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Go to the bottom of this page Terry songs that challenge you spiritually
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 Terry songs that challenge you spiritually Aqua Green Toupee 04-11-2008 08:29
 RE: Terry songs that challenge you spiritually MarkyMark77 04-11-2008 09:57
 Yeah... John Foxe 04-11-2008 10:07
 RE: Terry songs that challenge you spiritually jiminy 04-11-2008 10:33
 RE: Terry songs that challenge you spiritually Aqua Green Toupee 04-11-2008 15:26
 RE: Terry songs that challenge you spiritually DwDunphy 04-11-2008 19:42
 RE: Terry songs that challenge you spiritually Eis 04-11-2008 23:21
 RE: Terry songs that challenge you spiritually Aqua Green Toupee 04-12-2008 17:23
 RE: Terry songs that challenge you spiritually Audiori J 04-13-2008 12:04
 RE: Terry songs that challenge you spiritually Aqua Green Toupee 04-14-2008 15:29
 RE: Terry songs that challenge you spiritually Strange Animal 04-11-2008 23:54
 RE: Terry songs that challenge you spiritually baxter 04-12-2008 13:15
 RE: Terry songs that challenge you spiritually Dr Rich 04-13-2008 14:14
 terry tunes jon eddies 04-13-2008 18:04
 terry tunes that make you think jon eddies 04-13-2008 18:18
 RE: Terry songs that challenge you spiritually Aqua Green Toupee 04-14-2008 08:45
 RE: Terry songs that challenge you spiritually jiminy 04-14-2008 09:20

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Aqua Green Toupee Aqua Green Toupee is a male
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Terry songs that challenge you spiritually Reply to this Post Post Reply with Quote Edit/Delete Posts Report Post to a Moderator       Go to the top of this page

Has there ever been a song of his that made you squirm a little, even on the inside, because it was about YOU to some degree?

I'll tell you mine if this thread does any good.
04-11-2008 08:29 Aqua Green Toupee is offline Send an Email to Aqua Green Toupee Search for Posts by Aqua Green Toupee Add Aqua Green Toupee to your Buddy List
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I've got a Lost Dogs one, but it's a Mike Roe song.

It's "The New Physics".

There's suffering undeclared
There's suffering unawares
There's suffering everywhere

But it's not here
No it's not here
And if it's not here
Then is it anywhere?

It really reminds me that, in the kingdom, "out of sight" should not be "out of mind", and that there are plenty of people who don't know Jesus, who need a good meal, clean water and safe shelter. And, it reminds me that I'm called to do something about it.

As far as a Terry song, though, I've been thinking about my perspective, and how I look at things, and how some of it may be incorrect. That, of course, has been inspired by "It All Depends" from the new SE disc.


04-11-2008 09:57 MarkyMark77 is offline Send an Email to MarkyMark77 Homepage of MarkyMark77 Search for Posts by MarkyMark77 Add MarkyMark77 to your Buddy List
John Foxe John Foxe is a male
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Yeah... Reply to this Post Post Reply with Quote Edit/Delete Posts Report Post to a Moderator       Go to the top of this page

traps, ensnares; out in the cold

Normal temptations of the male of the species....

I'm a middle-aged hitchhiker...
04-11-2008 10:07 John Foxe is offline Send an Email to John Foxe Search for Posts by John Foxe Add John Foxe to your Buddy List AIM Screen Name of John Foxe: yikes... amateurs online?
Tallowy Tamale

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Since someone put in the Mike Tangent-

Lovely man-

I have so much pride that I am mean to people on this board-thinking Im better than they are.

