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Go to the bottom of this page What has DA/Terry's music meant to you over the years?
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 What has DA/Terry's music meant to you over the years? Audiori J 05-31-2007 10:06
 RE: What has DA/Terry's music meant to you over the years? Mountain Fan 05-31-2007 10:36
 RE: What has DA/Terry's music meant to you over the years? audiori 05-31-2007 17:16
 RE: What has DA/Terry's music meant to you over the years? Captain Pedantic 05-31-2007 16:45
 RE: What has DA/Terry's music meant to you over the years? peawinkel 05-31-2007 17:09
 1981 John Foxe 05-31-2007 21:53
 Re: 1981 sprinklerhead 06-04-2007 09:47
 RE: What has DA/Terry's music meant to you over the years? sprinklerhead 06-04-2007 10:13
 RE: What has DA/Terry's music meant to you over the years? snowblind 05-31-2007 23:39
 RE: What has DA/Terry's music meant to you over the years? peawinkel 06-01-2007 10:33
 RE: What has DA/Terry's music meant to you over the years? snowblind 06-01-2007 16:59
 RE: What has DA/Terry's music meant to you over the years? audiori 06-01-2007 16:41
 RE: What has DA/Terry's music meant to you over the years? jyroflux 06-02-2007 22:15
 RE: What has DA/Terry's music meant to you over the years? Space Ghost 06-03-2007 09:21
 RE: What has DA/Terry's music meant to you over the years? minutia 06-03-2007 21:52
 RE: What has DA/Terry's music meant to you over the years? SilkySmoothScrubbyMuffin 06-04-2007 21:03

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What has DA/Terry's music meant to you over the years? Reply to this Post Post Reply with Quote Edit/Delete Posts Report Post to a Moderator       Go to the top of this page

I am being curious. From a personal level, I believe the mujsic of DA was extremely instrumental in my accepting the Lord. I first started listening to them somewhere around '81 or '82 I think. I had been going to Church a few years but wasn't really into it at first, I hated to go. But once I found artistic relevant music such as DA I took a closer look at Christianity. Church became more to me than just a stuffy place to go for old people. It became a place for me to wet my new appetite for the Word. Through the years I think I grew along with the music, Terry and the guys expressing their own struggles, thoughts and ideas. All of which I could relate to and I had a lot of the same questions. I got from their music what I never got from other christian bands. Terry's first two solo albums for example, his expression of loss and love really helped me when our Grandfather passed away. Some of Terry's stories about his own Father's passing also had parallels to our Grandfather's passing. Terry's expressing where he was at durring that time, both in song and between them, was just what I needed to hear and helped me put things in perspective. I believe this is a two way street as Terry has recieved many letters through the site of people who have gone through loss in their lives, while they express gratitude I think it alos helps keep Terry focused and encourages him. For me personally, their music has been hugely important in my development, it has helped me be the person I am. A substantial portion of my growth. I think a band like this really may never fully realize how much they really have effected people.

“Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account.” Matthew 5:11
05-31-2007 10:06 Audiori J is offline Send an Email to Audiori J Search for Posts by Audiori J Add Audiori J to your Buddy List
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I found out about Terry after I was already saved and discovered the Lost Dogs' Scenic Routes. Bought all Dogs stuff since. Bought DA's Motorcycle and Adam Again's Dig. Didn't buy much music for awhile and missed Bibleland, SOTH when they came out. College and being newly married and working through stuff really took most of my time. The Lost Dogs first three albums gave me a lot of hope and enjoyment and got a lot of play, especially the first 2. Started maybe around 2000 trying to play some catch-up with Terry, Dogs, DA, Roe, Adam Again. Still not caught up. Don't like DA new wave stuff much - mainly the majority of Doppelganger, Vox Humana, and Fearful Symmetry, although there are some tunes on those I do really like. DA's music is great just to listen to but when I read the lyrics it really hits home in a more personal way. I'm not that huge of a fan of Terry's early solo albums musically, mainly because of a lack of guitar. (I like Light Princess, although it never deeply effected me even though we lost our second one early on, about 11 weeks I think.) I do really like John Wayne and Avocado Faultline. Little, Big was just OK for me overall.

