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 Internet Radio Show Mystery5 03-24-2003 19:04
 RE: Internet Radio Show dorfsmith 03-24-2003 19:14
 RE: Internet Radio Show Dr. Sticky 03-25-2003 11:35
 RE: Internet Radio Show Woggy 03-25-2003 12:35
 RE: Internet Radio Show Dr. Sticky 03-25-2003 17:20

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Normal Noggin

Registration Date: 03-24-2003
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Hey Everyone. Daniel Amos is a favorite band of mine, and I play their music and others on my Intenet radio show "The Underground Mystery". Listen at www.channelzonline.org Thursdays 6:00 to 7:00 pm Eastern.
03-24-2003 19:04 Mystery5 is offline Send an Email to Mystery5 Search for Posts by Mystery5 Add Mystery5 to your Buddy List
dorfsmith dorfsmith is a male
Grand Encephalon


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I like anybody who promotes DA!

03-24-2003 19:14 dorfsmith is offline Send an Email to dorfsmith Search for Posts by dorfsmith Add dorfsmith to your Buddy List
Dr. Sticky Dr. Sticky is a male
Mind Peach

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I, too, play DA on my radio show, The Neverland Ballroom. it's archived at www.greencouchstudios.com

right now there is a recent show in mp3 format that is probably one of the best shows i've done. the one i want to be remembered by.

support internet radio shows!!!!!!!!!!!
03-25-2003 11:35 Dr. Sticky is offline Send an Email to Dr. Sticky Homepage of Dr. Sticky Search for Posts by Dr. Sticky Add Dr. Sticky to your Buddy List
Woggy Woggy is a female


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that dancing spiderman kinda freaks me out...........


1 John 2:6
Whoever claims to live in him must walk as Jesus did.

03-25-2003 12:35 Woggy is offline Send an Email to Woggy Search for Posts by Woggy Add Woggy to your Buddy List AIM Screen Name of Woggy: none YIM Account Name of Woggy: none
Dr. Sticky Dr. Sticky is a male
Mind Peach

Registration Date: 03-14-2002
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Location: lexington, ky

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he's busting a funky move on the world or ROCK!
03-25-2003 17:20 Dr. Sticky is offline Send an Email to Dr. Sticky Homepage of Dr. Sticky Search for Posts by Dr. Sticky Add Dr. Sticky to your Buddy List
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