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 Best Songs dorfsmith 12-03-2002 22:51
 RE: Best Songs Joey T. 12-03-2002 23:07
 RE: Best Songs dorfsmith 12-03-2002 23:13
 RE: Best Songs Joey T. 12-03-2002 23:15
 RE: Best Songs B Diddy 12-03-2002 23:26
 RE: Best Songs Jim Muglia 12-03-2002 23:43
 RE: Best Songs arcticsunburn 12-03-2002 23:49
 RE: Best Songs baxter 12-04-2002 00:59

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dorfsmith dorfsmith is a male
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After much thought and consideration here's my list:
Daniel Amos--DFBB
Swirling Eddies--The Twist
Lost Dogs--Pray Where You Are
Terry Taylor--One More Time

What do you all think???

12-03-2002 22:51 dorfsmith is offline Send an Email to dorfsmith Search for Posts by dorfsmith Add dorfsmith to your Buddy List
Joey T.
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to quote the Dogs, close but no cigar... Wink

Da- The Earth Household
Swirling Eddies- Hold back the wind, Donna
Lost Dogs- Mexico
ok, you got one right
Terry Scott Taylor- One more time.... Big Grin


12-03-2002 23:07 Joey T. is offline Send an Email to Joey T. Homepage of Joey T. Search for Posts by Joey T. Add Joey T. to your Buddy List AIM Screen Name of Joey T.: beatmenace777 YIM Account Name of Joey T.: joey_t_2005 View the MSN Profile for Joey T.
dorfsmith dorfsmith is a male
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At least the da tracks were on the same CD.

12-03-2002 23:13 dorfsmith is offline Send an Email to dorfsmith Search for Posts by dorfsmith Add dorfsmith to your Buddy List
Joey T.
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the best one! Big Grin


12-03-2002 23:15 Joey T. is offline Send an Email to Joey T. Homepage of Joey T. Search for Posts by Joey T. Add Joey T. to your Buddy List AIM Screen Name of Joey T.: beatmenace777 YIM Account Name of Joey T.: joey_t_2005 View the MSN Profile for Joey T.
B Diddy
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I hate these things, I can never decide which ones I like best.

DA - The Devils Elbow
SE - Knee Jerk
TST - Lovely Lilly Lou
LD - Ditto

OK, not really
But at least these songs wont be on anyone else's list. Pleased

Devils Elbow is pretty cool though!'
Knee Jerk has always been a good one, and my wife likes Ditto.

Lovely Lilly Lou is probably my least favorite of any TST tune, there I said it. I don't like one song from Terry, so sue me.

12-03-2002 23:26 B Diddy is offline Search for Posts by B Diddy Add B Diddy to your Buddy List
Jim Muglia
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"Sweet Mother of God" - SE Big Grin
(actually, I never even heard that one yet, but I do love the "title"; heh heh heh)

Actually, let's see:
TST - "Into the Deep" off of "Surfornic Water Revival"
Lost Dogs - "Blessing in Disguise" off of "Gift Horse"
SE - "Catch That Angel" ("Miracle Faith Telethon" version)
Daniel Amos - "The Unattainable Earth"

I LOOOOVE those songs!
12-03-2002 23:43
arcticsunburn arcticsunburn is a male
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DA - The Double
SE - Driving in England

David Andrew Wiebe
12-03-2002 23:49 arcticsunburn is offline Send an Email to arcticsunburn Homepage of arcticsunburn Search for Posts by arcticsunburn Add arcticsunburn to your Buddy List Add arcticsunburn to your Contact List View the MSN Profile for arcticsunburn
baxter baxter is a male
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da Sanctuary, Joel, or Author of the Story i can't narrow it any further without having a panic attack...

eddies The Twist

TST Poppa Danced or you Lay Down or One MOre Time

dogs Elenor or Amber or Certain Love (i can't believe that my philistine son was reading a Hardy Boy book during this gem at the Eugene concert!)
12-04-2002 00:59 baxter is offline Send an Email to baxter Homepage of baxter Search for Posts by baxter Add baxter to your Buddy List AIM Screen Name of baxter: NA YIM Account Name of baxter: NA
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