I view the mainstream american church more doing disservice to better christian bands like DA in favor of trendy crap. I was made to go to a Baptist church when young and am thankful for some of the good examples and scripture I absorbed there. I quit going when a teen (after my Dad quit going). I always liked music but never saw Christian music as that likable or relevant and never went much deeper than what got radio play until after I was saved (in an AG church, after I met br for the second time). I saw youth groups as mostly a joke (and still mostly do). Ya just gotta dig more to find good christian music than good secular music. Ya gotta dig to find a good church. Ya just gotta dig a lot in life.

I agree the people that will have the biggest "crown" in heaven will likely be relatively unknown here on earth, in pop culture anyway.


Got a few miles left ...

Make sure you have heard a Kind Word! Happy
05-31-2007 10:36 Mountain Fan is offline Send an Email to Mountain Fan Search for Posts by Mountain Fan Add Mountain Fan to your Buddy List
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Originally posted by Mountain Fan

I agree the people that will have the biggest "crown" in heaven will likely be relatively unknown here on earth, in pop culture anyway.

Theres a great line that goes something like... "The truly great are rarely famous and the famous are rarely great"... I think the actual quote sounds a little better but I forget how it goes exactly.

"Blessed is he who expecteth nothing, for he shall enjoy everything" -St. Francis of Assisi

"A strange fanaticism fills our time: the fanatical hatred of morality, especially of Christian morality." - GK Chesterton
05-31-2007 17:16 audiori is offline Send an Email to audiori Homepage of audiori Search for Posts by audiori Add audiori to your Buddy List
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The Lord found me way back in 1989 - then in 1990 I found this weird looking cassette on the Christian Bookstore shelf - there was a naked guy doing sit-ups on the cover. I gave it a quick listen to on the machine in the store and was dumbfounded and in awe. I bought it and on the bike ride home was amazed as I've never heard anything like this. Next week I went back and found Darn Floor Big Bite, a few months later I found Vox Humana.

Then I got married to a very strong willed woman - who it turned out was unconsciously psychologically abusive to me. My personality was stripped away over the years till I was a nearly empty shell. I remember one night curled up in the fetal position crying and repeating to myself over and over my family tree to give myself identity. The only other thing I had was the music of DA, Terry, the Eddies and the Dogs. I kept this from her you see. I bought more of thier music in secrect and listened to it on the way to work.

So the only things in my identity that was not controled by her was my name and DA.

Just before she left me for another guy I was planning my suicide, I wanted to die I had no hope whatsoever in this life, then I found out she was having an affair and I had a nervous brekadown. I remember that afternoon amongst the pain and the tears finding some hope and that was by singing the song "Soon!".

During my recovery Terry's and co's music was a big part in redescovering and re-creating myself, it kept me wanting to go to the Lord. And it was the whole package in the music - not just the lyrics, but bass, drum, guitars, other assorted instruments and noises too - they all fitted together.

The music kept telling me - yes there is grief, yes there is pain, we cannot always understand God - but there is fun and laughter and hope and Yes He really is there and in the minutae of our lives - if we know it or not.

What has Da mean to me over there years? More than I could ever truly thank them for.

Seek Justice
05-31-2007 16:45 Captain Pedantic is offline Send an Email to Captain Pedantic Search for Posts by Captain Pedantic Add Captain Pedantic to your Buddy List View the MSN Profile for Captain Pedantic
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thanx for sharing...........

If you tuned in to listen to Third Day, Casting Crowns, or Chris Tomlin,
You've come to the wrong place
05-31-2007 17:09 peawinkel is offline Send an Email to peawinkel Homepage of peawinkel Search for Posts by peawinkel Add peawinkel to your Buddy List
John Foxe John Foxe is a male
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1981 Reply to this Post Post Reply with Quote Edit/Delete Posts Report Post to a Moderator       Go to the top of this page

I found DA in 1981, when I won HD and Alarma in a contest. I had been saved for quite some time before that, but DA did challenge my world view and helped me reconsider, refine, and in some cases offload some preconceived notions and doctrines I held at the time. (To this day, however, I still can't stand that Ron Sider book Terry was holding in that Alarma picture.)

DA opened my eyes to a lot of the world I never would have seen, and exposed me to poetry and literature I never would have read. And certainly DA expanded my musical horizons both lyrically and musically. Frankly, I never looked at Petra and D&K again the same way. Tongue

The guys have also been a good example to my wife, who never cared much for the music, being a classical snob (except at Cornerstone, which she thinks is a lot of fun), in that they are faithful, God-fearing married men with children, leading respectable lives outside the band.

