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Posted by Joey T. on 10-30-2003 at12:11:


ok, they would have to do more than that to rock..... Cool

Posted by John Foxe on 10-30-2003 at18:24:


'Briefing' took the longest to sink in but it has been my favorite for some time. Just the sheer depth of emotion that comes out of each one of those songs just takes my breath away. You almost want to weep alongside Terry as his grandma is dying. And it makes you contemplate your own mortality too.

- John Wayne sounds closest to DA, but I like it the least. Couple of really great songs on it (Writers Block, You Lay Down), but a lot of fly-by country too.
- K&I and l,B have that signature Rob Watson sound I get in the mood for at times.
- Haven't been in the mood for Neverhood or Imaginarium recently.
- AF is one my wife likes even more than me. Loves that 'Piehole'!
- 'Ruckus', a bit of a letdown, but that's not fair of me since I was actually there in the audience.

You know, I always fall into this trap of hoping the solos sound like Daniel Amos. Anyone else do this too?

Posted by Woggy on 10-30-2003 at23:21:


K & I is a fave of mine..............ESPECIALLY since I got a signed copy by Terry (and Mike Roe........hey, what the heck, he was there!)

Have enjoyed Briefing, too.

But I'm not a real fan.

I'm rather pathetic when it comes to my music collection..................but that just gives me room to grow, right?? Right???????????????

Posted by PuP on 10-30-2003 at23:26:


I say we all go visit dorf & Dork and listen to their music collections! Pleased

Posted by Woggy on 10-30-2003 at23:40:



Gee, I hope he's okay, with all this fire stuff going on in his neck of the woods.............................it's such a bummer.

My niece lives in Mendocino..............near San Diego. She wrote an e-mail to family the other day, and was staying indoors, but was okay. She works at a school, and they'd been closed for a few days....................so much to worry about
Frown Frown

Posted by Normal As The Next Guy on 10-31-2003 at19:56:


Originally posted by audiori
You mean Petra actually released albums? I thought they
just disd a series of 'best of's.

I think they're competing with the Rolling Stones for most "best of" projects.

"Petraphonics", "Petarafied", "War and Remembrance", "Power Praise".

"Sucking in the 70's", "Hight Tide and Green Grass", "Hot Rocks", "More Hot Rocks", "Forty Licks", "Made in the Shade"

Petra just has two more to go. Of course if I actually went and looked at the Stones catalog thre would probably be like 500 other "best ofs" that I missed.

Posted by Captain Pedantic on 10-31-2003 at20:39:


Well what happened is that when Petra left Star song for Pakaderm Star Song go "nut's now how are we gonna make money? - i know lets make 15 greatest hits albums" and so they did.

Has there been a greatest hits from the pakaderm era? I don't know

Posted by Normal As The Next Guy on 10-31-2003 at23:25:


I don't think there been a Petra "best of" form the Beyond Belief to present era. One other that would qulify for a Petra best of would be "Double Take", where they redid some of the older classics.

I think that Beyond Belief and the couple after it represented the best era for Petra.

Posted by HEMISPHERICALHEADS on 11-01-2003 at07:31:


John Wayne hands down....

Chicken crosses the road really affected me..Plus it was the first solo disc I ever bought of his...Even the wife can handle it..My kids whistle along with Ten Gallon Hat...... Big Grin

Posted by arcticsunburn on 11-04-2003 at00:56:


Originally posted by wes berlin
Originally posted by arcticsunburn
I honestly haven't heard anything besides some songs from Avocado Faultline. It's a really good album though.


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