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audiori audiori is a male


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Swirling Eddies - the midget, the speck and the molecule Reply to this Post Post Reply with Quote Edit/Delete Posts Report Post to a Moderator       Go to the top of this page

A Christmas Note from Terry

Firstly, I’d like to wish you the fans, along with your families and friends, a truly blessed Christmas. That I cherish all of you goes without saying, but it’s especially during the holiday season that I take stock of all my blessings, and I truly count you among the many gracious gifts God has lovingly and lavishly bestowed upon me.
Our little house in Southern California is fully decorated now, thanks in no small part to my incredible wife, and the immediate family is blessedly all together. However, we greatly miss our dear departed Papa, especially now at Christmas. Mom has come in early from Palm Springs to stay with us through the rest of the year, and we were planning our annual pilgrimage after Christmas to the Bay Area to briefly visit Deb’s family.
Last Saturday night Debi, Andrew, Noelle, and I attended the Pasadena Playhouse’s theatrical presentation of “It’s A Wonderful Life,” which is a clever re-enactment of the 1947 Lux Radio broadcast of the original screenplay. The presentation is complete with commercials for Lux Soap, and the play features one member of the cast on stage playing various percussion instruments and devices to supply sound effects as we, the crowd, play the part of the in-studio audience. The actors were all excellent, the radio studio set was authentically retro, and we all left floating on a cloud of Christmas cheer and a heightened sense of the wonder of the season. Outside of the Gospels themselves, in my opinion there are no better films as agents of Grace or depictions of the power of repentance and redemption than “It’s A Wonderful Life,” and “A Christmas Carol” both films subtlety pointing the way to the wonder and glory of Emmanuel, God with us, the child in the manger.
On Christmas Eve, it’s a tradition for our family to select 2 Christmas-themed DVDs to watch—among them are the two films mentioned, along with “A Charlie Brown Christmas” (which we watch every year) and “A Christmas Story” (FRAGILE!), Miracle on 34th Street, and Pinnochio. Always a tough decision, but whatever the selection, we can be assured of a good dose of holiday warmth and contentment. To end the evening, maybe this year we’ll watch Psycho or Day of the Dead, just so we can keep ourselves from slipping to deeply into sloppy sentimentality.
Anyway—assuming you’re at all interested, my present reading includes some “Father Brown” (Chesterton), “Lanterns in the Snow” by Susan Hill, which is a bi-annual Christmas read. and which I believe is out of print but worth tracking down if you want a great Christmas story along with a good cry, “A Classic Christmas Crime,” edited by Tim Heald, “Father Joe,” a autobiography by Tommy Hendro (of Spinal Tap fame--he played the band’s manager), and various selections from “The Fireside Book of Christmas Stories,” edited by Edward Wagenknecht, unfortunately also out of print and probably the best Christmas anthology ever published. I first purchased this back in 1978 and have never missed a year since in choosing a few selections for reading from the extensive number of classic Holiday stories it has to offer.
So there you have it. A lot of reading, I know, but I sneak it in on Catscratch breaks and bedtimes.

