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Posted by audiori on 05-21-2004 at13:51:



Even with all the space....we are running out while editing the

Is there anything else anyone would request for the DVD
besides "Nowhere is Someplace" (which we figure on using)?
What would you like to see?

We are kinda limited by what was filmed but...

Posted by DaLe on 05-21-2004 at15:51:


Originally posted by audiori
Even with all the space....we are running out while editing the
Is there anything else anyone would request for the DVD
besides "Nowhere is Someplace" (which we figure on using)?
What would you like to see?We are kinda limited by what was filmed but...

not sure this is possible, but I will ask...

here is what I understand,
you will probably include "Nowhere is Someplace" on the DVD in some form?

will it / is it / should it be possible to include data files on a dvd disc ?

for example:
include an .mp3 file of "Nowhere is Someplace" that one could copy to your hard drive & add to MBD disc2 ( I have already done this )

another example:
assuming their are alt. takes of songs or demo takes of songs from MBD
could you also include a a .mp3 of "demos & alt. takes" that one could copy to your hard drive & burn to a cd?

or just include a bonus "demos & alt. takes" cd with the DVD ?

or make any "demos & alt. takes" .mp3's available for download for anyone who purchases the DVD?

Posted by zippetydoodaddy on 05-21-2004 at15:57:


How about an extended looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong fade out on And So It Goes.

I can listen to that chord progression all day.

Posted by wes berlin on 05-21-2004 at15:58:


Originally posted by audiori

Even with all the space....we are running out while editing the

Is there anything else anyone would request for the DVD
besides "Nowhere is Someplace" (which we figure on using)?
What would you like to see?

We are kinda limited by what was filmed but...


get that "group" that won the first auction to cough up the tapes and include those. Smile

Posted by audiori on 05-21-2004 at16:02:


Possibly. Not sure we can add files into the DVD the way
we have to do it. We can try it. The program is kinda
controlistic (if thats a word) it sort of automates the
generation of the DVD master. And it creates the vob files.

There were demos and stuff from the album, Terry's tape
was bought by some fans Smile through ebay a while back.
And if we were to use any of the songs that they bought
on tape it would be very little.

We are going to try and use as much space as possible,
there is about 6 hours of studio footage and about 30
minutes of related footage to use. Not all of that is 'usable'
unless someone really wants to see the floor for 10 minutes
or something along those lines. Smile

But a lot of it is good, there are some funny things and
we are trying to get as much footage of the working through
songs as possible and still make it interesting and make sense.

The And So It Goes....extenda-version....don't know, we will look
into it.

Posted by wes berlin on 05-21-2004 at16:06:


Originally posted by audiori
Not all of that is 'usable'
unless someone really wants to see the floor for 10 minutes
or something along those lines. Smile

now that is funny!

i can hear it now. "uh, is the video of the floor by terry's foot? can we see his shoe?"

making me laugh! Big Grin

Posted by audiori on 05-21-2004 at16:22:


Well, you now how it is... we watch "Let It Be" and
some parts are boring with a capiol B. Other parts are
really cool, but the reality is some of it is work and you can
see it on the faces of people who are working on something
for hours and hours.

You don't want this thing to be like a video of us making the
Video of them making the album... that would be pretty lame
to watch. You don't want a 15 minutes shot of someone
moving sliders on a mixing board with headphones on.

Really what we are trying to do is get a section showing the
rehearsals at Ed's, a Green Room section showing them
recording parts, and a section that leads to the Legends Tour.
Interlaced with interviews, skits, and other special oddities.

Truthfully concerning the demos and stuff some of the parts
of this video has audio where they are recording songs and you
hear them in various levels of completion. Or you might see
Tim, Greg or Ed just recording their instrument for a section
of a song... part of whats intresting is the interaction between the
band members and also the reaction they have to their own songs.

Posted by wes berlin on 05-21-2004 at16:27:


you bet i know how it is. that's why i was laughing!

and the funniest part is that i would buy the making of and the unedited version. Shocked

Posted by Eis on 05-22-2004 at14:41:

  Legends Tour

will there be concert footage on the DVD?

Posted by Mark on 06-30-2004 at09:35:



Is there any new news to report on this DVD?

Posted by jiminy on 06-30-2004 at10:32:

  RE: Legends Tour

Originally posted by Eis
will there be concert footage on the DVD?

legends tour
legends tour
legends tou...


they cancelled MPLS - I took a picture of my four tickets
then cried like a baby........

Posted by JR88 on 06-30-2004 at10:50:

Thumb Up! RE: Legends Tour

Originally posted by jiminy
Originally posted by Eis
will there be concert footage on the DVD?

legends tour
legends tour
legends tou...


they cancelled MPLS - I took a picture of my four tickets
then cried like a baby........

here ya go jman Cool

Posted by jiminy on 06-30-2004 at10:52:


who but you.........


anyone mentions the Legends Tour- i go RIGHT OFF THE EDGE!!!!
forwarned is forearmed!

Posted by Woggy on 06-30-2004 at22:45:


Don't go off the edge, bro........

I remember us talking about that - and I'da gone WITH ya.......

But hey, we have something to look forward to...this fall....


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