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 Oh Yeah! Dr. Sticky 02-19-2003 12:11
 RE: Oh Yeah! Dr. Sticky 02-19-2003 12:12
 RE: Oh Yeah! baxter 02-19-2003 12:17
 RE: Oh Yeah! brdhsnyrsoul 02-20-2003 13:07
 RE: Oh Yeah! brdhsnyrsoul 02-20-2003 17:48
 RE: Oh Yeah! Mark 02-21-2003 21:20

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Dr. Sticky Dr. Sticky is a male
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So, a couple weeks ago my parent's church was holding a talent show and my little brother signed up. Over the past few years I've really been turning him on to Terry and all of that stuff. We've gone to see the Lost Dogs whenever they're around (he really thinks Mike Roe is the s*@t), but he loves Terry's stuff. I even made him a few MP3 discs of all of DA, TST, SE material. He decided that since his guitar skills are minimal he would sing along with Terry on a couple of songs. So, he chose Capistrano Beach and did a pretty good job. Then Pie Hole came on. Oh My. It was hysterical. At the end of the song, he had everyone sing along. From my mom to our parish priest.

Put a lid on it baby, everyone sang along. It was brilliant. I never thought I would see 65 year old women singing that song. It was a truly bizarre moment, and one that I will not forget any time soon.

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02-19-2003 12:11 Dr. Sticky is offline Send an Email to Dr. Sticky Homepage of Dr. Sticky Search for Posts by Dr. Sticky Add Dr. Sticky to your Buddy List
Dr. Sticky Dr. Sticky is a male
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Originally posted by Dr. Sticky
It was a truly bizarre moment, and one that I will not forget any time soon.

Which is funny considering I forgot to post this originally.
02-19-2003 12:12 Dr. Sticky is offline Send an Email to Dr. Sticky Homepage of Dr. Sticky Search for Posts by Dr. Sticky Add Dr. Sticky to your Buddy List
baxter baxter is a male
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That's a great story. What an image!
02-19-2003 12:17 baxter is offline Send an Email to baxter Homepage of baxter Search for Posts by baxter Add baxter to your Buddy List AIM Screen Name of baxter: NA YIM Account Name of baxter: NA
brdhsnyrsoul brdhsnyrsoul is a male
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It's the first Terry song that my wife actually really likes. She watched the BDDVD of Terry and Phil with me last night and was laughing out loud. It was great. She asked if I had the Avocado Faultline CD. An opening?


02-20-2003 13:07 brdhsnyrsoul is offline Send an Email to brdhsnyrsoul Search for Posts by brdhsnyrsoul Add brdhsnyrsoul to your Buddy List
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I like this one.


02-20-2003 17:48 brdhsnyrsoul is offline Send an Email to brdhsnyrsoul Search for Posts by brdhsnyrsoul Add brdhsnyrsoul to your Buddy List
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A Roxy Music song

But never, never pin your whole faith on any human being: not if he is the best and wisest in the whole world. - C.S. Lewis

02-21-2003 21:20 Mark is offline Send an Email to Mark Search for Posts by Mark Add Mark to your Buddy List
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