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 What An Album! mikey63116 05-22-2002 07:15
 RE: What An Album! Gamgee 05-22-2002 08:57
 RE: What An Album! Shemp 05-22-2002 09:22
 But not the M8 copy.... :) carl 05-22-2002 09:42
 RE: What An Album! Gamgee 05-22-2002 10:23
 Yeah, but.... carl 05-22-2002 10:46
 RE: What An Album! Dr Rich 05-22-2002 10:51
 RE: What An Album! Shemp 05-22-2002 11:46
 ya hadda be there 05-22-2002 11:52
 RE: What An Album! Shemp 05-22-2002 12:59
 I know 05-22-2002 13:11
 look at it this way 05-22-2002 13:21
 RE: What An Album! Joey T. 05-22-2002 14:53
 M8ed Shotgun Angel... audiori 05-22-2002 15:42
 RE: What An Album! Dr Rich 05-22-2002 19:17
 RE: What An Album! Dr Rich 05-22-2002 19:20
 RE: What An Album! BigDork 05-23-2002 00:01
 RE: What An Album! Shemp 05-23-2002 07:11
 Shotgun stand alone Tyler Durden 05-23-2002 12:22
 RE: What An Album! BigDork 05-23-2002 19:19
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Normal Noggin

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What An Album! Reply to this Post Post Reply with Quote Edit/Delete Posts Report Post to a Moderator       Go to the top of this page

I have been becoming familiar with "Mr. Buechner's Dream" and am coming to realize this is a very multi-layered album. I resist the temptation to compare it with "Shotgun Angel" (that would be insanity), but I am being currently BLOWN AWAY with songs like "The Author Of the Story," "Who's Who Here."

What an awesome album.

Much love,

05-22-2002 07:15 mikey63116 is offline Send an Email to mikey63116 Search for Posts by mikey63116 Add mikey63116 to your Buddy List
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Originally posted by mikey63116
I have been becoming familiar with "Mr. Buechner's Dream" and am coming to realize this is a very multi-layered album. I resist the temptation to compare it with "Shotgun Angel" (that would be insanity), but I am being currently BLOWN AWAY with songs like "The Author Of the Story," "Who's Who Here."

What an awesome album.

Much love,


Interesting. Are you saying that Shotgun Angel is better than MBD? I can't argue with that (having never heard SA, sadly), but it does surprise me.
05-22-2002 08:57 Gamgee is offline Send an Email to Gamgee Homepage of Gamgee Search for Posts by Gamgee Add Gamgee to your Buddy List
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For one to know DA,
One must experience SA!

That is by far one of the most interesting LP's they have ever created. The harmonies surpass most of the other recordings. In fact, all of the other recordings seem to echo SA in one way or another.

Side 2 (this is back in vinyl days) is eschatology at its best. The “Revelation” LP is a broadened version of side 2, with narrations from Pr. Chuck Smith, Calvary Chapel.

Heed my words and get yourself a copy of SA…
You’ll be amazed!
05-22-2002 09:22
carl carl is a male

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But not the M8 copy.... :) Reply to this Post Post Reply with Quote Edit/Delete Posts Report Post to a Moderator       Go to the top of this page

....seriously, I appreciate the craft, but the songwriting has grown so much since then it's hard for me to put SA on the same level with a Beekner or a MotorCycle or pretty much anything since Alarma! Of course, the fact that's it's Country Terry doesn't help me here either....

As for Revelation -- I said it before but I'm pretty sure it was pre-Shemp so I'll repeat -- Chuck Smith's stilted enunciation for all the world reminds me of Robin Zander on Cheap Trick at Budokan....

"I -- want -------------- YOU -- to -- want--------------JESUS...."


