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Posted by joey on 10-28-2005 at11:20:


i remember seeing you guys at melodyland in like '86.... and you were all hitting each other with guitars and messing up....
and the melodyland staff was all getting upset...
it was great! Big Grin

Posted by tchandler on 10-28-2005 at11:21:


friends, i gotta run an errand, but i'll be back in an hour if anyone still wants to chat. Smile

Posted by jiminy on 10-28-2005 at11:31:


Originally posted by tchandler
I will say that I saw Billy Smiley (from Whiteheart) loose his smiley as he did the rock hop from one level of the stage down, and the plywood gave way (must have hit a knot)-he was suddenly a one legged guitarist (he sunk to the thigh)- being pulled out of a hole by two "on the ball" roadies

i wish i'd seen that! Big Grin

when i was a younger man, like a complete moron, i used to sometimes jump up in the air and land on my back during a song, especially if we were playing a place like cornerstone with a big stage that had some give to it. but i was just sure that one of those times i'd go clear through the plywood. that would've been hilarious.

only prob is - those who know DA would have thought it part of the show .....

Billy was a good sport about it- I think he had a fair rip in the leg of his jeans too...but that only made him look cooler.....

Posted by sprinklerhead on 10-28-2005 at11:58:


Originally posted by Aqua Green Toupee
Originally posted by tchandler
Speaking of DFBB. I had the chance to hook up with my old band this past summer. It was a ton of fun playing with them again. One of our songs started out as a blatant rip off of your bass line from DFBB. The song evolved a little so that the two songs didn't really sound alike. However, I have to admit, i totally "borrowed" my part from you.

that's cool! i don't mind that at all.

Yeah sprinklerhead. Feel free to steal anything you want off me too.

What have you got?

Posted by DaLe on 10-28-2005 at12:04:

  RE: safety net, etc.

Originally posted by tchandler
DA last "toured" in 1987 (man i'm old)

Good afterNoon Tim,

I have seen you play live in DA, The Choir & with Phil keaggy.

did you play in SE at C-stone '90? I was there...
did you ever play bass with the Lost Dogs? maybe C-stone 1992?

Also when was the last time that you Played Live?

Posted by tchandler on 10-28-2005 at12:30:


i remember seeing you guys at melodyland in like '86.... and you were all hitting each other with guitars and messing up....and the melodyland staff was all getting upset...
it was great!

hi joey -- yeah i remember melodyland. my brother used to teach there and the whole place is pretty uptight. Big Grin

Posted by joey on 10-28-2005 at12:36:


Originally posted by tchandler
i remember seeing you guys at melodyland in like '86.... and you were all hitting each other with guitars and messing up....and the melodyland staff was all getting upset...
it was great!

hi joey -- yeah i remember melodyland. my brother used to teach there and the whole place is pretty uptight. Big Grin

well, there was a Christian radio station broadcasting the show that night and they were pulling their hair out... you guys opened with like 5 secular songs as well..... Smile )

Posted by tchandler on 10-28-2005 at12:36:


did you play in SE at C-stone '90? I was there...did you ever play bass with the Lost Dogs? maybe C-stone 1992?
Also when was the last time that you Played Live?

DaLe -- yes i did play with the eddies at cstone in '90. and i've played many times with the Dogs, just not very recently. and i don't think i've played live since cstone '02. yikes! i still record a little bit, though. i'm doing some sort of demo thing for Tom Howard on sat.

Posted by tchandler on 10-28-2005 at12:40:


well, there was a Christian radio station broadcasting the show that night and they were pulling their hair out

da has spent a large part of our "career" driving around the country
p!$$!ng a lot of people off. and we weren't even trying to. we were just being ourselves.

we used to make bets before the show about how many songs into the set we'd get before half the audience got up and left. Big Grin

Posted by sprinklerhead on 10-28-2005 at13:13:


Originally posted by tchandler
... i've played many times with the Dogs, just not very recently.

Well, I think it is about time to do that again. Don't you?

Posted by tchandler on 10-28-2005 at13:16:


yes i do!

Posted by Jerry Davison on 10-28-2005 at13:18:


Well crap! As usual I'm getting in late on this. Why ya gotta git up so dang early, Tim? Anyways, I only ever saw DA live 3 times. Once in 1986 I think, it was Fearful Symmetry tour and you guuys played at a tiny auditorium in Atlanta. My best friend george and I were front row dead center and you and Greg were hurling yourselves full force into each other trying to knock eacvh other on your butts and Tim you staggered at one point and fell into the mike stand which proceeded to come crashing down onto my friends head with considerable force. You were very apologetic as I recall but it was all good to us. Hey, it ain't rock and roll unless somebody's bleeding!

Posted by sprinklerhead on 10-28-2005 at13:19:


Originally posted by tchandler
yes i do!

And I am ready to host another BBQ at my house. The Dogs can play at my house again and you could join them. We are only a days drive from Nashville.

Posted by tchandler on 10-28-2005 at13:20:


sprinklerhead -- that'd be great. if only my dang job allowed the time. we'll see.

Posted by tchandler on 10-28-2005 at13:24:


Well crap! As usual I'm getting in late on this. Why ya gotta git up so dang early, Tim? Anyways, I only ever saw DA live 3 times. Once in 1986 I think, it was Fearful Symmetry tour and you guuys played at a tiny auditorium in Atlanta. My best friend george and I were front row dead center and you and Greg were hurling yourselves full force into each other trying to knock eacvh other on your butts and Tim you staggered at one point and fell into the mike stand which proceeded to come crashing down onto my friends head with considerable force. You were very apologetic as I recall but it was all good to us. Hey, it ain't rock and roll unless somebody's bleeding!

hi Jerry! man, that's a great story, thanks for telling it. i don't remember that particular incident so i'm glad that you retold it. it's a wonder more injuries didn't occur in those days!

Posted by joey on 10-28-2005 at13:36:

Thumb Up!

Originally posted by tchandler
well, there was a Christian radio station broadcasting the show that night and they were pulling their hair out

da has spent a large part of our "career" driving around the country
p!$$!ng a lot of people off. and we weren't even trying to. we were just being ourselves.

we used to make bets before the show about how many songs into the set we'd get before half the audience got up and left. Big Grin

i don't remember hearing of you guys ever playing melodyland again after that night....
i remember at the end terry led the audience in a song called melodyland is a heck of a land......... Pleased

Posted by jiminy on 10-28-2005 at13:37:


so TC
has Jack Black kind of taken over for you???

(Watched School of Rock again last night..- love that movie- it has more depth than first glance shows.)

its a darn good thing it werent for the money only- or you'd have broke up the first year!

Posted by Jerry Davison on 10-28-2005 at13:40:


Being 40 and having many dead and dying brain cells, my memory is fuzzy. Isn't Melodyland where you guys played that Randy Stonehill tribute show in 1990? I remember it because we were in town recording our second CD for Frontline and we got to come to rehearsals. I even got to sit in on drums for "Walls of Doubt" because Ed was running late. Was that Melodyland or am I on crack? Confused

Posted by tchandler on 10-28-2005 at13:41:


i remember at the end terry led the audience in a song called melodyland is a heck of a land.........

Big Grin we used to make up songs on stage quite a bit. "melodyland is a heck of a land" good ol' Terry!

Posted by tchandler on 10-28-2005 at13:43:


its a darn good thing it werent for the money only- or you'd have broke up the first year!

we'd have broke up the first month. and yeah, my kids and i watch School of Rock every so often. we love it too.

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