Music recommendations for the season? Brian Wilson’s new What I Want For Christmas (excellent....will put a smile on your face and is highly recommended). The new Sigur Ros, Garrison Keillor’s “ The Christmas Companion,” and of course, the standards: Sinatra, Elvis, Perry Como, Nat Cole. My favorite Christmas song? Hands down “O Holy Night:”...’till He appeared and the soul felt it’s worth...” With it’s radiant truth and poignancy, the words and melody never fail to choke me up and cause me to lift my heart in worship to our gracious and merciful Lord.
This year has been a good one for the Lost Dogs. We toured very successfully back East (thank you to all the fans who came out to see us!) and, along with our good friend Theo Obrastoff, had a great little tour of Washington and Oregon. The Dogs also played Knott’s Berry Farm last week and the new year seems to be shaping up exceptionally well for us (we’ll keep you posted on this front as the year progresses).
As far as Daniel Amos is concerned, we’ve presently got some avid fans who are passionately after us to do a reunion concert somewhere here in the States next year, and we’ll just have to wait and see how this develops. Unfortunately, the odds are against it because of our various schedules and other logistical hurtles, but one never knows. My hope is that, at the very least, D.A. will do a new record in 2006.
Speaking of new records, I would like to offer my humble and deepest apologies to the fans for the new “horrendously delayed disc”—the Swirling Eddies’ record. As you guys probably know, my time has been eaten up with work on Catscratch. The schedule has been brutal, and we are soon going to move into work on the second season. I know that your patience has been exhausted on all this, and if I had known that Catscratch was going to fall into my lap when it did, I would have never committed so early to doing a new Eddies album. Unfortunately, all I can do is occasionally whittle away at the new songs and hope for enough of a break from the cartoon schedule so that we can begin the recording process in earnest. There are indeed some schedule gaps coming up, and I hope to take advantage of this and will do my best to fulfill my commitment to the project and you, the long-suffering fans.
In the meantime, be assured that this will be a great Eddies record (I’m really pleased with the songs thus far), and we’ll do something extra special for all of you who so long ago sent in your pre-orders. Again, my deepest heart-felt apologies, and I sincerely ask that you put aside any criticism of my dear friends Jason and Eric Townsend in this matter. They are just as frustrated as you guys are, I assure you, that this record has been so slow in materializing. They’ve done all that they can do in trying to move me and the project along towards completion, but all of us are against a fairly immovable object in Catscratch. With Jason and Eric, I couldn’t ask for two more faithful and hard-working men, and no one is more anxious than they in their desire to keep commitments and please the fans. There is no profit financially whatsoever for them—they do what they do for love alone, and for that I am always grateful and consider them both to be the very definition of “unsung heroes.” I take full responsibility and blame in the interminable delay, and ask that you graciously give these two dear people the support of your goodwill, just as you have done so graciously over these many years.
Lastly, please pray for the Townsends, and for me and my family, as we pray for you and yours. As long as God allows, and as long as you give your gracious support, I will continue to make music and hopefully bless and challenge you with my efforts.

As you may know, I had a health scare this year, and I am confident your prayers and good will helped get me through it. I am happy to report that I am doing well and feeling more fit than I have in years. My son is now assisting me in my work and prayers for him would be sincerely appreciated. Be sure and check out Myspace for downloads and a spiffy little personal bio, which Andrew helped put together. (myspace.com/terryscotttaylor.) Also pray for my dear friends Ken and Michelle VanEgmond and their family. In every possible way, they have been a source of infinite joy, comfort, and undying support for me and my family. I cherish these wonderful, wonderful people. Again, it would please me to no end if you would pray for the VanEgmonds, who are seeking the Lord’s specific direction concerning ministry in their lives.
Lastly, many of you knew our dear friend Dwight Ozard who passed away recently after a long, courageous fight with a deadly disease. He will be sorely missed. Dwight was a diligent and passionate warrior in defense of the less fortunate, and you can honor him and his memory by doing your bit to help those who are unable to help themselves, especially during the Christmas season. What could be more basic to us as the body of Christ than our obedience to the great commandment: “ Love your neighbor as you love yourselves.” I highly recommend supporting the Salvation Army in this regard. They are an honest and tireless force of grace and good in this often merciless world.
Again, blessings to all of you, and may you all experience the abundant joy and peace of Christ during this Christmas season and throughout the coming New Year. I love you all.

In the service of our Blessed Lord,
Terry Taylor

"Blessed is he who expecteth nothing, for he shall enjoy everything" -St. Francis of Assisi

"A strange fanaticism fills our time: the fanatical hatred of morality, especially of Christian morality." - GK Chesterton
09-05-2006 22:10 audiori is online Send an Email to audiori Homepage of audiori Search for Posts by audiori Add audiori to your Buddy List
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We should have a new update/note from Camarillo and/or Terry soon....