Christ Have Mercy on me for this (one of many) fault..


theres nothing to EVER put here that will please everyone-let alone anyone.
04-11-2008 10:33 jiminy is offline Send an Email to jiminy Search for Posts by jiminy Add jiminy to your Buddy List
Aqua Green Toupee Aqua Green Toupee is a male
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As a pastor I relate to this song:

Beam it on the satellite, send it through the T.V.
Get it on the play list, preach it to the masses

I want the big time, it's not for everyone
I want the long line, to tell them what I've done
Give me a bullhorn, I'll help Your kingdom come
I get all this, and heaven when I'm done

Why stop with the little things, wires cross the continents
The moment of conversion, on the cover of my album

I want the big time, it's not for everyone
I want the long line, to tell them what I've done
Give me a bullhorn, I'll help Your kingdom come
I get all this, and heaven when I'm done

Heard some talk about the big big big big big deal
Can't wait, moving on, can't wait, moving on
Lawyers talking 'bout the long long long long
long long long long contract
Five years, how long?, sign here, moving on

Send a tape to Carson, got a date in Vegas
Start a church in LA., billboard off the freeway

I want the big time, it's not for everyone
I want the long line, to tell them what I've done
Give me a bullhorn, I'll help Your kingdom come
I get all this, and heaven when I'm done
I want the big time, I want the long line
Give me a bullhorn, I get all this, and heaven when I'm done
04-11-2008 15:26 Aqua Green Toupee is offline Send an Email to Aqua Green Toupee Search for Posts by Aqua Green Toupee Add Aqua Green Toupee to your Buddy List
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Wow. That's a tough one. I see myself in almost every song, which is just a function of basic human ego. Mostly though, I hear "One More Time" and it sounds like my own voice (not literally, but figuratively) saying my feelings in almost a feedback manner.
04-11-2008 19:42 DwDunphy is offline Send an Email to DwDunphy Homepage of DwDunphy Search for Posts by DwDunphy Add DwDunphy to your Buddy List AIM Screen Name of DwDunphy: dunphyetc
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"It All Depends" convicted me a lot during some depression and self-pity I've had over the last few months...I wasn't searching for the right perspective, as I should have been.
04-11-2008 23:21 Eis is offline Send an Email to Eis Homepage of Eis Search for Posts by Eis Add Eis to your Buddy List
Aqua Green Toupee Aqua Green Toupee is a male
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Originally posted by Eis
"It All Depends" convicted me a lot during some depression and self-pity I've had over the last few months...I wasn't searching for the right perspective, as I should have been.

Me too.
04-12-2008 17:23 Aqua Green Toupee is offline Send an Email to Aqua Green Toupee Search for Posts by Aqua Green Toupee Add Aqua Green Toupee to your Buddy List
Audiori J Audiori J is a male


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Originally posted by Aqua Green Toupee
Originally posted by Eis
"It All Depends" convicted me a lot during some depression and self-pity I've had over the last few months...I wasn't searching for the right perspective, as I should have been.

Me too.

That song, I had posted a little story here a long time ago that kind of illustrates sort of what that song says to me. It goes like this;

This farmer had only one horse, and one day the horse ran away. The neighbors came to console over his terrible loss.
The farmer said, "Who's to know what is good or bad?"

A month later, the horse came home--this time bringing with her two beautiful wild horses. The neighbors became excited at the farmer's good fortune. "Congratulations! Such lovely strong horses! "
The farmer said, "Who's to know what is good or bad?"

The farmer's son tries to tame the new horses and was thrown from one of the wild horses and broke his leg. All the neighbors were very distressed. "Such bad luck!"
The farmer said, "Who's to know what is good or bad?"

A war came, and every able-bodied man was conscripted and sent into battle. Only the farmer's son, because he had a broken leg, remained. The neighbors congratulated the farmer.
The farmer said, "Who's to know what is good or bad?"

The Taoists sort of have a different moral for the story, but what I take from it is that God is in control. We don't want to be angry at God over blessings in disguise. You can be totally ticked off and lose your temper over traffic, and its entirely possible that traffic is there because of an accident that you could of been in had you been 10 minutes earlier. Being temperate is not stuffing your feelings, it is turning over the fleshly ones to God who is actually in control anyway. Its not easy to do, its a continual process. But that is what Paul was doing while in prison, he rejoiced, that God had him there because he was able to witness to the guards. Or look at Job, his affliction was an opportunity to show how faithful he was.

Songs like this can be convicting, and I think most of the time Terry writes them from the perspective of something he has been learning himself. Something he has struggled with.

“Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account.” Matthew 5:11
04-13-2008 12:04 Audiori J is offline Send an Email to Audiori J Search for Posts by Audiori J Add Audiori J to your Buddy List
Aqua Green Toupee Aqua Green Toupee is a male
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Originally posted by Audiori J
Originally posted by Aqua Green Toupee
Originally posted by Eis
"It All Depends" convicted me a lot during some depression and self-pity I've had over the last few months...I wasn't searching for the right perspective, as I should have been.

Me too.

That song, I had posted a little story here a long time ago that kind of illustrates sort of what that song says to me. It goes like this;

This farmer had only one horse, and one day the horse ran away. The neighbors came to console over his terrible loss.
The farmer said, "Who's to know what is good or bad?"

A month later, the horse came home--this time bringing with her two beautiful wild horses. The neighbors became excited at the farmer's good fortune. "Congratulations! Such lovely strong horses! "
The farmer said, "Who's to know what is good or bad?"

The farmer's son tries to tame the new horses and was thrown from one of the wild horses and broke his leg. All the neighbors were very distressed. "Such bad luck!"
The farmer said, "Who's to know what is good or bad?"

A war came, and every able-bodied man was conscripted and sent into battle. Only the farmer's son, because he had a broken leg, remained. The neighbors congratulated the farmer.
The farmer said, "Who's to know what is good or bad?"

The Taoists sort of have a different moral for the story, but what I take from it is that God is in control. We don't want to be angry at God over blessings in disguise. You can be totally ticked off and lose your temper over traffic, and its entirely possible that traffic is there because of an accident that you could of been in had you been 10 minutes earlier. Being temperate is not stuffing your feelings, it is turning over the fleshly ones to God who is actually in control anyway. Its not easy to do, its a continual process. But that is what Paul was doing while in prison, he rejoiced, that God had him there because he was able to witness to the guards. Or look at Job, his affliction was an opportunity to show how faithful he was.

Songs like this can be convicting, and I think most of the time Terry writes them from the perspective of something he has been learning himself. Something he has struggled with.

Thanks Aud One -- that's a great story.
04-14-2008 15:29 Aqua Green Toupee is offline Send an Email to Aqua Green Toupee Search for Posts by Aqua Green Toupee Add Aqua Green Toupee to your Buddy List
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Earth Household

from the album "Darn Floor - Big Bite"
Words and Music by Terry Taylor, Tim Chandler, and Greg Flesch
©1987 Broken Songs (ASCAP)

Sleeping by the hearth of the earth household
Content and relaxed before the fire of life
It's becoming like a castle all woven of mist
Disintegrating when I want to grab a hold

Struggle to go somewhere beyond
The earth household, the earth household
Go to the other unknowable side
Of the earth household, the earth household

We chase with the hounds for the meaning of the world
The unattainable meaning of the world
Now I'm gonna run to the other side
Beyond the border land of death I ride

Slip through a tear in the fabric of the world
The earth household, the earth household
Speak the foreign language of a place beyond
The earth household, the earth household

I drink you endlessly toward my hollow heart
And wake at night repeating "How strange, how strange!"
All is touch and vision in a passionate kiss
And life's a drab curtain ready to be raised

Struggle to go somewhere beyond
The earth household, the earth household
Go to the other unknowable side
Of the earth household, the earth household

The earth household, the earth household

We chase with the hounds for the meaning of the world...



This post has been edited 1 time(s), it was last edited by Strange Animal: 04-11-2008 23:55.

04-11-2008 23:54 Strange Animal is offline Search for Posts by Strange Animal Add Strange Animal to your Buddy List
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Several songs on Alarma were extremely convicting when I first heard them
(My Room, Faces to the Window, Colored By) . There has been good growth and maturity in these areas since I first heard those words, but not nearly enough to suggest that the same songs are not convicting today (just in different ways).
04-12-2008 13:15 baxter is offline Send an Email to baxter Homepage of baxter Search for Posts by baxter Add baxter to your Buddy List AIM Screen Name of baxter: NA YIM Account Name of baxter: NA
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My Room

from the album "¡Alarma!"
Words and Music by Terry Taylor
©1981 Paragon Music Corp./ASCAP

