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Thread: TST Music with Female Vocals
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TST Music with Female Vocals 07-03-2005 22:27 Forum: General Discussion

I've been listening to the new Lost Dogs' CD "Island Dreams" and the only vocals are from a woman (only on a few tracks.) I found the departure a pleasant surprise, but I was wondering if there are any other TST recordings (LD, SE, DA) that use female vocals. I was thinking it over, and I can't think of any other instances.

In either case, I love "Island Dreams." Not what I was expecting, but very well done, relaxing, mellow music!

Thread: How Did YOU Discover Terry Taylor?
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Let's Spin!! 12-16-2004 09:47 Forum: General Discussion

I had just started High School and there was a radio music show for teens that I listened to every week. On that program, they started playing "Let's Spin" and a few other tracks of that album. I fell in love with the sound.

I bought it on tape and listened to it every day. The next year, I got my first CD player and bought "Let's Spin" on CD and "Outdoor Elvis", which had just come out.

Then I read an article on the band and found out that it was some guy named Terry Scott Taylor and that he had done a lot of other music. That was back when you still find "Darn Floor, Big Bite" and "Fearful Symmetry", so I snatched those up (yes, on CD.) Every month I looked for each CD reissue, and I'm so happy that I've been able to get just about everything of Terry's (solo, Eddies, DA, and LD) on CD upon it's first issuing, then second issuing, and now with Imaginarium, I guess I'll have three copies!!

I've got well over 50 CDs with Terry's name on the credits. I guess you could say I'm a fan. Smile Uh, yeah...I am!!

-- aotp
Thread: Hello AOTP!
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RE: Atop! 06-17-2004 16:55 Forum: General Discussion

Ya know, I never did get into the 77s (gasp from the crowd--I know!) I'm more into DA, TST, Eddies, the Choir, Adam Again, and--of course--the Dogs!!

Now I'm just P.O.ed that I'm gonna miss the Lost Dogs concert for the second year in a row. Last year I was sick with the flu when they came into town, and this year I'm flying to Charlotte, NC to spend the weekend with my partner's sister's family. But we'll get to see the nephews, so it's an acceptable sacrifice!

-- aotp
Thread: Hello AOTP!
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06-11-2004 15:57 Forum: General Discussion

Thanks y'all. By the way, I really love More Negative Fruit (of course, I had to get it!!) There are some dämb good tracks on it!

So what have people been up to? Anything fun and exciting?

Also, is there anyone in the St. Louis/Alton area going to the Lost Dogs concert on July 2nd? I can't wait for the concert or for Mutt! Smile

-- aotp
Thread: Hello AOTP!
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Views: 37,597
Yes, I'm alive 06-10-2004 13:43 Forum: General Discussion

Hey there guys (and gals!)

Yes, I am alive. I totally missed this thread, all in honor of me? Wow, thanks!! It's good to feel missed.

Yes, I have been lurking on here and not posting. In all honesty, I haven't been reading too many of the threads. I check out the headlines from time to time and then read the postings on a few threads.

I have been pretty busy. It's been quite a roller coaster of a year, but life's been full of many lessons teaching me things I never thought I'd learn. In all it's been good. Smile

So how is everyone else?

Thread: New Releases... 2004
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Views: 147,543
12-23-2003 13:30 Forum: General Discussion

I really like the idea of DVDs (although I listen to CDs much more than watch DVDs.) The Lost Dogs DVD is great, and I also like the extras with the interviews.

An MBD DVD would be right up my alley--I love this album, and I'd love to know more about how it was conceived, made, and other info.

Other DVDs like the C2K concert and a retrospective DVD would be excellent. For the retrospecticve DA DVD, I recommend it be titled "Memory Lane: a Travelog."

If you are looking for a low tech, easy to produce CD, I would recommend a "books on tape"-like CD recording of Terry reading the full story for "When Everyone Wore Hats." I love this bookset and the story. I love hearing Terry read it.

How many demo recordings do you all have? If you have enough demos and rough edits of songs, I think it would be great to put out an album called "Demo." Terry's stripped down versions of songs are excellent.

Overall, I am really happy to see Terry and the boys continuing to put out more work. I know that some of us get impatient (like me) waiting for new stuff to come out, but the reality is I have more Terry, DA, LD, and SE CDs than any other group or singer. Terry Scott Taylor is truely one of the most prolific songwriters and performers of our time. I can't think of any other artist who puts out more consistently good and original work as does TST.

I'm looking forward to new projects and new releases, whether they be older things finding the light or new things. It's all good!

Thanks to those who work hard to keep the music coming.

Thread: I've confronted my double!
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Views: 41,739
12-17-2003 16:33 Forum: General Discussion

It helps to live less than an hour away from where you send the DVDs!! Smile

-- aotp
Thread: DA Alphabet
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Views: 994,213
12-17-2003 13:28 Forum: General Discussion

Like LAZarus!!

(that was TOO easy!!)

-- aotp
Thread: I've confronted my double!
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I've confronted my double! 12-17-2003 13:26 Forum: General Discussion

I got the Aneheim DVD!! Great job guys on getting it together. The intro for the concert on the DVD can be found on the Dopplegänger CD as an extra track. You can tell that it is the mid-80s by the clothes, hair, keyboards, and the video quality--but for me, it's so great to take a little trip down memory lane and see what the bad was like nearly 20 years ago.

