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Go to the bottom of this page Mike Stone
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 Mike Stone dennis 07-01-2003 14:04
 RE: Mike Stone audiori 07-01-2003 14:31
 RE: Mike Stone JR88 07-01-2003 14:33
 RE: Mike Stone dennis 07-01-2003 15:15
 RE: Mike Stone dennis 07-01-2003 15:18
 RE: Mike Stone Mark 07-01-2003 17:18

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dennis dennis is a male
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Okay... is this Mike Stone who co-produced HD the same guy who produced the first couple Asia records, News of the World by Queen and (as Dale tells me) some Journey records?? What's the scoop here?

Also, was Mike Stone kind of a "producer mentor" to Terry?

I'm talkin' bout the Vinyl , the Holy Vinyl.
07-01-2003 14:04 dennis is offline Send an Email to dennis Homepage of dennis Search for Posts by dennis Add dennis to your Buddy List
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Same Mike Stone.

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07-01-2003 14:31 audiori is offline Send an Email to audiori Homepage of audiori Search for Posts by audiori Add audiori to your Buddy List
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Cool Big Grin


07-01-2003 14:33 JR88 is offline Send an Email to JR88 Homepage of JR88 Search for Posts by JR88 Add JR88 to your Buddy List YIM Account Name of JR88: lostdog742003@yahoo.com View the MSN Profile for JR88
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Ubique Epoque


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Originally posted by audiori

Same Mike Stone.

That's very cool. Cool
Thanks audiori!

I'm talkin' bout the Vinyl , the Holy Vinyl.
07-01-2003 15:15 dennis is offline Send an Email to dennis Homepage of dennis Search for Posts by dennis Add dennis to your Buddy List
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Ubique Epoque


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I just looked on the timeline and see he worked with Frank Zappa and Kiss as well! Smile

I'm talkin' bout the Vinyl , the Holy Vinyl.
07-01-2003 15:18 dennis is offline Send an Email to dennis Homepage of dennis Search for Posts by dennis Add dennis to your Buddy List
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07-01-2003 17:18 Mark is offline Send an Email to Mark Search for Posts by Mark Add Mark to your Buddy List
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