Tongue Tongue Tongue Tongue Tongue Tongue
05-22-2002 09:42 carl is offline Send an Email to carl Search for Posts by carl Add carl to your Buddy List AIM Screen Name of carl: I already aimed at one.... YIM Account Name of carl: Yumpin' Yiminy (wait.... View the MSN Profile for carl
Gamgee Gamgee is a male
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Is the Shotgun Angel in the webstore the M8? I've heard terrible things about what M8 did to it, and I wouldn't to get a messed up copy.
05-22-2002 10:23 Gamgee is offline Send an Email to Gamgee Homepage of Gamgee Search for Posts by Gamgee Add Gamgee to your Buddy List
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Yeah, but.... Reply to this Post Post Reply with Quote Edit/Delete Posts Report Post to a Moderator       Go to the top of this page

....the DA boys had promised to right this egregious wrong by supplying a substitute disk at some future time....

Honestly, while I understand it -- and probably because I never owned the original prior to this -- it didn't bother me nearly as much as it did some people. That said: You can hear clicks between the Side Two tracks, but at least they're not big honkin' gaps, unlike.... uh, well, I'll get there.... Still, if y'r trying to listen to an Abbey Road-like "seamless" suite I could see where that'd Mountain Dew people off. And I like the extra live tracks (& having recently discovered that a buddy supplied them makes them that much more enjoyable). The second disk, however, is worthless -- a barely-audible copy of an interview that was clearly lame to start with. And admittedly, if y'r gonna trumpet a "25th Anniversary Edition," it'd be nice if they weren't just a bunch of mp3s strung together....

Still, I'd rather have it than not. But don't get me started on the absolute hatchet job M8 did on Little Red Riding Hood.... I got a copy of the REAL version since then, but I'm still ticked....


Tongue Tongue Tongue Tongue Tongue Tongue
05-22-2002 10:46 carl is offline Send an Email to carl Search for Posts by carl Add carl to your Buddy List AIM Screen Name of carl: I already aimed at one.... YIM Account Name of carl: Yumpin' Yiminy (wait.... View the MSN Profile for carl
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I have the M-8 shotgun angel and LRRH and like them both just fine. The false starts are kinda fun, like "dig a pony" Smile

While I love SA and MBD, I would not compare them... they are very different albums and very differnt times in TST's career Smile


05-22-2002 10:51 Dr Rich is offline Send an Email to Dr Rich Search for Posts by Dr Rich Add Dr Rich to your Buddy List
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That’s a fair assessment Mr. Dr.

What is interesting was the major fallout from the fans way back then when SA went to HD then Alarma. Oh my, was it ugly.

I saw the band preform in a high school gym in Fenton, MI, circa 1980 - 81 somewhere between HD and Alarma. People showed up in cowboy hats and boots, ready for a ho-down (God help us, it was the Urban Cowboy era)... Needless to say, it got weird. Fans were screaming between songs "play Posse in the Sky or play Father's Arms" while the band ignored the heckling and played a lot of Alarma (their new release at the time) tunes and some of HD.

Remember at this time in Christian music there was no such thing as "Punk sounding stuff". Churches were all on the bandwagon preaching that the beat in rock n roll and especially punk music was straight from the pit of hell. By the end of the concert people were booing or had walked out. I felt like I was the only one cheering in the crowd.

For some reason I got it. Terry was doing something different yet right, eccentric yet cool, blazing new trails, going where no Christian had gone before.

Granted MBD is a lifetime achievement, but as I stated before, I still hear echoes of SA in MBD.
05-22-2002 11:46
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ya hadda be there Reply to this Post Post Reply with Quote Edit/Delete Posts Report Post to a Moderator       Go to the top of this page

I ordered SA and summarily sold it. It's Pablo cruise meets the Doobie Bros-

"He described once that the most evil creation ever
visited upon mankind was the internal combustion engine."

--Peter Jackson quoting J. R. R. Tolkien
05-22-2002 11:52 ™ is offline Send an Email to ™ Homepage of ™ Search for Posts by ™ Add ™ to your Buddy List
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Originally posted by ™
I ordered SA and summarily sold it. It's Pablo cruise meets the Doobie Bros-

Aww c'mon...
Don't do that to TST and the guys!
05-22-2002 12:59
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I know Reply to this Post Post Reply with Quote Edit/Delete Posts Report Post to a Moderator       Go to the top of this page

that was rude, huh!