"Blessed is he who expecteth nothing, for he shall enjoy everything" -St. Francis of Assisi

"A strange fanaticism fills our time: the fanatical hatred of morality, especially of Christian morality." - GK Chesterton
09-11-2006 04:46 audiori is online Send an Email to audiori Homepage of audiori Search for Posts by audiori Add audiori to your Buddy List
Camarillo Eddy
Swirling Eddies


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An Open Letter To All Swirling Eddies Fans Reply to this Post Post Reply with Quote Edit/Delete Posts Report Post to a Moderator       Go to the top of this page


Alright, listen up you ungrateful, whiney bunch of…er…I mean..my brothers and sisters in Christ;
Okay, I admit I blew it. Long, long ago, somewhere around sixty A.D., I committed to recording a brand new Eddies record, got you to send in your hard earned green-backs in advance to finance it, then suddenly found myself chasing after filthy lucre at a real job in order to feed my family. Now here we are several centuries later and still no Eddies record. God knows that for some of you, like the Israelites in the wilderness, grumbling has become a fine art, but for heavens sake stop it with the conspiracy theories already! I assure you that, contrary to what a couple of knuckleheads are postulating, none of your money was diverted to other projects---not Daniel Amos, not The Lost Dogs, not The Right Reverend Edward Daniel Taylor’s Miracle Pocket. So whoever the couple of pinheads are that are stirrin’ the dog duty here, let me say that I seem to recall a little scripture that talks about God hating anyone who sows discord among the brethren---which makes it okay for me to hate you to. Keep it up, and I’ll send Hort and Berger over to your houses to sew your faces to your groin regions.

You have my word that The Eddies project is still on, and frankly I want to get it in the can probably more than you do---not because I think it’s gonna be great (it will be) but because I just can’t stand the pressure of another round of “where’s the Eddies record? every time I walk in the door. My wife and kids just don’t know how to back off! I actually pushed an old lady down the other day who got in my face about it. Of course I apologized, but Mom was having none of it. She got up, held a hanky to her bloody head wound and walked off all in a huff.

By the way, since there definitely is going to be a new Eddies record, for Pete’s sake quit picking on the poor Townsend brothers or I’ll else let them have your money to do solo records instead---How would you like that?! Or else I’ll give them permission to claim they’re my cousins and are now the official Eddies. How ‘bout a worship album featuring The Evil Eddie Twins instead? In fact I’ve got the Townsends writing songs just in case I decide to go with this little plan. One of the numbers is entitled “God Makes Me Giggle.” They’re working on another one called “ I Didn’t wear Pants to the Bible Study.” Jason sings like Wayne Newton in an Iron lung, and Eric farts in time. You want that, huh?! Keep it up dillwads.

Look, I hate myself for making you guys wait, but it’s not like I clunked you in the head, burgled your house , kicked your dog and stole your car. Now I’m not going to ask you again for your patience, because I know that died long ago along with your First Love. Instead, I’m praying that you’ll receive strong delusion so that you think the last Eddie’s record is actually the new Eddie’s record and that you need to send more money for a brand new Eddie’s record, an Eddie’s box-set, and a feature film. And let me ask: Do you actually think your paltry pre-sales money will pay for an entire recording session? Eddy sessions are fully catered affairs---choice steaks, caviar, rare expensive wines, full service wet bar, exotic dishes and deserts, and a fully loaded salad bar. And that’s just for Spot! I won’t even go into what Gene Pool requires, except to say it ain’t Honey in the Rock, or gleanings from the wheat fields my friends!

