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Posted by Berger Roy Al on 08-09-2004 at09:34:


How 'd you know about that?!!

Posted by carl on 08-09-2004 at09:49:

I thought it was a trade secret among ALL bass players.

Posted by Mountain Fan on 08-09-2004 at11:26:


Originally posted by carl
I thought it was a trade secret among ALL bass players.

You can tune a piano, but you can't tuna bass fish!

Posted by audiori on 08-09-2004 at15:05:


Here is something for you and Brian Duncan Doughnut...

"Women Who Wear Camouflage, and The Men Who Love Them"

Posted by Captain Pedantic on 08-09-2004 at19:05:


Originally posted by audiori
Here is something for you and Brian Duncan Doughnut...

"Women Who Wear Camouflage, and The Men Who Love Them"

Nice smile - I wonder how she found DA?

Posted by Lur King on 01-25-2006 at14:57:

Question RE: back on track

Originally posted by jollyholiday
Originally posted by dorfsmith
You know, this is the coolest thread ever! Pleased

This was a pretty cool thread. Let's hear some more "How did you find DA?" stories!


Posted by joey on 01-25-2006 at15:10:

Cool RE: How did you find DA?

one of the best posts of all time... Big Grin

Originally posted by Berger Roy Al

Posted by peawinkel on 01-25-2006 at15:15:


That was a half lifetime ago so I don't exactly remember. I think I saw their stuff in a local Christian bookstore. I remember around '80 or '81 hearing some cuts from Horrendous Disc on Bread'N'Jam, an hour-long weekend Christian rock show on WDJC. Other memories of that show include cuts from Ph'lip Side (Keaggy), Seeds Of Change (Livgren), Stella, This Ain't Hollywood (D&K), Colours (Rez), & Warrior (Arkangel).

Posted by Dr Rich on 01-26-2006 at08:08:

  RE: How did you find DA?

Turn left at Greenland! Tongue

Posted by DaLe on 01-26-2006 at09:14:


Classic Big Grin ^ stop by MoRe often dennis... Cool

v - wayneb, great post, that's why I brought this thread back to life I enjoy reading these type of posts... Smile )

Posted by wayneb on 01-26-2006 at09:20:


I was sure I put in a flippant comment somewhere in this thread, but can't see it.....so.....

I was 20 in 1977. Hah! When SA came out, there was a lot of talk in NZ of "how amazing the stereo sound was". That turned me right off! I thought that if they had to use that as a selling point, then the music must have been pretty useless.

However, after discovering the 77's (Ping Pong) and a few other bands, I started to collect other stuff in earnest. Alarma came first! In 1985 I found a copy of HD and also the first album.
I had a cassette copy of DFBB in my car, that almost everyone who heard it really liked!
But, I delayed the change to CD's because I had a really expensive turntable. I missed out on Fearful Symmetry because of that, as few (less than half a dozen!) LP copies came to NZ. I did buy DFBB on CD though, as my cassette was wearing out.
Years later I paid $90 US at Radrockers for a mint copy of FS......oh to be single again!
As soon as I realised who the Eddies were, and also the Dogs, I bought them up quick...they didn't bring many copies into NZ of anything I liked.
We did get some cool stuff like in NZ like Shirley....and No Sense...., which I snapped up. Then I discovered The Choir.
I have followed the 77's right through their career though.

I have tried to get all the stuff I own on LP álso on CD, with reasonable success.

However, marriage, moving and monetary considerations have slowed me down. (as far as spending goes anyway)

I've been in a few bands over the years, and managed to work a few TST songs into the songlists - Bullet Train goes down well!

Posted by jiminy on 01-26-2006 at10:47:


that sounds like watercolor memory fer sure!
20 in 77???

I turned Legal in all 50 states that year...(21)

I first heard SA in 80 (had the LP) ..but heard HD out of the gate- they had the LP at the local library. I read in CCM the "delay of all time"..so jumped on it . I loved the sound- it was really not that far from Side 2 of SA .

