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Posted by Commander Cote on 05-31-2003 at20:22:


I think complaining is a crime........

Posted by .backs. on 05-31-2003 at20:38:


Without news, what can we do but take another trip down...

Posted by .backs. on 05-31-2003 at20:40:


hope you are having a great time, commander.

Posted by Commander Cote on 05-31-2003 at21:31:


Well we're winding down, Dr. Rich is the only one left
and we're just filtering through the last of the videos. A slendid time was had by all. We were honered by two phone calls from Mr. Chandler who was more than gracious to chat with us all, THANK YOU MR.CHANDLER! We hope to have a photo or two posted soon. Dr. Tony Shore shared some great DA memories from his days at Frontline. Mr. Randy Carey from the old Progressive Pacer days shared some old concert posters of DA, one from the Old State Theatre, and Edina Community Center. Woggy, thank you for making the long journey from Duluth it was great to finally meet you. JiMiNy, you have a wonderful sister!
Dale, it was a pleasure to finally meet you! Jollyholiday,
it was good to see you after all these years! Mr. Sjoberg,
you are truely a wonderful friend, thanks for all the great memories. And finally Dennis, it was, and is, and always will be a pleasure to have you in the cul............. I mean Fellowship. All in all I guess anytime you can spend all day with a bunch of DA fans.... well, words cannot describe it. Love Ya All!!!!!!!!

Posted by jollyholiday on 05-31-2003 at21:49:

  Thanks Commander


Thanks to you and your wife Pam for hosting a very enjoyable gathering. It was a lot of fun to meet the people from the DAMB in person. Tony Shore brought some very interesting historical DA / Terry Taylor / Lost Dogs artifacts including photos, letters, original pieces of art that were used for album covers (Avocado Faultline)and original 4 color negatives for artwork from Doppleganger. We also heard an interesting story about the photo shoot for the cover of Fearful Symmetry. Apparently, the man in the photo is not a naked man doing sit-ups, rather a photographer attempting to race out of his own picture. We saw some great concert footage and had a good time visiting as well. The Commander also was very gracious with special gifts for those who attended, which are very much appreciated. Commander, cheers to you for a great time.



Posted by Woggy on 05-31-2003 at23:03:

  A great day

What a day Smile Even though I got just a LITTLE lost on the way into Stillwater, a quick call to the Commander put me on the right track.........and arriving at the home of Joe & Pam was like meeting old friends. Thanks for your gracious hospitality, for making all of us feel so comfortable, and for the excellent conversation and tunage!

It was fun to meet Dennis, DaLe, and JollyHoliday (who we didn't realize WAS our jolly friend until about 3 hours into the day! Both Dennis and I met "Matt", not knowing he was an infamous DAmb poster!) Also, Randy, Dave & Tony added to the party with interesting facts, pictures, and stories about Terry and the gang.......

THANKS TIM for the phone calls............you made us feel like part of the groupies Smile

THANKS, Commander, for the great gifts, and for letting us invade your home.

THANKS, DAmb friends, for just being you. It was great to sit and chat with you - always so nice to put a real person behind the names I see here every day.

Oh, and Patti???????? You missed out, girl. Next time, for sure, huh?

LET'S DO THIS AGAIN.......................in Duluth??

Posted by jollyholiday on 05-31-2003 at23:09:

  great meeting you


Wished we would have had more time to talk about the message board itself today. It would have made for some interesting discussion. Maybe next time. Take care and thanks for making the trip from Duluth, it was truly a pleasure to meet you.


Posted by dorfsmith on 05-31-2003 at23:53:


So it was a naked photographer trying to get out of the pictureShocked Sounds like you all had fun. I wish I could have been there.

Posted by BD on 06-01-2003 at00:01:


There was a naked photographer at the DAmb party? Why didn't anyone tell me about this? The Commander knows how to throw a party!! Big Grin

Posted by dorfsmith on 06-01-2003 at00:04:


Big Grin

Posted by servantsteve on 06-01-2003 at00:42:


What kind of tunage was at the par-tay? Audio Adrenaline, the Tuxedo Clad Megastar or Petra? Inquiring minds want to know.

Posted by anne on 06-01-2003 at07:00:


sounds like you guys had a blast
we want to see pictures!!

Posted by Commander Cote on 06-01-2003 at07:02:


One more thing (and probably not the last) I forgot to thank BD for calling too, and for sending along some videos. It really added to the day. Before I went to bed last night this poem started to come to my head......

Remember When

Remember when we all got
Watched some videos
and started to jam
We realized this was no ordinary
This was The Fellowship of the DAmb

Woggy made the trek
all the way from Duluth
This was about as rare as
a lion with a lamb
Well, when scales fell of our eyes
and we remembered
It's The Fellowship of the DAmb

"Remember when" is now
something we'll have
Part of our memories like
Green Eggs & Ham
And we would meet here
And we would meet there
For this is The Fellowship of the DAmb

Alternat ending....
"Remember when" is now
something we'll have
Part of our memories like
Green Eggs & Ham
And we would meet here
And we would meet there
For we have just had Kool-aid
And will do what Commander says

Posted by Woggy on 06-01-2003 at09:14:


I think everyone would do what the Commander says!!!