Yes, I know that that whole $20 you sent in eons ago destroyed your nest egg and could have gone toward the purchase of a small popcorn and a box of Goobers at the local premier of “Beerfest,” but does that really warrant accusing me and the Townsends of fraud? Shame on you! The Townsends, if nothing else, are two of the most humble servants you’re ever likely to meet. In fact the last time I was at Cornerstone, they personally flew out in their private jets to meet me, then purchased a Rolls Royce in Macomb and hired a driver to transport yours truly to and from the festival site. When I asked for Jason’s coat (fur of course), he gave me his diamond studded pants to go along with it. Now there’s a servant! How dare you question my friends integrity!! Sure, I admit I was a tad taken aback when they kept lighting their Cuban cigars with twenty dollar bills from an attaché case labeled “ Fan Money Specifically Designated For The New Eddie’s Record,” but they quickly dispelled whatever consternation I expressed by assuring me that they too are fans and that this was their own personal money inside the case (to be restocked later) and that it was money for the new Eddie’s record that will be made right after this new record we haven’t done yet---all of which I probably shouldn’t have told any of you, because now you’ll be complaining that the second new record is late too. I’m actually thinking about recording the second new record first in order to get you off my back about the first new record, and maybe even giving it the same title I was gonna give the first one and calling the first new record something else entirely so that you’ll never even know the difference. So back off! I’m sorry okay?
Maybe I’ll just retire and let Bill Gaither take over the band.

09-18-2006 13:35 Camarillo Eddy is offline Homepage of Camarillo Eddy Search for Posts by Camarillo Eddy Add Camarillo Eddy to your Buddy List
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Now that the heavy Dog touring schedule is over for a while, there is a potential "wrap up" time in mind for the Eddies release. But, it means coming up with the remaining funds to finish it really fast.. so keep it in your prayers folks.

(edit: Thats what the new DVD project is partially for, by the way).

If anyone has any questions about this title, feel free to email us at audiori@danielamos.com or PM us through the board. We will try to post responses to any questions in this thread.

"Blessed is he who expecteth nothing, for he shall enjoy everything" -St. Francis of Assisi

"A strange fanaticism fills our time: the fanatical hatred of morality, especially of Christian morality." - GK Chesterton
12-11-2006 14:46 audiori is online Send an Email to audiori Homepage of audiori Search for Posts by audiori Add audiori to your Buddy List
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December 2006 Questions Reply to this Post Post Reply with Quote Edit/Delete Posts Report Post to a Moderator       Go to the top of this page

Some questions submitted by board members..

1a. Are the songs written?

Camarillo answered this in his post..

Originally posted by Camarillo Eddy
In the meantime, be assured that this will be a great Eddies record (I’m really pleased with the songs thus far)

1b. When you and Camarillo say "songs have been written" - does that mean that every song has been written for this project?

No, not necessarily. As with previous releases, the band will most likely go into the studio with as many possible song ideas and fragments as possible. Once in the studio, they will then evaluate each song and decide which ones will be included and possibly even write new songs in the studio. They may enter the studio with 30 song fragments and come out with 10 completed songs. Or, they could enter the studio with 10 song fragments and come out with 20 finished songs. Obviously, the more ideas they go into the studio with, the faster the recording process will most likely be.

1c. Do all of the songs have to be written before the Eddies enter the studio?

No. Many albums have been partially written in the studio or after recording has began. But, obviously, it is better if at least some of the songs are written ahead of time. "Buechner's" for example was in some cases still being written in the studio (as seen in The Making of Mr. Buechner's Dream. Albums like Zoom Daddy were written almost entirely after recording had begun.

2. How much money is needed? Is there a plan to get more money? How long will it take to get enough money? If money is not procured, will there be a further delay?

This is a tough question to answer with a specific amount because even the band can't do that. Money for plane tickets for multiple trips, hotel rooms for multiple people or weeks, food, to pay musicians, mastering, mixing, studio time, etc, etc. Terry has given us goals to meet and we're trying to meet them. Preorders didn't do it alone - just as they didn't do it alone with Buechner's. In the case of Buechner's, we had more preorders in a very short amount of time than we did with this one, but we also ended up shelling out thousands of dollars out of our own pocket.. as did a number of other people. I honestly don't even know who all gave money on Buechner's, so I couldn't even estimate how much it ended up costing.

