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Showing posts 1 to 8 of 8 results
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Thread: West Coast Lost Dogs Christmas Tour!
Tea M

Replies: 20
Views: 41,482
Cool! 10-29-2007 22:32 Forum: General Discussion

12/9 (Sun)
THE HIGH WAY COMMUNITY - Palo Alto High School
50 Embarcadero Rd, Palo Alto, CA
No cost
The Lost Dogs will perform during the 9:30 am service, plus a one-hour set following the service. More info: kevin@highway.org

I may hafta attend this one-
Thread: Portland, Oregon area fans?
Tea M

Replies: 7
Views: 17,544
08-22-2007 16:44 Forum: General Discussion

Clackamas? That's out near Happy Valley, yes? On the Damascus road!

I'll give you a heads up the next time I pass through on my way to Whidbey Island.
Thread: Portland, Oregon area fans?
Tea M

Replies: 7
Views: 17,544
08-17-2007 17:55 Forum: General Discussion

Hey I was just through Portland recently! My son used to live in Portland until he moved to San Francisco. Ever meet a guy named Jesse Fletcher? He lit the Christmas Tree lights for Portland every year!
Thread: Best Scream
Tea M

Replies: 39
Views: 62,818
08-16-2007 11:05 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by jiminy
cmon kids

wont get fooled again!

Mm, let's face it Jiminy, that was more of a yell than a scream. Maybe even the original rebel yell?

Nobody shredded their tonsiles like Sir Paul did on Can't Buy Me Love, just 'efore th' solo-
Thread: Ultimate Darn Floor Update?
Tea M

Replies: 7
Views: 24,787
08-14-2007 17:28 Forum: General Discussion

This is the first DA album I got into. I found out about Terry's music in '92 when I worked for a "Christian" bookstore in Mountain View, CA. For some reason we couldn't get CDs of Kalhoun so I worked my way back from Darn Floor. Vox Humana was stand out but it was the Eddies that hooked me.

Sounds like the Rutles, "-I think it was the trousers..."
Thread: It's All About YOU....
Tea M

Replies: 195
Views: 957,967
fiendish thingies 08-10-2007 13:17 Forum: General Discussion

Name: Tom McSweeney

Birthday: 3755

Birthplace: San Francisco

Current Location: Petaluma

Current Occupation:
Building Inspection division of the PRMD for the County of Sonoma

Dream Occupation:
"everybody wants to rule the world" (a Pixar employee)

Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blonde as a kid-brown as an adult-vacant as an old(er)
Height: 5'11"

Right Handed or Left Handed: Right
Your Heritage: Spanish (from Spain) Mom's side/Irish on Dad's
Your Biggest Weakness:
so open minded my brains fall out (matches my hair)

Your Fears: HORNETS!! I HATE 'EM!!
The Perfect Pizza: Tony and Alba's

Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year:
it may not happen this year but I'm working toward calmed nerves....

Your Most Overused Phrase or word: "good point" or "brilliant!"
Morning person or Night Owl: Night owl
Your Best Physical Feature:
worst physical feature: my hairline (ever diminishing)
Your Most Missed Memory:
My grandmother (she sorta raised me before 4 years old)
Pepsi or Coke: Coke
Favorite Fast Food: In & Out burger!!
Can You Cook: yup, and I'm gettin' better at it
Chocolate or Vanilla:
Chocolate (but definitely honorable mention for Vanilla)
Cappuccino or Coffee: cuppa joe

Three Stooges, Abbot and Costello or the Marx Brothers:
Marx Bros 1st, then Laurel & Hardy, then Stooges (because of the comradery, despite the cartoon violence), then maybe Abbott & Costello (-your right, the baseball bit was hilarious)

Number of hours that you normally watch TV in a single day:
I usually succeed in my efforts to avoid TV programming, but DVDs are another story

Favorite type of movie (Drama/comedy/action/documentary/etc):
LotR, The Matrix, Star Wars (inspite of Lucas' self destructive tendencies), Erroll Flynn's Adventures of Robin Hood, Casablanca, anything Python, just about anything Christopher Guest, Blues Brothers, Hard Day's Night/Help!, Master and Commander...

Letterman or Leno: Letterman
Do you Smoke: never cigarettes, used to the other (not since '92)
Do you Sing: Gotta sing...
Do you Dance: ...gotta dance!
Most unusual talent: Don't know if it qualifies as a "talent" but I pay attention when people talk to me (active listener?)
You like to regularly challenge yourself by: getting up in the morning
Do you get Motion Sickness: nope
Are you a Health Freak: mineral ascorbate freak
Do/did you get along with your Parents:
-NOT! but we worked all that out
Do you like Thunderstorms: Love 'em
Do you play an Instrument: Stethoscope
Have you ever Stolen Anything: like crazy (until I developed "character")
Have You Ever been Beaten up: Nope, I can talk my way outta anything-
What do you want to be when you Grow Up:
don't know, don't wanna grow up
What country would you most like to Visit: Papua New Guinea
Number of CDs I own: too many
Number of Piercings: I had my appendix removed
Number of Tattoos: age spots
Number of Message Board Alliases: too numerous to recount
The Greatest Rock Band in History Is: The Beatles (honorable mention for TT's various incarnations)
The Album I Wore Out Growing Up Was: Sgt. Pepper (my favorite DA album is Motorcycle)

Sheesh! just call me swirling edits-
Thread: Swirling Eddies - the midget, the speck and the molecule
Tea M

Replies: 338
Views: 882,377
seems to me... 08-09-2007 17:17 Forum: CD & DVD Reviews

(-no, not the James gang tune!)

around the time Terry was producing Mortal we used to get a lot more Hidden Bonus tracks. I kinda miss 'em.
Thread: Swirling Eddies - the midget, the speck and the molecule
Tea M

Replies: 338
Views: 882,377
08-09-2007 13:02 Forum: CD & DVD Reviews

Originally posted by dennis
It's very good. Kind of weird and trippy with a few rockers thrown in.
Kind of reminds me of Zoom Daddy.

Best thing Terry has done since MBD.

Go buy a copy. Now.


I agree, very Zoom Daddy, which I suppose was another step in the evolution (micro not macro) of their sound.

But my opinion at this point is pretty subjective as I'm jonesing for anything Terry. Cool Take a few years off and you'll see what I mean. I do that with the Beatles or The Stones or "Who"-ever from time to time and then upon returning you get that ol' enthusiasm back and you hear things that you didn't catch before, kinda like whatchin a movie again for the umteenth time Big Grin
Showing posts 1 to 8 of 8 results

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