"He described once that the most evil creation ever
visited upon mankind was the internal combustion engine."

--Peter Jackson quoting J. R. R. Tolkien
05-22-2002 13:11 ™ is offline Send an Email to ™ Homepage of ™ Search for Posts by ™ Add ™ to your Buddy List
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look at it this way Reply to this Post Post Reply with Quote Edit/Delete Posts Report Post to a Moderator       Go to the top of this page

at least they were puttin' albums out back them!

let's see, back then? I was tryin' to be the next Yes but I was in denial of my more acoustic roots (simon & garfunkel, acoustic Beatles, America, etc)

-still, killer 'Band On The Run' guitar riff on SA, eh?!

"He described once that the most evil creation ever
visited upon mankind was the internal combustion engine."

--Peter Jackson quoting J. R. R. Tolkien
05-22-2002 13:21 ™ is offline Send an Email to ™ Homepage of ™ Search for Posts by ™ Add ™ to your Buddy List
Joey T.
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Originally posted by ?
I ordered SA and summarily sold it. It's Pablo cruise meets the Doobie Bros-

It was great considering what year it originally came out and what else there was in Christian music back then. To say it's better than MBD or any of DA's newer material would indicate that one has spent a lot of time in Dallas... Pleased


05-22-2002 14:53 Joey T. is offline Send an Email to Joey T. Homepage of Joey T. Search for Posts by Joey T. Add Joey T. to your Buddy List AIM Screen Name of Joey T.: beatmenace777 YIM Account Name of Joey T.: joey_t_2005 View the MSN Profile for Joey T.
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M8ed Shotgun Angel... Reply to this Post Post Reply with Quote Edit/Delete Posts Report Post to a Moderator       Go to the top of this page

We can assure you that the master that was sent off to M8
was not a bunch of mp3s strung together. The Album was
a direct copy of the original CD made on a $3500 Marantz
studio CD recorder.. but, after it left here..
the master was "improved" or "tweeked" to make it "better."
If their idea of "tweeking" it was to turn it into mp3s and then string them together... then I guess you are right.
It sounded like they recorded them into a computer to us..

The frustration was, partly that they did this to a classic
DA album, some would say THE classic DA album... but it
was also that it was unnecissary, they didn't need to "improve" the sound.. or at least if they were going to
"improve" it, have someone that knows how do it.
And lastly, if you're going to send off a CD master to print
thousands of CDs from.. don't you maybe listen to it first to see if there is anything wrong with it before you make
thousands more? And Ditto on the Lost Dogs reissue...

This is all just a tip of the iceburg, there were many problems with dealing with M8.. and it's not like they were
not told what the problems were long ago, they just didn't listen. And continued making the same mistakes over and over.

And yes we planned on putting together a better copy to send
out to those that order the CD from us.. the main obstical
is the funds.. it takes a lot of money to put all this stuff out, thats why we take those ftp site mp3 discussions
so personal, but hopefully with JT's help the band will
get into a financial place where they can put out good
quality albums on their own and not have to rely on labels.
The band is blown away by the support the fans have
given them, think how long it was between "Songs Of the Heart" and "Mr Buechner's Dream" ...things have really begun to turn around. And with the plans that are in motion now.. it looks like the DA future is bright. I can see in the next couple years we should really start seeing some
cool stuff. And maybe we can get that SA replacement CD
done. Smile

jason t

"Blessed is he who expecteth nothing, for he shall enjoy everything" -St. Francis of Assisi

"A strange fanaticism fills our time: the fanatical hatred of morality, especially of Christian morality." - GK Chesterton
05-22-2002 15:42 audiori is offline Send an Email to audiori Homepage of audiori Search for Posts by audiori Add audiori to your Buddy List
Dr Rich Dr Rich is a male
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Originally posted by ™
I ordered SA and summarily sold it. It's Pablo cruise meets the Doobie Bros-

wow... cold... are you sure you are a fan? Wink
what about the creepy pink floyd end times stuff? Big Grin


05-22-2002 19:17 Dr Rich is offline Send an Email to Dr Rich Search for Posts by Dr Rich Add Dr Rich to your Buddy List
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Originally posted by Shemp
That’s a fair assessment Mr. Dr.