3. When will studio time be scheduled? (I know this is difficult to do, and moreso to answer.)

There is a potential recording date in the near future. I realize this isn't very specific, but we really can't be too specific for a variety of reasons. For one, several things have to be worked out before a specific date can be set. But, there is a time period fast approaching that looks like it might work out if everything falls into place.

4. How much work can really be done before recording starts?

Obviously, it varies on the project of course. But, according to Terry, the hardest part for him on almost any project preceeds the recording sessions themselves. He typically spends months formulating ideas, lyrics, melodies, etc before a single note is recorded in the studio.

5. How long to mix and make master?

Usually not very long at all. I think Lost Cabin was mixed in a two or three weeks or so. Buechner's didn't take too long either as I remember it. It depends on the project and what else is happening at the time. Sometimes scheduling conflicts and/or problems with specific tracks may cause extra delay.

6. How long for approval of mix and track order?

Usually not too long. I think with most of the recent releases, it's generally been a matter of a couple of weeks. Usually mixing, mastering and track order issues are dealt with around the same time.. or at least there is a lot of overlap. But obviously, this varies depending on the project and everyones schedules.

7. Is cover art designed? How long will it take?

No artwork designed, although some "packaging" ideas have been discussed. The actual artwork design can't really happen until songs are recorded and a title is chosen. There very well could be design ideas already in mind however.. Terry seemed to be thinking of a lot of different things last time he talked about specific ideas.

8. How long for manufacturing?

Usually about 2 weeks. Sometimes manufacturing delays will add to this time slightly.

9. How long to receive manufactured product and mail out to customers?

Shipping from manufacturer is usually a couple of days, up to a week... we usually ship preorders out over 2 days. I think the DA30th discs went out in one day though.

10. So, can I add up all of these numbers and figure out exactly how long this album should take before it's finished?

For what I would assume are obvious reasons - no. We are only giving examples from specific releases. We are in no way suggesting that all of these things (aside from manufacturing) always take exactly the same amount of time for every single release. Obviously, there are scheduling issues, potential delays, illness, travel time, financial issues, etc that have to be worked out for each step in the process. There is also most likely time in between many of these steps where some of these issues are dealt with. None of that can be predicted or spelled out in advance. We can assure you that the fellas will be working to finish the project as soon as possible however.

11. Some are wondering how recording could have been planned at various stages, yet we keep hearing that there is not enough money and we didn't get as many pre-orders as we had hoped?

The amount the Eddies orginally asked for in a budget was an amount that would make it really easy for him to pay everyone they wanted to get, pay for mastering, plane tickets, hotels, etc. It was the best case scenario.

If we are a little short in funding, The Eddies can still plan on getting it done. But they have to be creative, such as combining the Eddies sessions with another session - like a Lost Dogs project. Doubling up would reduce some cost. If less money is available maybe less band members would be involved, which is not a good thing but might be necessary. Sometimes deals are worked out with friends to use a studio at a certain time in exchange for the Eddies doing yardwork or something along those lines.

We were hoping that with The DVD we are working on, it would give us enough extra cash that it would make the scheduling less complicated. Money greases the wheels, the more we have the more smooth it will all work out. The less we have the more difficult things will be, and it might take longer to get there.

12. Was there a clear plan to get this project finished? Why preorders?

The plan was identical to the plan that got "Mr Buechner's Dream" written, recorded and released. The only difference is that there is no record label poviding additional funding in this case. There are also, at least at this time, fewer individuals who are contributing additional funding. As much as we dislike doing preorders, this project, like Buechners, would never happen without them unfortunately. This was especially true in the last few years since a rather rough financial situation in 2003.

