mysterious, and altogether frightening. I could only look on helplessly as two of the people I loved most in the world threw themselves into the roaring blaze of fervent lamentation and were burned beyond recognition....

The liner notes are more extensive. This is simply the first section.

Posted by jollyholiday on 03-18-2003 at16:14:

  songs from Nazarene Crying Towel

1. Moses in the Desert (By Taylor & Roe)
2. There you Are (By Taylor & Roe)
[Shared vocals on a tune about the relentlessness of
God's love]
3. Deeper in the Heart (Taylor)
[Taylor on vocals (even Taylor harmonzing w/Taylor).
some of the lyric---
I threw money down a wishing well / met my friends down by the shores of hell / that's all over now as far as I can tell

4. Come Down Here (Roe & Daugherty)
[Slow and quiet song with Roe and Daugherty on vocals]
5. Be My Hiding Place (Taylor)
[Worshipful song with each of the 3 on vocals]
some of the lyric---
Be my hiding place in times of trouble / compass me about with songs of deliverance

6. Jesus on the Shore (Taylor)
[I love songs about God's sovereignty]
some lyric---
Is He in the circumstance / not by chance not by chance / in his hand is providence / open doors closed doors / it's the Lord

7. Mercy Again (Taylor)
[This one could almost pass as a Daniel Amos tune]
8. Cry Out Loud (Roe & Daugherty)
[Great bluesy track! / Roe on vocals]
9. The Yearning (Taylor)
[Daugherty's lilting voice. Sounds like something that
could have been on Green Room Serenade. Some guitar
work in the mix that reminds me of some of The
Innocence Mission's guitar work.]
10. Crushing Hand (Taylor)
[I think this one is my favorite after 2 listens
through the disc.] some lyrics---
You know my name wound me / You know my name heal me / You lay your crushing hand your mighty hand on me gently

11. Home Again (Taylor)
[Terry whistling intro & out-tro? Shared vocals. Good
horse ridin' rhythm to this one.]
12. Darkest Night (Taylor)
[Haunting reflections on the crucifixion of Jesus]

Posted by DaLe on 03-18-2003 at16:46:


now you got me Anticipating.... & and I have to wait to get it, thanks Roll Eyes

Posted by EdHead on 03-18-2003 at17:03:


Originally posted by jollyholiday
11. Home Again (Taylor)
[Terry whistling intro & out-tro? Shared vocals. Good horse ridin' rhythm to this one .]


Posted by Tyler Durden on 03-18-2003 at17:35:


1. Moses in the Desert ( His Daddy's in the Sky)
2. There you Are ("Here I Am" part II?)

Posted by anne on 03-18-2003 at18:14:


thanks jollyholiday! Smile

Posted by jwaltb on 03-19-2003 at12:28:


Yes, thank you sir for the fine review. Called my locas CBS and it WILL BE IN STOCK come Tuesday!! 6 days and countin'. New Music - YEE - HAW!

Posted by jiminy on 03-19-2003 at12:39:

  ya got me

now you whet my appetite-in a way that those Hardees Slammers didn't suffice.
I know I'll have to ORDER it- but just the same...
I want it I want IT!!!

Posted by joey on 03-22-2003 at11:38:



Posted by Mark on 03-22-2003 at13:55:


I'm so excited. I called our local Family Christian Bookstores yesterday to see if they would be carrying this. They told me they had two in stock. I was put on hold and when the lady came back, she said, "I guess our computer is wrong. Check back in a couple of days." She told me it would be $16.98. And here I was so excited thinking that maybe a couple had gotten out before the release date.

Posted by afterglow on 03-22-2003 at23:33:


So, should we buy it from the local bookstore as a way to keep them buying the Dogs, or should we buy it from the Dogs site so more money goes to the guys, or look for the cheapest place to buy it?

Posted by joey on 03-23-2003 at01:46:


so-called Christ-ian bookstores give me the creeps....
usually the amount you pay for shipping added to the price to buy it at the webstores is still less than what those places charge....
and my understanding is that more goes to the band that way......Smile )

Posted by .backs. on 03-23-2003 at03:24:


Joey, Joey. There is no better place to support the Chinese military than your local Christian bookstore. Many of those adorable angels and scripture-bearing leprechauns (50% off this week) are made by the Red Chinese. You can make Jesus and the ghost of Mao smile at the same time.

Posted by Scrimshaw Nick on 03-23-2003 at09:04:




Smile )

there's probably more truth to that than most of us would want to think

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