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Go to the bottom of this page You know you are an obsessive TST fan when...
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 You know you are an obsessive TST fan when... Andrew 08-28-2002 16:26
 RE: You know you are an obsessive TST fan when... Mark 08-28-2002 17:57
 RE: You know you are an obsessive TST fan when... Pfiagra 08-28-2002 18:25
 RE: You know you are an obsessive TST fan when... dorfsmith 08-28-2002 18:40
 RE: You know you are an obsessive TST fan when... Gamgee 08-28-2002 18:44
 RE: You know you are an obsessive TST fan when... Mark 08-28-2002 18:46

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Andrew Andrew is a male
Woolly Eggwhisk

Registration Date: 03-14-2002
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Location: Bleak human landscape, flat roofed houses, bad breath, vacant lots and murder evidence. God saves and leads a remnant of scraggly, faithless people, in spite of themsleves and just because he feels like it.

You know you are an obsessive TST fan when... Reply to this Post Post Reply with Quote Edit/Delete Posts Report Post to a Moderator       Go to the top of this page

  • The latest solo album comes out so you buy a cat and call it "Molly Bee"
  • The latest Lost Dogs album comes out so you have one of your dogs legs amputated
  • You get divorced and move near a motor-way just so you can put up "that" 20 foot sign
  • I'm not obsessed just ask my children Terry and Scott
  • It's you're turn to choose the music and everyone in the room rolls their eyes
  • You don't see the paradox in that you hate Country music yet love the last 2 lost dogs CD's
  • At music stores you only look in 6 areas - under L T, S D and A
  • You have secrect giggles to your self when you slip TST lyrics into conversations with your freinds
  • Just in case your cd's get stolen you have hidden extra copies in a plastic bag in the toilet tank
08-28-2002 16:26 Andrew is offline Send an Email to Andrew Homepage of Andrew Search for Posts by Andrew Add Andrew to your Buddy List AIM Screen Name of Andrew: zoomdaddynz YIM Account Name of Andrew: zoomdaddynz
Mark Mark is a male


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Location: Grand Encephalon - Words have their place but live what you say God can have His way when you hit them with Love

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Those are great!

But never, never pin your whole faith on any human being: not if he is the best and wisest in the whole world. - C.S. Lewis

08-28-2002 17:57 Mark is offline Send an Email to Mark Search for Posts by Mark Add Mark to your Buddy List
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Well, that proves it. I must be an obsessive fan since recently I can't help but use the phrase "I ain't down wit dat."

"Lord, beer me strength"
08-28-2002 18:25 Pfiagra is offline Send an Email to Pfiagra Search for Posts by Pfiagra Add Pfiagra to your Buddy List
dorfsmith dorfsmith is a male
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That is great. I have done nearly all of those things.

08-28-2002 18:40 dorfsmith is offline Send an Email to dorfsmith Search for Posts by dorfsmith Add dorfsmith to your Buddy List
Gamgee Gamgee is a male
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I haven't amputated my dog's leg... so I guess I still have some measure of sanity...
08-28-2002 18:44 Gamgee is offline Send an Email to Gamgee Homepage of Gamgee Search for Posts by Gamgee Add Gamgee to your Buddy List
Mark Mark is a male


Registration Date: 03-18-2002
Posts: 9,525
Location: Grand Encephalon - Words have their place but live what you say God can have His way when you hit them with Love

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Thank goodness

But never, never pin your whole faith on any human being: not if he is the best and wisest in the whole world. - C.S. Lewis

08-28-2002 18:46 Mark is offline Send an Email to Mark Search for Posts by Mark Add Mark to your Buddy List
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