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Posted by Captain Pedantic on 06-15-2003 at18:51:


Originally posted by .backs.
Originally posted by Scrimshaw Nick
I think they're upset because I keep playing "Sprinklerhead" on my bassoon as my mantra ... That, couples with my endless supply of that Chili Onion Supreme from wally's Wiener World ... They claim that they can't even go to their mailboxes any more ... whatever that means ...

i can't imagine...

I can.... and it scares me.....

<scared wimper>
</scared wimper>

Posted by Scrimshaw Nick on 06-15-2003 at20:15:


Big Grin

Posted by dorfsmith on 06-15-2003 at22:39:


These CD's are already all over ebay. Well, at least I got to see what the artwork looked like Big Grin

Posted by Author of the Post on 06-16-2003 at08:27:


I didn't get mine yet and mine should be number #1 (because my Hodge Podge was numbered #1.) I hope the Audoris got my address change, I e-mailed it to them twice but never got a response. I'd hate for this one to get lost in the mail especially since I could drive to where they mail them from in less than an hour!

...hoping the mail brings me a treat...

-- aotp

Posted by jamespop on 06-16-2003 at10:06:


Originally posted by Captain Pedantic
It's already on ebay!!!!

Prickly Heat

And didja notice that the seller just happens to reside in DALLAS, TX????!!!

Things that make you go, "hmmmmm..."

Only 3 more hours until the Monday mail comes (oh please be here today, please, please, please make it a belated happy Fathers Day!!!)

Posted by DaLe on 06-16-2003 at11:23:

  on second thought

Originally posted by DaLe uReViG
Originally posted by BD
Originally posted by DaLe uReViG
Originally posted by jollyholiday
Also, will those of us NOT going to Cornerstone be able to buy any surprises that may appear at the festival.

sure, just give me a few $20's I will see what I can do Big Grin

I'd be up for that! Big Grin

well, I do Know both BD & Jolly have PayPal accounts so you can just make a little "deposit" into my account Roll Eyes
I will just buy 3 of everything... Big Grin

Originally posted by BD
Originally posted by jollyholiday
nothing here as of Saturday.......continuing to wait at the mail box......neighbors getting worried......

My neighbors are always worried and it has nothing to do with me waiting by the mail box. Tongue

I am not sure I want to contribute in anyway,

to this kind of behavior Tongue

Posted by Space Ghost on 06-16-2003 at19:08:


I'm just a hop, skip, & a jump down the road from the Audiori's, but have yet to receive my Prickly Heat.Frown Oh well, maybe tomorrow...


Posted by jollyholiday on 06-16-2003 at21:03:


only bills in the box today...maybe tomorrow. Has anyone from the board gotten theirs and listened to anything? Let's hear some commentary if you're one of the lucky ones.


Posted by joey on 06-16-2003 at23:40:


Originally posted by jollyholiday
only bills in the box today...maybe tomorrow. Has anyone from the board gotten theirs and listened to anything? Let's hear some commentary if you're one of the lucky ones.


no!!! i don't want to hear a damb thing until i've heard it myself thank you..... Red Face

and i still haven't got it....... Crying

Posted by dorfsmith on 06-16-2003 at23:48:


I don't have it either. Grrrrrrr.

Posted by jamespop on 06-17-2003 at10:31:

  Tuesday's mail just came and.....

no Prickly Heat.Crying

Oh, well, I did get the last part of my Amazon order - Tonio K's _Romeo Unchained_. I guess it will have to tide me over until the Right Reverend get's here.

Posted by .backs. on 06-17-2003 at15:08:


Unchained is in my personal top 10.

Posted by Dr Rich on 06-17-2003 at15:21:


Unchained is maybe Cash's best CD ever as a whole album, true he has better songs that are not on that one, but as whole Unchained is tops! Cool

Posted by Dr Rich on 06-17-2003 at15:24:


I got Hodge Podge pretty early on, so I am hoping this will be the case again! Pleased

I hope!

Posted by Captain Pedantic on 06-17-2003 at16:07:


Once upon a time it used to be that for some reason I got orders before everyone else.

US Postal got them to NZ before it got them to people just across the city from the Audioris.


I'm looking forward to the new international system being up and running. On the DADL they told me they had it all set up and raring to go.

Until then....

(dock of the bay)
I'll be sitting by an empty mail box
Biding my time and darning socks

Posted by Space Ghost on 06-17-2003 at17:45:


Originally posted by Space Ghost
I'm just a hop, skip, & a jump down the road from the Audiori's, but have yet to receive my Prickly Heat.Frown Oh well, maybe tomorrow...


And tomorrow is now today...and still no PH. Confused



Posted by dorfsmith on 06-17-2003 at18:51:


Originally posted by Captain Pedantic
Once upon a time it used to be that for some reason I got orders before everyone else.

US Postal got them to NZ before it got them to people just across the city from the Audioris.


I'm looking forward to the new international system being up and running. On the DADL they told me they had it all set up and raring to go.

Until then....

(dock of the bay)
I'll be sitting by an empty mail box
Biding my time and darning socks

As a kid I recorded my music under the name "The darned socks" . Have not thought about that in years. I'll have to dig out those cassettes.

Posted by Dr Rich on 06-17-2003 at19:24:


yeah, that sounds cool! Cool

Posted by Mark on 06-17-2003 at19:52:


I received mine in the mail yesterday and listened to it in the car today. It's a cross between Miracle Faith Telethon and Spittle & Phlegm.

Posted by Dr Rich on 06-17-2003 at19:53:


Originally posted by Mark
I received mine in the mail yesterday and listened to it in the car today. It's a cross between Miracle Faith Telethon and Spittle & Phlegm.

I wouldn't expect anything less! Cool

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