It is our goal of course to never have to do another preorder. In fact, every release that has been released since this preorder started has been done completely independently of this project and without preorders. Thats around a dozen CDs and videos released independently through Stunt and/or Fools of the World without preorders. There are also plans being worked out to hopefully avoid them completely in the future - even when funding an expensive project like this one. Stay tuned! Wink

"Blessed is he who expecteth nothing, for he shall enjoy everything" -St. Francis of Assisi

"A strange fanaticism fills our time: the fanatical hatred of morality, especially of Christian morality." - GK Chesterton
12-13-2006 22:31 audiori is online Send an Email to audiori Homepage of audiori Search for Posts by audiori Add audiori to your Buddy List
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The update we've all been waiting for... Reply to this Post Post Reply with Quote Edit/Delete Posts Report Post to a Moderator       Go to the top of this page

Recording begins on Monday. Smile

We've all been holding our breath about this date for the last couple of months.. thankfully, it looks like everything fell into place this time. It will most likely take another set of sessions later in the month (or next month) to finish, but at least things are picking up speed.

Hopefully, we can get Camarillo to post another update once this first set of sessions are over.. or else, we can have a full Eddies chat.

"Blessed is he who expecteth nothing, for he shall enjoy everything" -St. Francis of Assisi

"A strange fanaticism fills our time: the fanatical hatred of morality, especially of Christian morality." - GK Chesterton
01-31-2007 17:17 audiori is online Send an Email to audiori Homepage of audiori Search for Posts by audiori Add audiori to your Buddy List
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We hear from Camarillo that sessions are going very well and everything is turning out great! He can't wait for everyone to hear it.

We also spoke about the Preorderer sneak-preview.. something should be available to those folks soon.

"Blessed is he who expecteth nothing, for he shall enjoy everything" -St. Francis of Assisi

"A strange fanaticism fills our time: the fanatical hatred of morality, especially of Christian morality." - GK Chesterton
02-09-2007 16:26 audiori is online Send an Email to audiori Homepage of audiori Search for Posts by audiori Add audiori to your Buddy List
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We're putting everything together to send the first preview to the preorderers.... Happy

If theres any chance that you have changed your email address since you preordered - please send us an email from your current address to audiori@danielamos.com



UPDATE 2.21.07

The emails have went out. If you preordered and you haven't seen the invitation, its very possible that we have an old email address for you. We'll be doing our best to find newer addresses and re-send any invitations that bounced, but to make things easier, please send us a note at the address above and make sure we have your current address. If you are certain that that is not the problem, you can also check your bulk or spam directories - it's possible that your mail client put the invitation in there. The email subject line should read "EXCLUSIVE SWIRLING EDDIES PREVIEW."

"Blessed is he who expecteth nothing, for he shall enjoy everything" -St. Francis of Assisi

"A strange fanaticism fills our time: the fanatical hatred of morality, especially of Christian morality." - GK Chesterton
02-19-2007 19:20 audiori is online Send an Email to audiori Homepage of audiori Search for Posts by audiori Add audiori to your Buddy List
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This has already been told to the preorderers, but just to keep everyone updated...

Recording is finished. The Eddies are now in the mixing/mastering/artwork stages.. most of that is being worked on simultaneously.

There is no definite release date yet. Keep watching.

From what we hear/have heard.... spread the word - this is going to be a release that NO ONE will want to miss out on. There are some very unusual things brewing here.. Happy

"Blessed is he who expecteth nothing, for he shall enjoy everything" -St. Francis of Assisi

"A strange fanaticism fills our time: the fanatical hatred of morality, especially of Christian morality." - GK Chesterton
05-19-2007 16:26 audiori is online Send an Email to audiori Homepage of audiori Search for Posts by audiori Add audiori to your Buddy List
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Currently being manufactured. Smile

"Blessed is he who expecteth nothing, for he shall enjoy everything" -St. Francis of Assisi

"A strange fanaticism fills our time: the fanatical hatred of morality, especially of Christian morality." - GK Chesterton
06-27-2007 21:31 audiori is online Send an Email to audiori Homepage of audiori Search for Posts by audiori Add audiori to your Buddy List
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Swirling Eddies - the midget, the speck and the molecule Reply to this Post Post Reply with Quote Edit/Delete Posts Report Post to a Moderator       Go to the top of this page

Still waiting on an ETA from the manufacturer. Keep watching.