I was into taping things to cassette ..still got the HD cassette...
I lapsed in the early 90s- but jumped back in with SOTH..and been steady as an Eddie since.

Long live the Band that Wont go away!

Posted by Stuart Pedasso on 01-26-2006 at11:55:


I think it was 1973 or 1974 when I first heard David Anus. The song that hooked me was "The Toot of the Flute". It had the airy feel of Jethro Tull combined with the jangly elements of "Peace Train". I was hooked. I remember seeing them at the infamous Blue Flame Club in Vancouver. I was underage, but really tall for my age and I was able to sneak in and watched their performance from the side of the stage. Their drummer Ed McBastard, had hair Larry Norman would envy, and after the show he would actually put it up in a bee-hive. Freaking cool. Of course the real meat of the band was Terry Tailor. He had a way with a phrase that was uncanny. His song about "Soup for the Lord" was something I'll never forget.

Soup for the Lord
I drove here in my Ford
I watched a little TV
Until we all got bored
I went into the kitchen
The cupboard they was frenchin
The labels on the cans
Were in someone's trash can
We took a chance and prayed perchance
For soup, soup for the Lord

The solo by Jerry inspired kids all over the Pacific Northwest and parts of British Columbia to proclaim that Jerry was Clapton.

Of course, like most of us, it was the release of Hemorrhoidous Disc that secured their place in rock history, followed closely by Alarming.

Anyway, that's how I came to be a DA fan.

Posted by joey on 01-26-2006 at12:45:

Thumb Up!

^ Tongue

Posted by servantsteve on 01-26-2006 at19:01:


I found it in my father's underwear drawer under some butterfly boxers.

Posted by DwDunphy on 01-26-2006 at21:33:

  I've told this one a thousand times

I was younger then, but then again, weren't we all?

My sister and I went to the local CBS, back when these places were uniformed by old couples not unlike the 'Akendorfs'. We were both big rock-heads and record collectors. She put away the Billy Squire and Pat Benatar and picked up Sheila Walsh and Petra. I gravitated along with her, but neither of those selections really spoke to my inherent... shall we say, weirdness?

But on that day, when she was looking for a copy of "More Power To Ya", I saw "Doppelganger" buried waaa-aaay in the back of the rack. That mysterious mannequin on the front, the monochromatic art design, the odd sense that this disc didn't really belong here... I was roped in. I bought it without knowing what it was going to sound like.

The first listen was kind of scary. I hadn't a clue what was going on. The backup vocals had all kinds of creepy edge on them, "Hollow Man" was an art project gone mad... But "Here I Am, There You Are" hooked me, forced me to listen to the whole thing again. It wasn't long before I proverbially 'got it'.

The thing is this: the album didn't ape anything I knew from the mainstream and it didn't run in the same stream all the other CCM artists swam. It was a completely different animal, unique to itself and that's what attracted me most. No faux cover bands. No church choirs moonlighting through wish fulfillment. DA was the real thing, making music, taking it seriously (even when it was funny)...

And here I am today, still hanging around.

Posted by samson on 01-27-2006 at01:51:

  How did i find DA?

started listing to DA in 76 skeptic's song was and still is a grate ( who is ready to wave goodbye) abidin ( love to here the guys do them live) a frend lent me a tape of DA first album then came shotgun angel this was my frist Christian album then found randy stonehill and larry norman.... from me to DA ( then and now) thanks much.. GOD be with you all ways... you may have not started the fire but you where the kindling.....

Posted by Mountain Fan on 01-27-2006 at10:49:


Some Lost Dogs pointed the way to DA fer me ...

Posted by Chesterdox on 01-27-2006 at12:25:


who's this Daniel Amos you speak of?

Posted by Woggy on 01-27-2006 at14:46:


NEVER heard of 'em, Chester.

I think someone made 'em up.......................

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