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Thread: Rapsures

Replies: 14
Views: 97,728
Rapsures 09-06-2008 14:17 Forum: Upcoming Releases

So will the Rapsures albums ever be released on CD,either individually or as a compilation.

Thread: Returning Oddities

Replies: 146
Views: 579,875
09-06-2008 13:59 Forum: Upcoming Releases

I love the Telethon.

I remember listening to the whole CD as a group of 4 of us drove up to a mens retreat on the Kern river,well actually on the land beside the Kern river.

The 4 of us had grown up in church together and gone thru High School together but we were as different as different could be.

I of course was the only DA fan and they thought I was nuts when we started playing the Telethon but by the time we got to the song Sprinklerhead they were laughing their heads off.

Hide the Beer the Pastors here was especially poignant as the other 3 all had gone to are were going to Biola.

Thread: Secret Scripts & 3D Glasses

Replies: 15
Views: 31,892
05-11-2008 10:15 Forum: General Discussion

Most Churches shunned anything that didn't fit their idea of what a christian artist or band should be.

Calvary Costa Mesa accepted bands that were on the cutting edge and featured them in their Saturday Night concert outreach ministry.

I went to a private Christian High School(Melodyland)(And yes I know shocker of all shockers I'm LDS now) and my senior year I tried to get the school to let the band Undercover play sometime at a school event. Joey(Ojo) had told me they would do the show for free.

The school principle just about choked when I loaned him my albums and my write up on why the school should have the band play.

His explaination to me was he felt that that type of music was geared towards witnessing to rough crowds in rough neighborhoods.

He didn't realize that that was what he had going on at his school at the time.

Thread: What if I told you, I found a copy of...

Replies: 33
Views: 83,596
04-26-2008 17:50 Forum: General Discussion

3 Dopple's ,

I am missing in my DA(CD) collection Doppleganger and Motor Cycle and Mr. Buchners Dream.

I was surprised to find I had Bibleland in my cd folder when I went to put the CDR of Horrendous Disc in there.

Horendous Disc and Shotgun Angel are still my faves.

Has the Rapsures album ever been released on CD.

Thread: Horrendous Disc extended version

Replies: 16
Views: 60,494
04-12-2008 16:17 Forum: CD & DVD Reviews

Yeah Motorcycle is one of the few albums I don't have. So I don't know what the MC version is like.

I like the new songs but I didn't like the different song order.

So I burned my own cd for use in the car with the correct song order and the newsongs attached.

Does anyone know what the song order was on the cassette release of HD.

I had it on cassette but I lost the cassette years ago and then I went thru and thru away all my casstte covers when we moved and my wife laughed at me for holding on to something she thought was useless.

She just doesn't understand.

Also how is the recording quality of the extra songs on the 30th first album.
I found the extras on the 25th of Shotgun to be quite rough.

Thread: Horrendous Disc extended version

Replies: 16
Views: 60,494
Horrendous Disc extended version 04-09-2008 12:15 Forum: CD & DVD Reviews

On Larry's web page the extended version of HD is out and it has 6 additional songs on it. And no the two versions of Hound by Larry aren't on it.

1. Fairy Tale-written by Mark Heard? does anyone know if mark wrote this or if Terry did.

2. After All These Years-Only released on the UK album version.

3.That Girl Likes To Talk (Yak, Yak, Yak)

4.Twilight Love-Previously Unreleased, Except as a Live Version on the album "Our Personal Favorites"

5. Noelle-Different version on the album "Motor Cycle"-I'm assuming.

6. Hello Aloha

If there are more album quality tracks from the Shotgun Horrendous era still out there I would like to hear them.

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