I've seen Terry perform and the Dogs twice (including for the filming of the LD DVD in Chicago), but I've never seen Daniel Amos, my favorite group. I'm so happy to have a DVD of some old and classic footage!! Let's hope there will be more coming out some day!!

If anything, this DVD really shows that DA was ahead of the times!!

Thanks again for all who worked on this!!

-- aotp
Thread: All Day Sing & Dinner On The Ground
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Views: 55,521
12-17-2003 13:20 Forum: General Discussion

I got mine!! Listening to the All Day Sang thang now!!

-- aotp
Thread: DA Alphabet
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Views: 994,213
12-16-2003 15:21 Forum: General Discussion

Our troubles will grow strong
A nd my X -pectancies, become my fantasies
You turn my blood to sand, the earth stands still again

It's the 80s, so where's our rocket pack? Huh?

-- aotp
Thread: DA Alphabet
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12-15-2003 14:52 Forum: General Discussion

Vanity, vanity, A ll is V anity

Hollow Man (Reprise)

-- aotp
Thread: DA Anaheim DVD UPDATE
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12-15-2003 14:48 Forum: General Discussion


Muchas Thanks!!

-- aotp
Thread: All Day Sing & Dinner On The Ground
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11-25-2003 13:20 Forum: General Discussion

I ordered one of the BBQ CDs before it said out of stock. Will I still be getting one? Just wondering?

I'm so happy to see some new DA/LD stuff being made available. Woo-hoo!!

-- aotp
Thread: I GOT IT!
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Views: 122,957
07-09-2003 16:36 Forum: General Discussion

True. They did that a lot. And it would be boring to see that over and over againg. The important part is the music!

-- aotp

Originally posted by Driver8
yes the concert was much longer......but I think they edited out the guys tuning up and screwing around Big Grin
Thread: I GOT IT!
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Views: 122,957
07-09-2003 16:09 Forum: General Discussion

Wow!! They cut a lot. Each solo set had three songs (it sounds like the DVD has only one each.) Originally, they were going to do two different DVD releases: one of the solo sets, one of the Lost Dogs.

The whole concert was over 2 hours long. I'm glad that Derri doing "Wide Eyed Wonder" made it on--it was great hearing it live again and just him and the guitar. Derri also did "Logical Conclusion" (and awesome song--too bad it didn't make the cut!) Terry did a song of "Little, Big" (I can't remember which now.)

As for songs from the Lost Dogs concert I remember that didn't make the DVD, I can't remember right now. But I seem to remember there being more songs off the first three albmus than listed on the DVD.

Either way, I'm just excited to have a DVD of the Dogs and to know that I was there for the event!! Enjoy all!!

-- aotp

Originally posted by Mark
I don't remember the exact length of the concert, but I think it was about an hour and ten minutes. Then there is one solo song apiece.

Mike does The Lust...
Terry does If You Want To
Derrie does Wide Eyed Wonder

After each solo song there is probably a two minute interview with each singer.

You can't really see the crowd. I mention this for those of you who were there that hoped to be seen.

The picture quality is really good. The sound is great. Part of my wish for it being longer would be for it to have had twice as many songs with more songs from the first three albums.

For those of you who were there, were these songs on the DVD the only ones played that night, or were there other songs that got cut from the DVD due to quality or some other reason?
Thread: I GOT IT!
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07-09-2003 15:37 Forum: General Discussion

I got mine today. Haven't had a chance to see the DVD yet (I'm at work.) But I'm listening to the bonus disc. "Joel" gives me chills, the same chills I felt sitting in the front row at that very same concert.

I can't wait to check out the DVD and see if there are audience shots (are there???) If so, I might be on there!!

Smile Smile Smile

Everyone enjoy!!

-- aotp
Thread: Did all Prickly Heat send?
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Views: 261,933
06-19-2003 10:28 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by Mark
They're not numbered.

They're NOT?!?! I thought that these were supposed to be numbered. Both the Hodge Podge and the Prickly Heat.


-- aotp
Thread: Did all Prickly Heat send?
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Did all Prickly Heat send? 06-19-2003 08:49 Forum: General Discussion

Did all the Prickly Heat CDs go out? I live less than an hour from where they are sent and haven't received mine. I sent my address update several times but never received confirmation. I actually ordered 2 copies of Prickly Heat (and if they are numbered the same as Hodge Podge, then I got #1 for Prickly Heat too.)

What's the scoop on the Prickly Heat?

-- aotp
Thread: Dogs on DVD ------ Lo-Fi that is
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06-17-2003 10:36 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by Driver8
Originally posted by Author of the Post
Originally posted by Driver8
I was there at the concert 2nd row from front. Right in front of Terry! I'm buying this DAmb thing!

You were sitting behind me then. Were you with a group of guys a few sat in the front row and others in the second row?

-- aotp

I was 2nd row center with both my brothers. Maybe we talked cause we did talk to someone in front of us. I was wearing a Dale Earnhardt Jr. Budweiser hat biege in color.

Then we met at the concert. Cool! Good running into you again!

-- aotp
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