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Thread: Daniel Amos ~ Shotgun Angel (Collectors Edition)

Replies: 28
Views: 165,102
Shotgun Angel -- Disc 3!! 04-02-2020 13:13 Forum: CD & DVD Reviews

I got some auto-generated emails from Bandcamp about the Deluxe Edition of Shotgun Angel -- I thought DA got around to making Shotgun Angel available through Bandcamp. Then I saw an email for Disc 3 -- I didn't remember a disc 3. I puzzled over this and realized that this must be a new disc available. I listened to a track -- yeah, sounds like a backing track ( I was suspicious because this was on April 1).

Anyway, the disc is primarily backing tracks of the music on Shotgun Angel -- one cut has guide vocals but almost everything else is without the vocals. It's pretty awesome -- I'm sitting here working on the computer and listening to this old great music in a new form. So odd and sweet in the times we're in right now.
Thread: Daniel Amos - Horrendous Disc Deluxe

Replies: 313
Views: 2,880,812
03-05-2017 03:32 Forum: Upcoming Releases

It's marvelous that this effort has been so wildly successful -- even for myself, I wonder why this album is such a landmark in my life -- and evidently it is in the lives of many others. Few albums by any artist seem to strike this chord in me -- only a couple of DA albums do the same thing. Since seeing the announcement of this campaign earlier this evening, I just had to put HD in the player and listen again, even till after 1AM.

As for "more promotion is coming"... is that additional pledge awards? I certainly will be checking back during March to see how far we can get this.
Thread: Daniel Amos - Horrendous Disc Deluxe

Replies: 313
Views: 2,880,812
03-05-2017 00:57 Forum: Upcoming Releases

I see that the kickstarter is not 5 days old and it's almost 80% over the goal. Very nice, I'm glad -- this should be extremely encouraging.

I'm curious about the wrong source being used -- does this mean for the album in 1981? Or are you referring to them being a couple of generations removed from the masters they should have used for cutting the LP or wrong versions altogether?

Incidentally, speaking of HD trivia and alternate takes, can anyone shed light on the Solid Rock release of Horrendous Disc done only a few (heh, 8 maybe?) years ago -- not the one with Larry singing on it -- the other one that had what seemed to be alternate mixes (but I've always wondered about a couple of those tracks). There were no liner notes, really, so no information about those particular mixes and what they were about. It was a peculiar release during, I guess, a peculiar time at Solid Rock.

Thanks for these efforts, guys.
Thread: DA ~ Vox Humana (Deluxe Edition)

Replies: 62
Views: 759,117
Music of Vox Humana 07-12-2016 14:40 Forum: Upcoming Releases

Got the deluxe re-issue yesterday. I had listened to the Bonus Bonus disc a bit when I first got the BandCamp email but I've _heard_ songs on this album since many many times. I've forgotten just how infectious this album is -- it's almost like I have to make a concerted effort to change the record on the jukebox in my head because it just randomly selects a song from the album and just cycles through 6 or 7 favorites. It was one of the good ol' days of DA.

In the booklet with the CD, I was amused to see a nod to Kenny Loggins and his album Vox Humana.
Thread: DA ~ Vox Humana (Deluxe Edition)

Replies: 62
Views: 759,117
RE: DA ~ Vox Humana (Deluxe Edition) 06-28-2016 14:07 Forum: Upcoming Releases

Yes! I saw the email come in from BandCamp and so now, through the miracle of high-quality downloads, I'm listening to the Bonus Bonus disc even before getting the actual Vox Humana deluxe (in the mail). I haven't heard this music in a few years so it's nice to revisit an old friend.
Thread: New Bandcamp release - Dreifachgänger

Replies: 0
Views: 22,263
New Bandcamp release - Dreifachgänger 02-11-2015 00:05 Forum: CD & DVD Reviews

