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 Nazarene Crying Towel help Eis 04-24-2007 19:01
 RE: Nazarene Crying Towel help Eis 04-25-2007 23:45
 RE: Nazarene Crying Towel help jiminy 04-26-2007 11:59
 RE: Nazarene Crying Towel help Eis 04-26-2007 19:00

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Eis Eis is a male
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A friend of mine just bought Nazarene Crying Towel on iTunes, and I'd like her to be able to read Uncle Terry's story in the liner notes. I don't have my copy here at school with me; will someone fill in the rest of the liner notes story where The Lost Dogs website leaves off? Thanks much.

04-24-2007 19:01 Eis is offline Send an Email to Eis Homepage of Eis Search for Posts by Eis Add Eis to your Buddy List
Eis Eis is a male
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C'mon now, someone has to have their liner notes lying around...it's for a brand new Terry Scott Taylor fan...
04-25-2007 23:45 Eis is offline Send an Email to Eis Homepage of Eis Search for Posts by Eis Add Eis to your Buddy List
Tallowy Tamale

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have it at home
will do my best to help....

but explekt a few spelking errirs ok?


theres nothing to EVER put here that will please everyone-let alone anyone.
04-26-2007 11:59 jiminy is offline Send an Email to jiminy Search for Posts by jiminy Add jiminy to your Buddy List
Eis Eis is a male
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thanks. I actually have someone back home getting it for me now, so I should be set.
04-26-2007 19:00 Eis is offline Send an Email to Eis Homepage of Eis Search for Posts by Eis Add Eis to your Buddy List
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