"Blessed is he who expecteth nothing, for he shall enjoy everything" -St. Francis of Assisi

"A strange fanaticism fills our time: the fanatical hatred of morality, especially of Christian morality." - GK Chesterton
07-09-2007 13:37 audiori is online Send an Email to audiori Homepage of audiori Search for Posts by audiori Add audiori to your Buddy List
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ok if I blink??
or will I miss it? Big Grin


theres nothing to EVER put here that will please everyone-let alone anyone.
07-09-2007 14:20 jiminy is offline Send an Email to jiminy Search for Posts by jiminy Add jiminy to your Buddy List
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RE: Swirling Eddies - the midget, the speck and the molecule Reply to this Post Post Reply with Quote Edit/Delete Posts Report Post to a Moderator       Go to the top of this page

Originally posted by audiori
Still waiting on an ETA from the manufacturer. Keep watching.

I'm sure the manufacturer processes a lot of CDs every year. I wonder if they realize the genius that is passing through their fingertips. Or if they have no clue and my copy has been dropped on the floor twice already. Cool
07-09-2007 16:20 achentodaze is offline Search for Posts by achentodaze Add achentodaze to your Buddy List
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Originally posted by achentodaze
... and my copy has been dropped on the floor twice already. Cool

Big Grin

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07-10-2007 07:46 Lur King is offline Send an Email to Lur King Homepage of Lur King Search for Posts by Lur King Add Lur King to your Buddy List
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It's pretty darn good.

As of today, I've heard four songs off of the new SE disc, and not one has disappointed. Not even a little.

If you've not pre-ordered, what the heck are you waiting for? Get it in gear!


07-10-2007 17:58 MarkyMark77 is offline Send an Email to MarkyMark77 Homepage of MarkyMark77 Search for Posts by MarkyMark77 Add MarkyMark77 to your Buddy List
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All of the pieces are finished and it is currently being assembled by the manufacturer. They should be shipping them to us within the next day or two.

We're told everything turned out beautiful.

"Blessed is he who expecteth nothing, for he shall enjoy everything" -St. Francis of Assisi

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07-17-2007 13:55 audiori is online Send an Email to audiori Homepage of audiori Search for Posts by audiori Add audiori to your Buddy List
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will the guys have any at Saturday's show in Chattanooga?
07-18-2007 09:03 jnordmoe is offline Send an Email to jnordmoe Search for Posts by jnordmoe Add jnordmoe to your Buddy List
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Not sure, the manufacturer is going to try and get them a box for the tour, but not sure exactly where that will show up.

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07-18-2007 09:26 Audiori J is offline Send an Email to Audiori J Search for Posts by Audiori J Add Audiori J to your Buddy List
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Is there a track listing anywhere?
07-18-2007 10:34 Aqua Green Toupee is offline Send an Email to Aqua Green Toupee Search for Posts by Aqua Green Toupee Add Aqua Green Toupee to your Buddy List
audiori audiori is a male


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The track list has been available to preorderers for a while.. don't know if you are one or not... but if so, its in that section.

We've received word that the CDs are shipping to us tomorrow... they will probably arrive early next week. We're ready to start shipping the preorders out the second they show up.. probably within 24 hours.

The Dogs also have some on their way to them, but I'm not certain which show it will be available at.

"Blessed is he who expecteth nothing, for he shall enjoy everything" -St. Francis of Assisi

"A strange fanaticism fills our time: the fanatical hatred of morality, especially of Christian morality." - GK Chesterton
07-18-2007 17:37 audiori is online Send an Email to audiori Homepage of audiori Search for Posts by audiori Add audiori to your Buddy List
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