What a pleasant surprise -- a Doppelganger bonus bonus disc. This one is primarily parts of, I believe, the final mix of the album -- vocal tracks, instrumental tracks -- there are couple of alternate or live cuts. For "Mall (All over the World)" there is even an Ed mix. I've listened to parts of it just now and it's sounds quite cool -- perhaps if there's no one else home tomorrow I'll put it on the stereo and play it at the appropriate volume.
Thread: DA - ¡Alarma! (Deluxe Edition)

Replies: 36
Views: 316,815
Bonus material 07-31-2013 13:14 Forum: Upcoming Releases

Deluxe packages and retrospectives vary among other bands, depending on the types of material they have available. Springsteen seems to have whole, finished , unreleased songs sitting on tapes. Dylan has demos and some unreleased songs. The Beatles had very few unreleased tracks, but they do have studio outtakes. The Pet Sounds Sessions offers yet a different take (they had more space) — vocals-only and instrumental backing tracks — and in that case, which was super for such a special album. But every album can't be treated like that.

The Motor Cycle Tracks CD showed what could be done, at least, with that album. There were several non-vocals versions of songs (although, I think one had the backing vocals but no lead vocals). On the Motorcycle title track (I haven't heard it in awhile) had a demo and an early run-through spliced together with the end of the released version so as to track the development process. That was interesting. Frankly, I thought the extras on that CD were very effective and listenable.
Thread: DA ~ Dig Here Said The Angel (2013)

Replies: 501
Views: 2,642,593
Dig here... 07-06-2013 00:13 Forum: Upcoming Releases

Wow, since the album art looks like it's ready to go, does that mean it's ready to go on sale? I have no idea what the delay is in these internet-interrelated record production things.
Thread: Stunt Bootlegs Store

Replies: 21
Views: 173,095
RE: Stunt Bootlegs Store 12-21-2012 19:42 Forum: Upcoming Releases

I haven't truly hung out here lately and just saw this today — I've wondered if there may not be some high quality tapes out there. Now I have to examine what's there.

Thank you
Thread: Loose Ends

Replies: 90
Views: 192,194
DA "bootleg" cuts 11-16-2011 18:30 Forum: General Discussion

>>"I would most absolutely be interested in a "back room trax" type series!"

Yeah, there have been efforts with this before. The thing about Pearls before Swine (if I got that one the correct way around) is that it is such a hodge-podge and it seems that the big selling point is the "custom" cut that you can get for the increased price -- I kind of hope I don't need a flush of blood to my ego for something like that -- so that when the cut plays I can tell others, "hear that? That's about me. Terry wrote that just for me". I know that's not the only thing about it but it's the thing that stands out.

I don't know how these re-issue and deluxe efforts work: I did get the Shotgun Angel one and I did like that alot, although I was quite surprised that the demos seemed to be very close to the final versions -- it was almost that the band had this collective idea how it should sound and they just made it that way. Kind of remarkable for such a young band cutting their second album. Hopefully they made money on the effort in order to fund other things as well as to provide encouragement for additional work.
Thread: Loose Ends

Replies: 90
Views: 192,194
03-28-2011 14:41 Forum: General Discussion

'- "Bootlegs"... a few showed up on Hodgepodge... others will undoubtedly be showing up on "Swine Before Pearl" CDs. That is what became of the "back room trax" series that was mentioned in this thread. Terry's really into it right now and I think we'll be seeing some more.'

Are these cuts that are showing up on "Swine Before Pearl" CDs sort of isolated bootleg cuts or is there an effort to organize them chronologically/thematically as in "Preachers"?
Thread: Relatively new on iTunes

Replies: 37
Views: 130,973
09-03-2010 19:47 Forum: Upcoming Releases

Which album with the Beatle song is problematic?
A Briefing for the Ascent: Long Long Long
LRRH: I'm a Loser
Thread: will this ppl want to release DA and SE stuff

Replies: 16
Views: 35,428
09-01-2010 17:26 Forum: General Discussion

Oh wow, you're right about the Frontline releases on iTunes. I just checked on DOX and Wild Blue Yonder (both have TST associations) and they're both there.
Thread: Relatively new on iTunes

Replies: 37
Views: 130,973
Relatively new on iTunes 08-31-2010 16:41 Forum: Upcoming Releases

This is sort of re-issue news. I've just checked and the Lost Dogs have a few more titles on iTunes including Little Red Riding Hood and the Green Room Serenade. LRRH shows the weakness of iTunes. There is a surprise track at the end if you let the last song play and play and play. Now it's sitting right there and you can even buy it individually.

