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Posted by Theo on 11-17-2003 at16:18:

  Thankx, Jevon

You're right. This is more of a celebration of a very specific nature. There are loads of good DAmb folks that have followed this long and hard for over two years. I wish we could ALL be together. If I won the lotto I'd certainly bring the MN/WI crowd out.

The Southern-CA crowd is coming out as it is and those who can't, I'd certainly make it possible.

But that's the heart of DEC 6. It's a personal thing. I'm very honored to be asked by Mike & Terry to join them in Surrey BC and Vancouver WA. It's a HUGE honor (and again, it is personal). Those shows will be very Christmassy indeed. What a hoot!

But the party in Bellingham...it's just different. It's home and its focus is the CAACONAA thing. So you're right. They're all worth doing, and for different reasons.

Not long now!! Wink

Posted by baxter on 11-19-2003 at13:49:



Would you like me to invite this guy? He could probably spray paint the snakes red and green for the party.

Posted by Joey T. on 11-19-2003 at14:49:



Posted by Woggy on 11-19-2003 at15:09:

  RE: My dearest gum drop

Originally posted by Kris Kringle
First of all, I will do both physically and in spirit what each and every one can do this entire HolyDay season, I will drift through church buildings, crowds on the street, shopping malls (all over the world) and any desolate spot I can find with the spirit of the Christ-Child (the Krista Kinder). So on that account I will join you!

Second of all, I'm not in the NEW CAR business, but I will influence those around you all that I am able. Anything for the DAmb'd Gum-drop QUEEN! Be blessed my little woggums. Be blessed. The real Krista Kinder is always near and loves you very much!


You're the C O O L E S T , Kris.

I just LOVE you Smile

Posted by Theo on 11-19-2003 at16:19:

  Red and Green Snakes

Are you gonna do the whole Serpentine Church thing, dude!?!?

Nice added attraction!

Seriously, I can't wait to be in the same room with all these wonderfully DAmb'd folks that never get to see one another. How cool.

Woggy, Cricket & Commander! It would be too incredible...yah I know...

"And when in heav'n we meet..." Cool

Posted by Stuart Pedasso on 11-25-2003 at13:51:


Theo, how are ticket sales going for the event?

Looking forward to seeing you on your home turd (hey did you know that the F&D are side by sife?)

Holly and I will be there wearing matching shirts that say

"I'm here to see stupid" and it has your picture on it. You know that really really really happy promo back and white you did


Posted by Theo on 11-25-2003 at14:55:


You are so incredibly weird and I love it!

I'll tell Terry that you made up a shirt about him and put my picture on it! He's gonna hate you, man! Big Grin

As for ticket sales...not GREAT! But okay. Must do better. But read my post about the Bellingham Herald. That's a gift from God.

Posted by Commander Cote on 11-25-2003 at16:20:


I received your cd in the mail, and, I LOVE IT! I listened to it straight through twice.
Very Eagle/Beatle (a little) influence there, and, maybe some TST? And you know I'm thinkin' if you wanted to do this stuff next year at Cstone and are having trouble with musicians Tim Lange(bass), and I (drums) would love to sit in with you. I didn't hear anything real difficult foe either one of us to learn.
God Bless

Posted by Theo on 11-26-2003 at17:18:


Thankx for the kind words. You mean the Americana CD, yes? Truly pleased you like it.

If, by God's incredible grace, I get to play C-Stone one more time, you've given me something to keep in mind. I'd be likely to have Elbel on Bass and his drummer, Andrew Oliver, on drums--but there could be room for more (extra percussion, etc.). Let's see what God provides for this next year and go from there.

In the meanwhile, again, I'm pleased that you are happy with the CD. Happy Thanksgiving!

Posted by Commander Cote on 11-27-2003 at08:30:


You let me know, I'll be there for ya, with lemonade in hand!!
Happy Thanksgiving!

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