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Theo Theo is a male
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Big Grin
12-11-2002 11:50 Theo is offline Send an Email to Theo Homepage of Theo Search for Posts by Theo Add Theo to your Buddy List AIM Screen Name of Theo: theo@sterlingdrivechurch.com YIM Account Name of Theo: the_obrastoff
Tallowy Tamale

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HOLD ON NOW!!!!! Reply to this Post Post Reply with Quote Edit/Delete Posts Report Post to a Moderator       Go to the top of this page

theo- you gotta hate yourself a lil bit
that way the song has more impact!
(uhm, right?)

jimiNy-I just beat myself up and left a bad mark on my cheek..which one?


theres nothing to EVER put here that will please everyone-let alone anyone.
12-11-2002 11:56 jiminy is offline Send an Email to jiminy Search for Posts by jiminy Add jiminy to your Buddy List
Theo Theo is a male
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Jiminy Christmas! Reply to this Post Post Reply with Quote Edit/Delete Posts Report Post to a Moderator       Go to the top of this page

Okay! I just beat myself so bad (psychologically) that I'm having to apply a thick, juicy, t-bone steak, medium rare, to my tummy!

Aaaand...there's a turkey in the oven for dinner too!

Punishing myself with gluttony--and to be on topic--later bad indigestion.
12-11-2002 17:11 Theo is offline Send an Email to Theo Homepage of Theo Search for Posts by Theo Add Theo to your Buddy List AIM Screen Name of Theo: theo@sterlingdrivechurch.com YIM Account Name of Theo: the_obrastoff
brdhsnyrsoul brdhsnyrsoul is a male
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Hey, Theo - did you ever get any of the Christmas Cds that'll play all the songs? You sent me two, and neither one will play the second half of track 2 through the last song. The first song plays fine- the last song plays ok, but nothing in-between. I don't want you to keep sending them to me and paying postage. I'm just wondering if you got a new batch of 'em.


12-11-2002 17:42 brdhsnyrsoul is offline Send an Email to brdhsnyrsoul Search for Posts by brdhsnyrsoul Add brdhsnyrsoul to your Buddy List
Theo Theo is a male
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shhhhhhhhhhhhh Reply to this Post Post Reply with Quote Edit/Delete Posts Report Post to a Moderator       Go to the top of this page

DON'T broadcast that stuff!!!! Wink

Actually, yes. There was this one bad batch and so anytime I replaced one, the poor customer got ANOTHER bad one. I feel just terrible.

Email me off the board with your address and I'll make good on it. I'm down to a handful and I'm hesitant to do a new run cause it's late in the season and I wonder who'll buy Christmas CDs again until late next year.

But email me your info and I'll send it off! Thankx for being so pleasant about the entire thing!
12-11-2002 18:23 Theo is offline Send an Email to Theo Homepage of Theo Search for Posts by Theo Add Theo to your Buddy List AIM Screen Name of Theo: theo@sterlingdrivechurch.com YIM Account Name of Theo: the_obrastoff
mannequin wright
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Egads! I forgot that I have Theo's Christmas album!

Must rush home to listen to it!

Might have Terry's in the mail also! What a night!
12-11-2002 19:10 mannequin wright is offline Send an Email to mannequin wright Search for Posts by mannequin wright Add mannequin wright to your Buddy List
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12-20-2002 09:02 Mark is offline Send an Email to Mark Search for Posts by Mark Add Mark to your Buddy List
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