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 RE: Controversy & TST Kaf-N-8ed 06-06-2002 12:20
 there's no denying 06-06-2002 12:22
 RE: Controversy & TST Shemp 06-06-2002 12:33
 RE: Controversy & TST Lost Canine 06-06-2002 12:39
 hey you fergot...... jc 06-06-2002 12:46
 RE: Controversy & TST Shemp 06-06-2002 13:02
 \"A\" Graham\'s answer to 9/11 Woggy 06-06-2002 14:13
 Oh, an another thing Woggy 06-06-2002 14:21
 in retrospect jc 06-06-2002 14:46
 aMEN, my brother, amen! Woggy 06-06-2002 15:47

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Kaf-N-8ed Kaf-N-8ed is a male
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Originally posted by Lost Canine
10 minute alter calls are better than none.
I disagree, I think that the 10 minute altar call has done more harm than good. Just my lost thoughts.

I think I may agree about the alter calls thing.

But, to think about this issue... I used to meet Winos when I worked with street kids who "got saved" every time Billy Graham came to town. They would also "get saved" when other evangelists came to town, or when they would happen to stumble into a Church somewhere. Or even when some soup kitchen had a guest speaker.

But, when I think about it:

Who is more likely to be saved and enter the Kingdom of Heaven:

a) a wino that "gets saved" at a Billy Graham crusade every two or three years,
b) a televangeist driving around in his white cadillac?

Big Grin



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06-06-2002 12:20 Kaf-N-8ed is offline Send an Email to Kaf-N-8ed Homepage of Kaf-N-8ed Search for Posts by Kaf-N-8ed Add Kaf-N-8ed to your Buddy List AIM Screen Name of Kaf-N-8ed: gusbenjava YIM Account Name of Kaf-N-8ed: gusbenjava
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there's no denying Reply to this Post Post Reply with Quote Edit/Delete Posts Report Post to a Moderator       Go to the top of this page

that the Holy Spirit has moved in people's hearts during Billy Graham rallies. I'm not really knockin' Billy per se. I was just really let down when NOBODY was "prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have ."

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06-06-2002 12:22 ™ is offline Send an Email to ™ Homepage of ™ Search for Posts by ™ Add ™ to your Buddy List
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Originally posted by Lost Canine
Originally posted by Shemp
Okay Fido...

Give us an example of someone who has introduced the globe to the idea of Christ as much as Billy has.

Mother Theresa

Fair enough...
But she stayed in India... a nation that is about to blow itself up.

At least Billy gets around, at least he used to.
06-06-2002 12:33
Lost Canine Lost Canine is a male
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This one will probably take some heat, but I would add Pope John Paul II to the list as well.


06-06-2002 12:39 Lost Canine is offline Send an Email to Lost Canine Search for Posts by Lost Canine Add Lost Canine to your Buddy List
Luteous Llama

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hey you fergot...... Reply to this Post Post Reply with Quote Edit/Delete Posts Report Post to a Moderator       Go to the top of this page

06-06-2002 12:46 jc is offline Send an Email to jc Search for Posts by jc Add jc to your Buddy List
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Originally posted by Lost Canine
This one will probably take some heat, but I would add Pope John Paul II to the list as well.


06-06-2002 13:02
Woggy Woggy is a female


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\"A\" Graham\'s answer to 9/11 Reply to this Post Post Reply with Quote Edit/Delete Posts Report Post to a Moderator       Go to the top of this page

Originally posted by ™

The thing I was most dissappointed by was NO preacher's ability to have an answer for why 9/11 happened. Everybody was asking why God would let this happen and Billy's response was as miserable as everyone elses.

It's a little thing called THE FALL , HELLO?!

I don't know if you've seen/heard this, but if Billy didn't have the answer, his daughter certainly did.

Check here:

Anne Graham Lotz's Answer to Sept 11


1 John 2:6
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06-06-2002 14:13 Woggy is offline Send an Email to Woggy Search for Posts by Woggy Add Woggy to your Buddy List AIM Screen Name of Woggy: none YIM Account Name of Woggy: none
Woggy Woggy is a female


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Oh, an another thing Reply to this Post Post Reply with Quote Edit/Delete Posts Report Post to a Moderator       Go to the top of this page

I have personally always respected Billy Graham. His association with Richard Nixon might not have been the best thing for his "image", but then, Billy has been close to MANY presidents....Bill Clinton among them.

I think, when I see Mr. Graham, that he is a man who has transitioned from the "hellfire and brimstone" preacher, to a mellower, more caring, more compassionate man. His demeanor is kinder, and he seems (to me) to be even MORE Christ-like in his approach.

Yeah, he's made mistakes and said dumb things. Who hasn't? His public-eye life, however, has shown almost NO improprieties - pretty incredible in this day and age. His wife has stood by his side, his children are following the Lord (even Franklin, who has had his share of controversy, has mellowed some.....and turned back to the God of his youth.)

We all change and grow and become.............that's the way God made us. I admire Billy very much, and think his influence on the Christian scene has been tremendous. Ten minute altar calls? Well, that's better than 10 minutes of nothing.


1 John 2:6
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06-06-2002 14:21 Woggy is offline Send an Email to Woggy Search for Posts by Woggy Add Woggy to your Buddy List AIM Screen Name of Woggy: none YIM Account Name of Woggy: none
Luteous Llama

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in retrospect Reply to this Post Post Reply with Quote Edit/Delete Posts Report Post to a Moderator       Go to the top of this page

I know (and you probably do too)
people who have spent literally hours at an alter cryin and slobbering-
and live like rascals as soon as they leave
Jailhouse religion- only in church
06-06-2002 14:46 jc is offline Send an Email to jc Search for Posts by jc Add jc to your Buddy List
Woggy Woggy is a female


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aMEN, my brother, amen! Reply to this Post Post Reply with Quote Edit/Delete Posts Report Post to a Moderator       Go to the top of this page

There aren't many churches/places of worship that do altar calls at ALL anymore.

If it brings someone to the realization that they need Jesus, does it HAVE to take more than a moment? Nope. Not in my opinion.

Been there myself a few times - and my first altar experience was brief. It started a progression of change that continues today. s'okay wid me Smile


1 John 2:6
Whoever claims to live in him must walk as Jesus did.

06-06-2002 15:47 Woggy is offline Send an Email to Woggy Search for Posts by Woggy Add Woggy to your Buddy List AIM Screen Name of Woggy: none YIM Account Name of Woggy: none
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