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Go to the bottom of this page Tom H
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 Tom H John Foxe 08-29-2002 21:22
 RE: Tom H audiori 08-29-2002 22:29
 is that the same Tom H 08-30-2002 02:11
 RE: Tom H brdhsnyrsoul 08-30-2002 10:13

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John Foxe John Foxe is a male
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Anyone know what Mr. Howard is up to these days? Lately I've been snapping up everything I can of his. For the newbies, this is sorta DA related in that he and his wife played on Doppelganger, and I'm pretty sure he's been tight with DA and Uncle Stonehill since the Norman days.

Tom is one talented musician. Did anyone ever see him live? He impressed the heck out of me years ago when he did an awesome solo concert on the guitar and piano. In fact on one song he played in one key while singing in another - very strange stuff, but boy does he have a good ear.

I'm trying to track down every work where he's had a major hand. If anyone has info or knows if he has a web site, let me know.


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08-29-2002 21:22 John Foxe is offline Send an Email to John Foxe Search for Posts by John Foxe Add John Foxe to your Buddy List AIM Screen Name of John Foxe: yikes... amateurs online?
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We had pizza with him not too long ago. Funny guy. Has trouble sitting in chairs.

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08-29-2002 22:29 audiori is offline Send an Email to audiori Homepage of audiori Search for Posts by audiori Add audiori to your Buddy List
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is that the same Tom H Reply to this Post Post Reply with Quote Edit/Delete Posts Report Post to a Moderator       Go to the top of this page

who was involved with Rich and the Ragamuffin's The Jesus Record?

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Tom Howard did some piano CDs for the painter, Thomas Kinkade. It was available from Thomaskinkade.com for awhile, not sure if it still is. He gave a piano concert at a TK convention thing in So. CA. a few years back. It was incredible. Everyone wanted his CDs, but he ran out.


08-30-2002 10:13 brdhsnyrsoul is offline Send an Email to brdhsnyrsoul Search for Posts by brdhsnyrsoul Add brdhsnyrsoul to your Buddy List
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