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Posted by DaLe on 12-08-2003 at09:36:


Originally posted by Commander Cote
But it was still his fault.......

I accept FuLL responsibility, I will not let it happen again Frown

I hope all was well on the 6th at the dreamcoat...

Barry McGuire was very good & lots of fun,

yes he did - Eve of destruction with added current day verse, bullfrogs & butterflies, cosmic cowboy, etc....

He told his life story chronologically, singing songs from those time periods.

from pre EVE 60's partial songs stuff to EVE / Hair era to CCM to Kids it was great!

the songs were great the Stories great, His Voice was excellent!
if you ever have a chance to see him, do it...

Posted by jiminy on 12-08-2003 at09:41:


Mary BicChoir?
Loved that CC
Ok road trips.. I gotta work on that.....

Posted by Commander Cote on 12-08-2003 at15:06:


I'm glad your show went well.Dreamcoat went good, we mave another gig out of it..... which leads me to JiMiNy 25 to 30 kids showed up at the Dreamcoat from Chisholm First Baptist Church, they must have heard we were playing and opted for that over that Barry guy...No, they were down for some youth deal in the cities,.....anyway they expressed interest in having us come and play at their church,...so, what I would like to do is try and work out a deal to maybe play (in February) in Cloquet on a Friday night, and then go to Chisolm and play the next day in Chisholm, well Mr. (booking agent) JiMiNy? What do you think? Of course we'll need Dale to emcee and you JiMiNy to warm up!

Posted by Woggy on 12-08-2003 at15:24:


Originally posted by Commander Cote
Yeah, I know we had talked about Divine Instant, I don't remember talking about Pretty Little Lies, I'll have to listen to that and get back to you.

I have to apologize to you, guess what we forgot to do......that's right, sing "Happy Birthday", I'm so sorry, with everything that was going on it just slipped my old feeble mind. Actually it's Dales fault, he went to see Mary BcGuire (or something like that) and wasn't there to remind us. No, just kidding, it was Barry McGuire....

But it was still his fault.
Happy Birthday anyway......

isn't EVERYTHING DaLe's fault????

Ahh, that's okay. You know I was only kidding.........sure I was......
I'm not hurt............nope.....**snifff, snifffff**.............
i'll be aaaaaaaaaaallll rightt............**sniff**

Posted by Woggy on 12-08-2003 at15:27:


Originally posted by Commander Cote
I'm glad your show went well.Dreamcoat went good, we mave another gig out of it..... which leads me to JiMiNy 25 to 30 kids showed up at the Dreamcoat from Chisholm First Baptist Church, they must have heard we were playing and opted for that over that Barry guy...No, they were down for some youth deal in the cities,.....anyway they expressed interest in having us come and play at their church,...so, what I would like to do is try and work out a deal to maybe play (in February) in Cloquet on a Friday night, and then go to Chisolm and play the next day in Chisholm, well Mr. (booking agent) JiMiNy? What do you think? Of course we'll need Dale to emcee and you JiMiNy to warm up!

HEY, what about me, huh?

Knowing Mr JimIny, he will ask my help here in SOME way, and for that, at LEAST a duet is in order!!!!!!!!

So, are you saying you want to play in Duluth?? Or are you asking Jim to find you a place in Chisholm! Hey, Jim has connections to a church in Cloquet, don'tcha bro?????????

Posted by jiminy on 12-08-2003 at15:45:


that sounds like it could sprout wings!

PLease pray to that end...I will do ALL to contact my friends in Cloquet this week......, my initial contact with them was very good-but we wanna git kids UP and OUT!

Posted by DaLe on 12-08-2003 at15:59:

Thumb Up!

Originally posted by Commander Cote
I'm glad your show went well.Dreamcoat went good, we mave another gig out of it..... which leads me to JiMiNy 25 to 30 kids showed up at the Dreamcoat from Chisholm First Baptist Church, they must have heard we were playing and opted for that over that Barry guy...No, they were down for some youth deal in the cities,.....anyway they expressed interest in having us come and play at their church,...so, what I would like to do is try and work out a deal to maybe play (in February) in Cloquet on a Friday night, and then go to Chisolm and play the next day in Chisholm, well Mr. (booking agent) JiMiNy? What do you think? Of course we'll need Dale to emcee and you JiMiNy to warm up!

Smile )

Posted by jiminy on 12-09-2003 at12:51:


thats mister crooked agent- not booking agent
and dale-

they aint been a decent mc since hamma
(you cant touch this!)

sorry bout that, sorry bout that, ........................

YES_ it sounds like a road to gloryhound roadtrip!

now what was I gona do agin?......

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