I've just checked a couple other names:

Daniel Amos now has Fearful Symmetry -- I'm not sure if I ran across that before or not.

Also, TST has gone gang-busters: Miracle Faith Telethon(!), Briefing, John Wayne and there are a couple of individual tracks from collections available as well.
Thread: Rare CDs (and others) for sale

Replies: 2
Views: 19,688
Some additional items... 08-20-2009 02:37 Forum: General Discussion

A couple people asked me about the vinyl and other CCM which caused me to root through some more boxes and I have a few more additional items available:

DA Alarma CD $9

TST Avocado Club Volume 1, 5 cuts $9

TST Avocado Club Volume 2, 2 cuts 9

Swirling Eddies Let's Spin $9
Thread: Rare CDs (and others) for sale

Replies: 2
Views: 19,688
Quite a response 08-20-2009 02:35 Forum: General Discussion

I wasn't expecting the response I've gotten -- but, FYI, most of the things are spoken. I will keep everyone's email around just in case a sale falls through and then contact you if an item is instantly available.

Thank you,

Thread: Rare CDs (and others) for sale

Replies: 2
Views: 19,688
Rare CDs (and others) for sale 08-19-2009 00:41 Forum: General Discussion

I am trying to change my completist ways and am selling some CDs. What doesn't sell from here will probably be put up on eBay but I wanted to give people here a chance at them first, I would rather they go to a home where they will be appreciated rather than be simply treated as product. Shipping charges are not included -- but of course, the more you buy the better the shipping rate. None of the CDs are SS.

CDs of various artists, including DA/SE/TT: (I'm only noting the DA related songs, but there are many other songs on these CDs)
Seventeen Frontline Classics Vol 2 -- SE "Catch that Angel" $1

Reflections a Brainstorm companion -- DA Note to Anna, LD, Amber Waves Goodbye, DA Buffalo Hills (acoustic), LD Smokescreen, Hard time... $1

Rock the Brainstorm Rock collection: DA If you want to, LD Scenic Routes, DA Banquet at the World's End, LD Breathe Deep $1

Alternative Worship: Terry sings On My Feet Again $2

Flevo Totaal Festival, Live Tapes DA sings "Sanctuary" live in 1985. $5

Brow Beat: TT Will have to do for now, LD No Ship Coming in $5

Brow Beats Wither Wing: TT Happy Old Man, TT Allison $5

Regular Releases:
Berry Vest of the SE $9

Terry Taylor: Avocado Faultline $9

Terry Taylor and friends Ruckus at the Edge of Nowhere $9

Meat the Farm Beatles -- original issue. $9

Random Acts and Hodgepodge (original issue in the cardboard cover), numbered, #237 $9

TT Songs for the Day After Christmas $9

DA Our Personal Favorite World Famous Hits $9

Terry Taylor Ten Gallon Hat #267/1000 $9

LD Little Red Riding Hood $9
DA Motor Cycle $9
TST A Briefing for the Ascent $9
DA Preachers from Outer Space $9
DA Kalhoun $9
DA Horrendous Disc (original Solid Rock issue) $9
DA BibleLand $9
DA Songs of the Heart $9
DA Live Bootleg '82 $9

Radio promo releases:
Songs for Radio LD Built for Glory, Made to Last (two here: editted version and also album version). Breathe Deep, Reasonable Service by Mercy River (written by TT). $5

Nu-music Rock Radio Sampler volume 4: SE Knee Jerk $1

TST Mr Flutter/You Lay Down Radio promo (includes Terry introducing and talking about the songs). Also includes "As Long as I Live". $5

I will also be selling some DA-related collectible vinyl (no that doesn't mean Shotgun Angel circa 1977), but I need to dig them out and see what I have. For those who have a wider ranging taste, I'm going to be getting rid of some other, older CCM (generally, 90s and before). But I'm still making up that list.