I've heard it said that some of DA's fans are scary. Maybe that's me. DA to me is one of those rare bands that makes a few of us want to dig our roots really deep and not let go.

Tim and Terry (you're the only ones who really get on), we love you guys and appreciate your art in more ways that we sometimes say.

I'm a middle-aged hitchhiker...
05-31-2007 21:53 John Foxe is offline Send an Email to John Foxe Search for Posts by John Foxe Add John Foxe to your Buddy List AIM Screen Name of John Foxe: yikes... amateurs online?
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Originally posted by John Foxe
Frankly, I never looked at Petra and D&K again the same way. Tongue

And the Lord said to Terry, "Well done my good and faithful servant." Smile

I had another dream about lions at the door
They weren't half as frightening as they were before
But I'm thinking about eternity

And I'm wondering where the lions are...
I'm wondering where the lions are...
06-04-2007 09:47 sprinklerhead is offline Send an Email to sprinklerhead Homepage of sprinklerhead Search for Posts by sprinklerhead Add sprinklerhead to your Buddy List
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I was in jr. high when my brother took me to see DA. He thought we were going to see a country band. But, some time between the time he purchased Shotgun Angel and the time we saw them, Alarma was released. He never purchased another one of their records and I was hooked. So, I grew up on DA and was a huge fan. I remember one of the times that I saw them at Cornerstone, Terry saying something along the lines of DA breaking up. It wasn't exactly those words but we took it that way. I think it was really an anouncement that they were going to start doing different things because "Let's Spin" was released shortly after. As others have said, Terry changed my way of looking at things. I grew up in the church but felt like something was lacking. DA was saying things that made me think. I had several years of backslidding or rebellion and gave up on all christian music. The closest thing that I would still listen to is U2 but, the Sex Pistols, Black Flag, Replacements, and the Clash were more welcomed at the time. I moved to CA in 89 and my family feared the worst for me. God had other plans. While crashing the MCA Records company Christmas party, I met a girl that became my wife. We were both on the tail end of years of being away from the Lord and thought we needed to do something about it. We found a church that was everything that I had been looking for in a group of believers and that became our home until we left CA. So, instead of CA being the place were I sunk deeper into a pit, it became a place of new life for both of us. Sometime after finding that church, I was in Valley Book & Bible in Van Nuys, CA and found SOTH. I had no idea that DA was still making records. I bought that and it was like welcoming home some old friends. From there, I picked up Kalhoun and Bible Land. Because of that experience, SOTH has a special place in my heart. I have to say that it is my favorite DA album. With my renewed interest in DA, I had to get my wife to experience them. Sadly, we tried but never succeeded. You can read about that here:


She has seen the Dogs a few times, however.

I had another dream about lions at the door
They weren't half as frightening as they were before
But I'm thinking about eternity

And I'm wondering where the lions are...
I'm wondering where the lions are...
06-04-2007 10:13 sprinklerhead is offline Send an Email to sprinklerhead Homepage of sprinklerhead Search for Posts by sprinklerhead Add sprinklerhead to your Buddy List
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Great stories so far! My story isn't quite so dramatic, but when I was 12 (in 1983), my parents bought me a boombox and 2 cassettes (Petra's Never Say Die and Steve Taylor's I Want to be a Clone). The next next Christmas, they bought me two more: Leon Patillo The Sky Is The Limit Red Face and Daniel Amos' Vox Humana. Needless to say, Vox Humana changed the way I looked at "Christian" music. I was immediately a fan and proceeded to get almost everything they ever put out, with the exception of some of the really old stuff. And I've upgraded almost everything to CD. Terry is one of the most amazing songwriters I've ever heard/read. I still haven't bought another Leon Patillo album.
05-31-2007 23:39 snowblind is offline Homepage of snowblind Search for Posts by snowblind Add snowblind to your Buddy List
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He's my Lord and King
He's my everything

If you tuned in to listen to Third Day, Casting Crowns, or Chris Tomlin,
You've come to the wrong place
06-01-2007 10:33 peawinkel is offline Send an Email to peawinkel Homepage of peawinkel Search for Posts by peawinkel Add peawinkel to your Buddy List
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Originally posted by peawinkel
He's my Lord and King
He's my everything

Oh no you dit'n...
06-01-2007 16:59 snowblind is offline Homepage of snowblind Search for Posts by snowblind Add snowblind to your Buddy List
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Good comments so far..

anyone else care to give their DA story?

