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Posted by Carman Victim on 06-13-2002 at19:32:


Originally posted by Bubba
Originally posted by arcticsunburn
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Joey T.
While your points are all valid, keep in mind that CV is most likely a put-on and really agrees with the rest of the board... Wink


It seemed to me like you guys were just trying to avoid conflict... even if it is a put on.

Some statements just don't deserve a response....(not yours, but CV's...) Smile )

I'm sorry you feel that way, Mr. Bubba. I would never say such a thing about your posts. Why can't we all just get along in Christ?

Posted by Carman Victim on 06-13-2002 at19:34:


Originally posted by Bowling Pin
Pay no attention to these guys, CV. They're just like a bunch of 10th-graders who just wrote fake names like Frank N. Stein in study hall so they could cop themselves a library pass. They don't mean to hurt you. They just want to see how cool you are.

C'mon guys, you're the Christians, right? Be nice. Smile

Thank you for the support, Mr. Pin. Do you like Carman? I do realize that the people here are just mocking me to compensate for their low self-esteem, which is why I'm not offended by their juvinile comments.

Posted by Dr Rich on 06-13-2002 at20:05:


Originally posted by the Tuxedo Clad Megastar Victim
Originally posted by Bowling Pin
Pay no attention to these guys, CV. They're just like a bunch of 10th-graders who just wrote fake names like Frank N. Stein in study hall so they could cop themselves a library pass. They don't mean to hurt you. They just want to see how cool you are.

C'mon guys, you're the Christians, right? Be nice. Smile

Thank you for the support, Mr. Pin. Do you like Carman? I do realize that the people here are just mocking me to compensate for their low self-esteem, which is why I'm not offended by their juvinile comments.

defending the one who hurt you again?

Posted by arcticsunburn on 06-14-2002 at00:45:


This is ridiculous.

Posted by Bowling Pin on 06-14-2002 at08:44:

  Yes I do

like the Tuxedo Clad Megastar. I'm not sure why people on this board get so upset about him. Good message, good fun. Just like a lot of Terry's stuff, really. I see plenty of simularities. Steve Taylor's very similar to the Tuxedo Clad Megastar too, and I see that a lot of people here like him. I can't understand the problem. But it's good to know that someone else here doesn't have a problem when I play Mission 3:16 and Outdoor Elvis back-to-back. Oh, well. Their loss. Smile

Posted by Gamgee on 06-14-2002 at08:45:


Originally posted by Bowling Pin
like the Tuxedo Clad Megastar. I'm not sure why people on this board get so upset about him. Good message, good fun. Just like a lot of Terry's stuff, really. I see plenty of simularities. Steve Taylor's very similar to the Tuxedo Clad Megastar too, and I see that a lot of people here like him. I can't understand the problem. But it's good to know that someone else here doesn't have a problem when I play Mission 3:16 and Outdoor Elvis back-to-back. Oh, well. Their loss. Smile

Don't you dare compare c*rm*n to Terry and Steve. There is no comparison. c*rm*n is the anti-Taylor.

Posted by Beat Menace on 06-14-2002 at09:22:


Originally posted by arcticsunburn
This is ridiculous.

Posted by Bowling Pin on 06-14-2002 at10:05:

  How can you say that?

"Don't you dare compare c*rm*n to Terry and Steve. There is no comparison. c*rm*n is the anti-Taylor."

Again, they all combine a sense of humor with a godly message. It's true, Terry's work tends to be either more direct or poetic than the other two, and a lot more '60s-style, but Steve Taylor and the Tuxedo Clad Megastar both have that campy/comical/godly thing going on. They both take the message & overstate it in such a way that's it's impossible to for anyone to miss their point. At least I don't see how anyone could miss it, anyway.

Anyway, I'M blessed by both of their musics.

Posted by Joey T. on 06-14-2002 at12:46:


Originally posted by Bowling Pin
like the Tuxedo Clad Megastar. I'm not sure why people on this board get so upset about him. Good message, good fun. Just like a lot of Terry's stuff, really. I see plenty of simularities. Steve Taylor's very similar to the Tuxedo Clad Megastar too, and I see that a lot of people here like him. I can't understand the problem. But it's good to know that someone else here doesn't have a problem when I play Mission 3:16 and Outdoor Elvis back-to-back. Oh, well. Their loss. Smile

Ya, you-betcha. Pleased

Posted by Beat Menace on 06-20-2002 at13:47:


I don't really like sacred cows.

I think some of the originals are better. I've never liked parodies very much.

Call me boring.


Posted by arcticsunburn on 06-20-2002 at13:49:


Boring (you asked for it!).

Posted by Dr Rich on 06-20-2002 at18:23:


Originally posted by Beat Menace
I don't really like sacred cows.

I think some of the originals are better. I've never liked parodies very much.

Call me boring.


you already did Wink

Posted by Joey T. on 06-20-2002 at18:27:


Originally posted by Beat Menace
I don't really like sacred cows.

I think some of the originals are better. I've never liked parodies very much.

Call me boring.


You are boring and must immediately quit using the cool moniker of Beat Menace! Wink

Posted by Dr Rich on 06-20-2002 at18:31:


Originally posted by Joey T.
Originally posted by Beat Menace
I don't really like sacred cows.

I think some of the originals are better. I've never liked parodies very much.

Call me boring.


You are boring and must immediately quit using the cool moniker of Beat Menace! Wink

I used to think this guy was you!
sorry Frown

Posted by Joey T. on 06-20-2002 at18:34:


Originally posted by Dr Rich
I used to think this guy was you!
sorry Frown

No cd-rs for you.... Roll Eyes

Posted by BigDork on 06-20-2002 at18:36:


Originally posted by Dr Rich

I used to think this guy was you!
sorry Frown

yeah, don't you go by that name?


Posted by Joey T. on 06-20-2002 at18:52:


Originally posted by BigDork
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Dr Rich

I used to think this guy was you!
sorry Frown


yeah, don't you go by that name?


Exactly why I wouldn't want anybody thinking it was me who said that the originals of Sacred Cows are better than the Eddies versions.... Pleased

Posted by Gamgee on 06-20-2002 at18:59:


Originally posted by Beat Menace
I don't really like sacred cows.

I think some of the originals are better. I've never liked parodies very much.

Call me boring.


The originals are better? Even Satan, Bite the Dust? (of course, I guess the original of that actually is funnier- just because it's so serious)

Posted by Beat Menace on 06-20-2002 at21:49:


Originally posted by Joey T.

You are boring and must immediately quit using the cool moniker of Beat Menace! Wink

No one else had it. So I picked it.

Sorry if my taste in music is not the same as yours.


Posted by Lost Canine on 06-20-2002 at21:58:


Originally posted by Beat Menace
Originally posted by Joey T.

You are boring and must immediately quit using the cool moniker of Beat Menace! Wink

No one else had it. So I picked it.

Sorry if my taste in music is not the same as yours.


We all have different tastes in music. It's cool. We just like to "rib" each other around here. It's nothing to take seriously (unless it's ole Vert on my case, then I'll kick his ass).

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