If you are interested, please email me at voxrob@earthlink.net. I will not make any more movement elsewhere for a couple of weeks.
Thread: Upcoming Releases

Replies: 53
Views: 348,891
RE: Upcoming Releases 02-12-2009 14:17 Forum: Upcoming Releases

Sometimes I kind of wonder about the back story of like "rediscovered" tapes. I guess it could be kind of complex -- there could have been material in the possession of any of the 6 band members at the time and even perhaps at a parents house (they were on the road alot back then). Or perhaps any other personnel around at that time.

I was going to present some idle speculation but I won't. It will be an interesting release -- and all this talk of re-found tapes will make us wonder what was left off the final release.
Thread: Illegal Stuff and Downloads

Replies: 138
Views: 329,291
Music delivery 11-10-2008 18:25 Forum: General Discussion

I'm probably showing a certain amount of fogeyism, but having the rights and the music and the art but no physical thing loses something.

I used to go to record stores and buy LPs. I'd buy one or two -- or if I was really splurging, 3 or 4 -- and I would come home, play the first one, look at the album art which had a canvas that could be expressive, look at the lyrics and/or liner notes. Sometimes I was struck by who was playing on the album -- "wow a couple of the Grateful Dead were on some early Jefferson Starship", etc.. The record-buying experience was a big deal. It was special. Even the process of skipping or repeating a track by going to the turntable, lifting the arm and moving it had something to it.

CDs came along. They were more expensive so I was not able to experiment as much on something that look potentially interesting. Good sound quality. The liner notes were smaller -- and nowadays it's getting harder to read so I need to be more motivated. For the most part, forget about reading the lyrics. But there were still some memorable incidents -- going to get the Beatles CDs the first day they came out (3 and 4 at a pop), going at midnight to get the first Beatles Anthology (also picked up Springsteen). Going to Kaneohe to get the first DA CD -- about 2 weeks after the LP came out. The Springsteen Live box was special -- then again, that came in a package that looked like an LP.

Digital stuff. It's easier to get the old singles without buying 12-20 tracks I don't want. It's certainly fast and convenient. But it's not nearly as much of a big deal anymore. It's just another file on a hard drive and I got more than plenty of those. Is it a treat to buy something online? Well, it's nice to be able to try before you buy and, consequently, get only one or two cuts rather than the whole thing. But, at it's best, the thrill of iTunes shopping isn't even close to buying the actual physical thing. It's just like downloading everything else on the net.

Part of it is the experience of having something physical and tangible to look at when the music is playing. I'll bet session musicians really hate this -- they were close to being ignored before, now they are completely and totally unknown. Yeah, on "Blows Against the Empire", it says that one of the cuts is by Garcia, Hart, et al., but it's not the same thing -- and even though iTunes says that members of CS&N were involved, who knows where. And the groovy, early 70s art isn't there to put the album into a cultural context.

This is why I still buy the physical items. Especially when I really care about the sound quality.

Finally, it _is_ a headache having the stuff -- my house is full too. But having the faceless art on a hard drive seems like a poor substitute. So I keep winnowing through my CDs -- after all, I'm not going to be listening to some of these more than a couple more times... Maybe someone else would like them.
Thread: The Lost Dogs on Route 66

Replies: 230
Views: 495,662
According to the GPS... 09-16-2008 17:02 Forum: General Discussion

... they're in Litchfield, IL -- dinner stop at the Ariston? My wife would be sooo jealous.
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