"Blessed is he who expecteth nothing, for he shall enjoy everything" -St. Francis of Assisi

"A strange fanaticism fills our time: the fanatical hatred of morality, especially of Christian morality." - GK Chesterton
06-01-2007 16:41 audiori is offline Send an Email to audiori Homepage of audiori Search for Posts by audiori Add audiori to your Buddy List
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Way back when I used to buy albums based on the covers. Since in those days (I was living in Texas at the time) you didn't hear much CCM on the radio, one had to just take chances. I walked in to the Christian Book Store one day and there was Shotgun Angel. I just had to have it. It looked cool. Texas. Pick-up truck. No brainer.

Side one was pretty cool. Sounded better than the Eagles with a bit of Beatles mixed in. Side two blew me away. I dragged all my friends over and made them listen to it.

I went back and got the more country-looking "Daniel Amos" and though I was never a country music fan I grew to love that album as well. I've been in California since the early 80's and I've managed to see DA many times in concert. Though my fondest memory is a show in Napa, CA sometime after the release of Shotgun Angel but before the recording of Horrendous Disc because many of those songs were unknown to me and never made it to HD. The boys were on fire during that time and the show was one of the best I've ever seen.

One regret is missing the Amos and Randy tour. I happened to be in Hawaii on the same day as one of the shows, but I just couldn't arrange to be there. *sigh*

Terry's lyrics have been and enduring force in my life. When so much music is drivel, DA/Terry/SE/LD have always been a beacon of hope. Sometimes I wish I could buy the boys a studio and give them a few million and just let them go at it. But, maybe it's better the way it is. DA's music is real. That's why I love it.

06-02-2007 22:15 jyroflux is offline Send an Email to jyroflux Search for Posts by jyroflux Add jyroflux to your Buddy List
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I first heard of DA when I read a review of Fearful Symmetry in Cornerstone in 1986 or so. I was still new to the idea of "Christian Rock", having been told in the Bob Jones modeled church I'd been saved in two years prior that pretty much everything in the world was verboten. So I was still warming up to the idea, and my restricted spiritual synapsi just weren't ready to swim in the deeper waters DA tread. I listened to it once and felt ripped off.

A couple years later I go to work at the local Christian bookstore. A few of the guys who worked there were into the cooler bands from that scene, and one of them bristled when I said I didn't think DA were any good. The next day he gives me a compilation tape he made of all their 80's wave stuff, and while I still didn't get the FS & DFBB material, I loved the Doppleganger & Vox Humana songs (oh, and he threw on Terry's Out Of The Wildwood song, which I thought was brilliant). So, needless to say, I've been keeping tabs on 'em since.

But getting to the question of what the music's meant down through the years, I guess it's the deftly articulated honesty and transparency that still keeps me interested. That, and it has a nice beat and you can dance to it. Wink And even though my worldview has evolved over the years to be a bit more universalist (the mindset, not the religious sect), I continue to appreciate the artistic integrity and creativity Terry & Co. pour into their work. I can't wait for the new Eddies' stuff!

A quality of justice
A quantity of light
A particle of mercy
Makes the color of right

Gravity and distance
Change the passage of light
Gravity and distance
Change the color of right

06-03-2007 09:21 Space Ghost is offline Send an Email to Space Ghost Search for Posts by Space Ghost Add Space Ghost to your Buddy List
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Wow, good subject. I'm going to have to think about it for a while before I try to write anything.
06-03-2007 21:52 minutia is offline Search for Posts by minutia Add minutia to your Buddy List
SilkySmoothScrubbyMuffin SilkySmoothScrubbyMuffin is a male
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This is a cool thread, I only got to know them after the whole Swirling Eddies contest.

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06-04-2007 21:03 SilkySmoothScrubbyMuffin is offline Send an Email to SilkySmoothScrubbyMuffin Search for Posts by SilkySmoothScrubbyMuffin Add SilkySmoothScrubbyMuffin to your Buddy List
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