I live in my room, it's warm here in my room
World is spinning, spinning like a big top
I have got a secret, I will slip it
Under the door, slip it to this wicked wicked world

I read in my room, memorize in my room
I am removing myself, I am moving quietly
Those without the secret, keep on knocking
At the door, disturbance from this wicked wicked world

There's many little rooms, with people like me
We often get together, in a bigger room
We harmonize, we harmonize
We know it's real, we know it's real

I sleep in my room, it's dark now in my room
Time is ticking, ticking on the big clock
It's raining outside, heaven's tears
Are falling down, falling on this wicked wicked world

I live in my room, I live in my room
I live in my room, I live in my room
I live in my room


04-13-2008 14:14 Dr Rich is offline Send an Email to Dr Rich Search for Posts by Dr Rich Add Dr Rich to your Buddy List
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terry tunes Reply to this Post Post Reply with Quote Edit/Delete Posts Report Post to a Moderator       Go to the top of this page

"Look for the broken cross
In your shattered rearview mirror
Is that the face you've lost getting nearer?
becoming clearer?

And I don't believe in cheap grace or easy streets
This world needs to break our hearts and our innocence
But maybe that hard rain will drive you all the way home
Save you from drowning in your last defense

Don't stop believing
You are Loved and Forgiven"

first one that comes to mind.
04-13-2008 18:04 jon eddies is offline Send an Email to jon eddies Search for Posts by jon eddies Add jon eddies to your Buddy List
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terry tunes that make you think Reply to this Post Post Reply with Quote Edit/Delete Posts Report Post to a Moderator       Go to the top of this page

The beautiful people, all send their excuses:
(Real estate and sex lives, livestock and ex-wives)

But the poor are coming, the lame are running
In their sleazy clothes and orthopedic shoes
There's a harelip spokesman shouting out the news

"Come to the banquet at the world's end!"

It's funny at first but there is so much more to it. I think of the other taylor's tune Jesus is for Losers.
04-13-2008 18:18 jon eddies is offline Send an Email to jon eddies Search for Posts by jon eddies Add jon eddies to your Buddy List
Aqua Green Toupee Aqua Green Toupee is a male
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This one, more and more:

i’m an old Hitchhiker
i’m an old Hitchhiker
i’m an old Hitchhiker,
i’m still waiting there
in your rearview mirror

i’m a troubled midget now
i’m a troubled midget now
i’m a troubled midget
you can see me gettin’ smaller
in your rearview mirror

i’m a little bitty speck
hard to detect
easy to forget
somethin,’ almost nothin’
in your rearview mirror

oh i’m a rolling molecule
oh i’m a rolling molecule
i’m rolling now
getting closer and closer
in your rearview mirror

now i’m a poltergeist
i’m a poltergeist
i’m a poltergeist
i’m in the backseat crackin’ your rearview mirror

i’ve got some words for you
wise words for you
from the midget and the speck and the molecule
the hitchhiking ghost has some words for you

ah, turn back baby, turn around
the bridge is out and you will surely drown
turn back baby turn around
turn back baby, turn around

the rolling molecule’s
becomes a tiny speck now
the troubled midget’s now a laughing giant
and an old Hitchhiker

can you see me through your glass darkly?
i’m an old Hitchhiker
can you see me through your glass darkly?
i’m an old Hitchhiker
can you see me through your glass darkly?...
04-14-2008 08:45 Aqua Green Toupee is offline Send an Email to Aqua Green Toupee Search for Posts by Aqua Green Toupee Add Aqua Green Toupee to your Buddy List
Tallowy Tamale

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Songs like this can be convicting, and I think most of the time Terry writes them from the perspective of something he has been learning himself. Something he has struggled with.

hear hear!- well said!

I think that is why we are drawn to his music so.

hmmmm...how bout
Startin Monday?


theres nothing to EVER put here that will please everyone-let alone anyone.
04-14-2008 09:20 jiminy is offline Send an Email to jiminy Search for Posts by jiminy Add jiminy to your Buddy List
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