What is interesting was the major fallout from the fans way back then when SA went to HD then Alarma. Oh my, was it ugly.

I saw the band preform in a high school gym in Fenton, MI, circa 1980 - 81 somewhere between HD and Alarma. People showed up in cowboy hats and boots, ready for a ho-down (God help us, it was the Urban Cowboy era)... Needless to say, it got weird. Fans were screaming between songs "play Posse in the Sky or play Father's Arms" while the band ignored the heckling and played a lot of Alarma (their new release at the time) tunes and some of HD.

Remember at this time in Christian music there was no such thing as "Punk sounding stuff". Churches were all on the bandwagon preaching that the beat in rock n roll and especially punk music was straight from the pit of hell. By the end of the concert people were booing or had walked out. I felt like I was the only one cheering in the crowd.

For some reason I got it. Terry was doing something different yet right, eccentric yet cool, blazing new trails, going where no Christian had gone before.

Granted MBD is a lifetime achievement, but as I stated before, I still hear echoes of SA in MBD.

that whole thing still blows me away... that so many "fans" turned so fast. I was not into DA at the time, so have only heard about it later...
I just don't get it!


05-22-2002 19:20 Dr Rich is offline Send an Email to Dr Rich Search for Posts by Dr Rich Add Dr Rich to your Buddy List
Disjasked Lerna


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Originally posted by Dr Rich
Originally posted by Shemp

What is interesting was the major fallout from the fans way back then when SA went to HD then Alarma. Oh my, was it ugly.

For some reason I got it. Terry was doing something different yet right, eccentric yet cool, blazing new trails, going where no Christian had gone before.

Granted MBD is a lifetime achievement, but as I stated before, I still hear echoes of SA in MBD.

that whole thing still blows me away... that so many "fans" turned so fast. I was not into DA at the time, so have only heard about it later...
I just don't get it!

Even as a ''country rock band'' there was nothing else like them. People wanted more of this new and fresh sound from SA. Not some wierd ''not so country punk'' band.

The same thing happens every time dä changes their style, they lose some fans. But I also think they gain as many fans if not more than they lose. Big Grin

As for SA vs MBD, I would agree that you can't compare them for many reasons. SA is still on my DA playlist!




05-23-2002 00:01 BigDork is offline Send an Email to BigDork Search for Posts by BigDork Add BigDork to your Buddy List
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Okay, Okay,
I won't compare the two.

Trying to classify dä is like "... the shape of air..."
05-23-2002 07:11
Tyler Durden Tyler Durden is a male
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Shotgun stand alone Reply to this Post Post Reply with Quote Edit/Delete Posts Report Post to a Moderator       Go to the top of this page

I wouldn't mind paying for the redone/improved master tape version of Shotgun Angel. The second interview disc could be dropped. That album still stands up and should be available to the general public in all of its glory.

MBD is spectacular. Most CD purchases are disappointments or short lived. Da has always created music that I listen to year after year and still catch stuff that I missed be it a note or metaphor/allusion.
MBD is one that I continue to to marvel at. Favorite line of the day
"And when time turns the table
You'll be me
Wearing all the tags and labels
Of an ancient history"

Great insights to life and faith on this cd.

05-23-2002 12:22 Tyler Durden is offline Send an Email to Tyler Durden Search for Posts by Tyler Durden Add Tyler Durden to your Buddy List
Disjasked Lerna


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Originally posted by Tyler Durden

"And when time turns the table
You'll be me
Wearing all the tags and labels
Of an ancient history"

Great insights to life and faith on this cd.

Having 2 boys myself, this song is very real to me. My oldest boy is me all the way. It's a terrible burden he has to live through.




05-23-2002 19:19 BigDork is offline Send an Email to BigDork Search for Posts by BigDork Add BigDork to your Buddy List
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