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Posted by arcticsunburn on 07-25-2002 at17:53:


Originally posted by Author of the Post
Originally posted by arcticsunburn
There is no guarantee that Daniel Amos will continue. Not because they wouldn't want to continue, but because the album may flop. Sometimes it takes more than hard work to make an album - like money. I think the attitude however, is more like "who cares, we've come this far."

MBD flop? Hardly. Excellent album!

-- taotp

I can't say this from experience, but I figure when you release an album you get some jitters.

MBD is a success to us fans, but if we're talking numbers, then unfortunately it could be described as a "flop."

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think I saw Terry comment somewhere that "sales were pretty normal." I sensed a little disappointment in those words, but maybe that's just me. Confused

Posted by Mark on 07-25-2002 at20:22:


Yeah it is sad that only a few of us are "in the know" about this band. MBD could be huge. But how do you market such an album to the general public?

Posted by John Foxe on 07-25-2002 at21:45:

  Extenuating circumstances

Well friend, consider that sales have only been via web, fest, and word of mouth. Guess what? You won't find a copy in any retail store (because of Diamante going toe up). How is it I can find four DA titles today in my Family Christian bookstore, and none are MBD?

I'm absolutely nuts over it, even a year after I got my copies. Yeah, I even went as far as to buy a nice frame and put my autographed lyric sheet behind it.

MBD got EXTREMELY favorable reviews across the gambit of reviews, and even got 4.5/5 rating from CCM Mag (not exactly a bastion of DA fanaticism!) They built the better mousetrap - IMO the best DA work ever - and the world has still found ways to beat paths to their door.

Taking the circumstances into account, I would definitely call it a success on many levels.

Posted by BD on 07-25-2002 at21:46:


Originally posted by Mark
Yeah it is sad that only a few of us are "in the know" about this band. MBD could be huge. But how do you market such an album to the general public?

I don't think you can.

It's too long for non-fans. I've let several people at work listed to both discs. they usually give them back in a short time and say thanks, but no thanks. When I make a shorter version of selected songs, I always get a better response.

just my 2¢ worth


Posted by arcticsunburn on 07-26-2002 at00:20:


I found MBD at my local Christian bookstore... I looked for anything else I could find, but nothing. Crying

Posted by Shemp on 07-26-2002 at12:06:


Originally posted by Author of the Post
Often I find that I don't pay that much attention to the lyrics, and if I do, it's one line. If that line has meaning, that is enough. Trying to decypher a DA song can be like trying to make sense of the book of Revelations. Of course, some songs are more straightforward and less image driven, but I almost prefer the stuff that just sets a mood or puts me in a mood.

Albums like "Doppleganger" and "Fearful Symmetry" really do it for me. I can't quite explain it, but I don't need to explain why I like the album. It's not necessarily the lyrical content (even though "Real Girls," "Mall All over the World," "The Pool," "Neverland Ballroom," and "Instruction Thru Film" have a very literal side) but I guess I just like to feel something different, kind of take me into a different world.

MBD tends to have this retro feel that is so contemporary. I can't explain that. But the album makes me feel good. I tend to use music a lot when I write (I'm a playwright for those of you who didn't know.) I like to put on albums that evoke a mood. Often there is no simple words like "peppy" or "sad" to put to it, it's just a mood.

I don't know if I'm making any sense at all, and I've diverged a lot I know. But oh, well, just my 2 cents.

-- The Author of the Post

(who is capable of meaningful posts, although not always coherent)

AP... Keep the change....

Posted by Shemp on 07-26-2002 at12:07:


Just Kidding Big Grin

Posted by Mark on 07-26-2002 at12:25:


I think this has already been said, but MBD was listed as a sale item in the Family Christian Stores ad they mail out. I have actually seen it in the store. Unfortunately, my guess is that it is probably still sitting in the store. Sorry to sound so pessimistic.

Posted by Author of the Post on 07-28-2002 at15:34:


Originally posted by Shemp
Just Kidding Big Grin

For a second, I thought you were being mean. Frown Then I saw your follow-up post.


-- The Author of the Post

Posted by BD on 07-28-2002 at15:38:


Originally posted by Shemp

AP... Keep the change....

I missed that one the first time around, I'll have to remember it...pretty funny Big Grin


Posted by Author of the Post on 07-28-2002 at15:49:


As for MBD not selling well, I think a major issue is that people have never heard of Daniel Amos. You can't just walk into a music store and happen across a Daniel Amos album on the listening station (like in Border's--at least I've never seen Daniel Amos carried in Border's.)

Unfortunately, Daniel Amos doesn't have a "hip" look that would hold up in videos for VH1 or even MTV2. It's a shame. Video killed the radio star, and this is quite true, you have to have an appealing look AND play good music to make it (or at least look good.)

I think there needs to be some more targeted marketing for Daniel Amos. There is a market for well-written and well-crafted music. Unfortunately, the Christian music market is not usually where you find it. And even if you do, it's a couple of albums, but not all. Daniel Amos has been pretty consistent and improved and matured over the years, I think they are ready for the rest of the world.

In one sense, I like knowing that I know this group that no one else does, but in another, I want everyone to share in this gem. Why can't Daniel Amos get a song or two out on soundtracks of movies. Even the short-lived Chagall Guevara got a song on a soundtrack.

What do others think of this?

-- The Author of the Post

Posted by mannequin left on 07-29-2002 at16:57:

  MBS sales

I have been frustrated about the poor sales and underappreciation of the band's artistry for years..
So, in my great naivite, I decided to try and battle the injustice this past week-end. I wrote a letter to our local Christian radio station, introducing them to MBD and offering to buy copies for the staff if they would consider its merit and possibly give it some air time. I rarely listen to radio, but I do not think they have played anything DA related for about 5 years. That was a Christmas tune from the Choir's album on which Jerry C shared lead vocals with Deri. I nearly drove off the Cuesta Grade when I heard the song on the radio...
Anyways, I was thinking that the letter may push a few blades through the concrete of the evangelical ghetto if it is accompanied by a few prayers... Any donnas out there?

Posted by servantsteve on 07-30-2002 at08:13:


Originally posted by Mark
I think this has already been said, but MBD was listed as a sale item in the Family Christian Stores ad they mail out. I have actually seen it in the store. Unfortunately, my guess is that it is probably still sitting in the store. Sorry to sound so pessimistic.
I bought it a Family Christian on saturday. They had all single CDs on sale for $13.99 and they sold me MBD for the same price even though it is a 2 CD set. I did bring it to the cashier's attention, so I don't feel guilty about getting a good deal.

Posted by servantsteve on 07-30-2002 at08:17:

  On the lyrics

It's impossible to know what they meant. I thought it was from the perspective of Mr Buechner, not DA!
It could refer to the attitude of the believer to be ready at any instant, not expecting anything else better to come.
It could be a precursor to the end of the Daniel Amos incarnation of Terry Taylor and friends, while still allowing any of his other incarnations including DA.
Color me clueless.

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