I just keep wondering why your lovely wife kept pushing the Kool-Aid?????

the cult rules Smile

GO TO CHURCH...............

gotta go myself...........will check in with you guys later

Posted by Woggy on 06-01-2003 at12:36:


Hey, I didn't see any of you bums in church today........

We had a great message from Hebrews 11 - the story of Abraham's faith. I guess I never really realized that Abraham was ABLE to take Isaac out to his possible death because he KNEW that God was going to fulfill His promise - that his descendents would rise up from Isaac.........and He knew that, even if he did what God had told him to do (to kill his son), God would rise him up from the dead, if that's the way it had to be. God would not lie to Abraham, as He doesn't lie to us.

My church is going through some dark times - we've been trying to build a new church for about 2 years now, and we've run into major obstacles all along the way. The latest is that we just can't build on the land we purchased........the cost to prepare the site is more than we had even planned for the building itself! So, we did a cool thing - we released the dream. We all had a helium balloon, and we took them outside, and let them go........we're standing on the promise that God has led us to where we are today, and He will not fail us.........sometimes, you have to release the dream in order to allow God to do HIS work.

It was a cool visual image of letting go, and letting God.


Posted by Dr Rich on 06-01-2003 at15:24:


Originally posted by Commander Cote
Well we're winding down, Dr. Rich is the only one left
and we're just filtering through the last of the videos. A slendid time was had by all. We were honered by two phone calls from Mr. Chandler who was more than gracious to chat with us all, THANK YOU MR.CHANDLER! We hope to have a photo or two posted soon. Dr. Tony Shore shared some great DA memories from his days at Frontline. Mr. Randy Carey from the old Progressive Pacer days shared some old concert posters of DA, one from the Old State Theatre, and Edina Community Center. Woggy, thank you for making the long journey from Duluth it was great to finally meet you. JiMiNy, you have a wonderful sister!
Dale, it was a pleasure to finally meet you! Jollyholiday,
it was good to see you after all these years! Mr. Sjoberg,
you are truely a wonderful friend, thanks for all the great memories. And finally Dennis, it was, and is, and always will be a pleasure to have you in the cul............. I mean Fellowship. All in all I guess anytime you can spend all day with a bunch of DA fans.... well, words cannot describe it. Love Ya All!!!!!!!!

Yesterday was a blst... I can't wait until the next one! Smile

I wish I could have thought of more stuff to ask Tim about when he called... I am glad we all didn't chock when he was on the line...

It was so much fun to listen to Dr Shore and look at the all goodies from his stash he brought over to let us all drool over.

It was a great time... I think I am getting a little weepy now.. Smile

Posted by Dr Rich on 06-01-2003 at15:26:


Originally posted by Commander Cote
One more thing (and probably not the last) I forgot to thank BD for calling too, and for sending along some videos. It really added to the day. Before I went to bed last night this poem started to come to my head......

Remember When

Remember when we all got
Watched some videos
and started to jam
We realized this was no ordinary
This was The Fellowship of the DAmb

Woggy made the trek
all the way from Duluth
This was about as rare as
a lion with a lamb
Well, when scales fell of our eyes
and we remembered
It's The Fellowship of the DAmb

"Remember when" is now
something we'll have
Part of our memories like
Green Eggs & Ham
And we would meet here
And we would meet there
For this is The Fellowship of the DAmb

Alternat ending....
"Remember when" is now
something we'll have
Part of our memories like
Green Eggs & Ham
And we would meet here
And we would meet there
For we have just had Kool-aid
And will do what Commander says

It's kinda like the 60's... if you can remember, then you were not really there! Tongue

Posted by Dr Rich on 06-01-2003 at15:28:


I still can't believe you were there for what? three four hours before we knew that YOU were the Jolly Holiday man.
Too funny.

It was great to meet you! Cool

Posted by Commander Cote on 06-01-2003 at15:39:


Good afternnon all you Fellow DAmbers, Good News photos from the party have been sent to most everyone who was here. I did send them to BD, and hopefully he'll post some soon. Me, being the Commander shouldn't have to deal with such trivial things. Afterall
I just spent an entire day with teh Fellowship which can really wear an old man like me out.

Posted by Dr Rich on 06-01-2003 at15:47:


Originally posted by Commander Cote
I just spent an entire day with teh Fellowship which can really wear an old man like me out.

I don't know about you, but I was TIRED this morning when I got up... feeling a bit rough in my old years... sure I was the youngest one there, but that's not the point! What is the point?? Hell, I don't know! Pleased

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