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Posted by HEMISPHERICALHEADS on 06-27-2003 at23:00:


I emailed my local christian FM station to encourage them to play bands like DA , Larry Norman, 77s, The Throes , Prayer Chain , the list goes on and they responded with: "Our station is geared to an ADULT format."
What's that mean?
I'm 37 years old and if it were'nt for the bands I just mentioned plus many others my walk with Christ would be much more difficult.
Whatever happened to that alternative Christian music magazine? I rememeber one year they sent me an issue at the release of "Speckled Bird" by THE CHOIR with them on the cover with paint on their faces, on a full glossy cover. It was not True Tunes or 7Ball. Brian Q. Newcomb was the editor. He does stuff for PASTE now...That was an awesome mag...

Posted by Ron E on 06-27-2003 at23:12:



Posted by HEMISPHERICALHEADS on 06-27-2003 at23:13:


Originally posted by Ron E
It was'nt that...That's a new one for me..

Posted by Ron E on 06-27-2003 at23:16:


Syndicat likely then, aka Harvest Rock Syndicate

Posted by Ron E on 06-27-2003 at23:16:


syndicate with an "e"

Posted by HEMISPHERICALHEADS on 06-27-2003 at23:19:


Originally posted by Ron E
syndicate with an "e"
Yes.....There you go.....Awesome mag..I found out about it when I bought Keaggy's "Crimson And Blue" when it first came out. It had a mail in form to get the mag. Yes, I sent it in...It went under not too long after...Are there any other mags of a similar nature out there?

Posted by Ron E on 06-27-2003 at23:34:


i've actually stopped looking for magazines since i've been online (yea, these many years) so I couldn't tell you. I did love syndicate and notebored was cool too, though I think i only read one or two issues of it before it too went under.

Posted by rob 3.0 on 06-27-2003 at23:39:


You know this subject is something that I have recently dealt with. I used to subscribe to CCM but I would get so aggravated about constantly reading about the new Christian version of "insert name of popular secular artist here" that I had to stop reading it. The only thing from that mag I enjoyed was John Fischer's articles.

I too miss the good old days of Christian Music, and I'm only 26. I wish that the Christian Market would use it's collective creativity do something different and innovative. I cringe everytime I see a new Christian Music Sampler that mimics the theme of whatever the popular movie of the summer is. It's sad really. But as it's been said, it is an industry and they are trying to make money.

I don't listen to CCM anymore. There could be good stuff out there but what I've heard doesn't seem to have the passion and artistry that I enjoy in music. I really admire indie artists. They don't make alot of money doing what they do, but their music means something.

So I will continue to listen to my old albums and buy anything that my favorite artists put out.

And Hey Theo, I too have discovered some great music from watching Scrubs. That show rocks.

Posted by Ron E on 06-27-2003 at23:43:


Hi 3.0, keep posting.

Posted by JR88 on 06-27-2003 at23:44:


3.0 where in IL are you from???
are you going to the MN BBQ?

Posted by BD on 06-27-2003 at23:54:


Originally posted by HEMISPHERICALHEADS
Originally posted by brd2yrmother
keep in mind that the Beatles sold a lot of records.

There are plenty of Highly influential artist's who did not sell alot of records. "It takes time for great wine." I know what you were getting at though....

HEMI, have you heard "The Wacky Fan Letter"?

that's where the beatles line comes from...also all the dallas references. the wacky fan was from dallas.

"Horrendous Disc, A.
Please get this one out on CD as quick as possible and let me know about it. My record has a scratch. You sound like The Beatles, but keep in mind that The Beatles sold lots of records." Big Grin


Posted by Woggy on 06-28-2003 at00:02:


Originally posted by HEMISPHERICALHEADS

Could someone provide an email address to check out the list? And then respond? We should all do this. This is crazy. It's almost like comparing Norman Rockwell to the guy who creates art at his PC..

You could try here to e-mail them:


the list isn't on the web, at least as far as I could find it. They want you to buy the magazine................$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Posted by Woggy on 06-28-2003 at00:04:


Originally posted by rob 3.0

And Hey Theo, I too have discovered some great music from watching Scrubs. That show rocks.

me loves Scrubs, too.

One of my favorite shows was from their first season.....a Christmas show, where a young, pregnant girl leaves the hospital.............what happens is kind of cool. If you haven't seen it, I won't spoil it for you, cuz maybe they'll repeat it. But it was a great show.

I adore the characters on that show........especially the "evil doctor"...........he's awesome Smile

Posted by Ron E on 06-28-2003 at00:06:


how many da albums made the list of the 100 most influencial albums of all time (or whatever the name was) that CCM put out a few years back? Why have they suddenly fallen so far as to not make them important enough to buy now?

Posted by rob 3.0 on 06-28-2003 at00:21:


I'm from Southern IL, near St. Louis, MO. MN is quite a bit of a drive for me, but man I would love to see Mike and Terry at a BBQ. I was really bummed when they cancelled their St. Louis concert in May.

I love Scrubs, its a show that can make you hit the floor laughing out loud one minute and make you all choked up the next. I don't think I saw the Christmas episode. I will have to try and download it. (Kazaa has a bunch of episodes.)

Posted by HEMISPHERICALHEADS on 06-28-2003 at00:31:


Originally posted by BD
Originally posted by HEMISPHERICALHEADS
Originally posted by brd2yrmother
keep in mind that the Beatles sold a lot of records.

There are plenty of Highly influential artist's who did not sell alot of records. "It takes time for great wine." I know what you were getting at though....

HEMI, have you heard "The Wacky Fan Letter"?

that's where the beatles line comes from...also all the dallas references. the wacky fan was from dallas.

"Horrendous Disc, A.
Please get this one out on CD as quick as possible and let me know about it. My record has a scratch. You sound like The Beatles, but keep in mind that The Beatles sold lots of records." Big Grin


Thanks for telling me that..I feel like an idiot...I'm new here..Give me a break..? Red Face

Posted by BD on 06-28-2003 at00:38:


Don't feel bad.

I think you can still hear it at MP3.com...

it's funny stuff. Big Grin

the entire letter is posted in the songs section of the message board too.

it's a must read for any DA fan! Tongue


Posted by Woggy on 06-28-2003 at00:38:


Originally posted by rob 3.0
I love Scrubs, its a show that can make you hit the floor laughing out loud one minute and make you all choked up the next. I don't think I saw the Christmas episode. I will have to try and download it. (Kazaa has a bunch of episodes.)

It's Episode 11, called "My Own Personal Jesus"

You can find out more about it here:


Posted by BD on 06-28-2003 at00:39:


oop's I lied...

it's not on MP3.com anymore Frown

Posted by Woggy on 06-28-2003 at00:41:


Originally posted by BD
Don't feel bad.

I think you can still hear it at MP3.com...
it's funny stuff. Big Grin

the entire letter is posted in the songs section of the message board too.
it's a must read for any DA fan! Tongue


AND< if you go to BD's website, you can order DAmbIt.......the fan album of the century.......and you can hear the whole blasted thing, presented in living color and audio by our own lovable Mark Smile Smile

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