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 Taping (video/audio) BBQ shows ToryNotion 08-21-2003 10:15
 RE: Taping (video/audio) BBQ shows bret 08-21-2003 11:43
 RE: Taping (video/audio) BBQ shows BigDork 08-21-2003 10:18
 RE: Taping (video/audio) BBQ shows JR88 08-21-2003 10:18
 RE: Taping (video/audio) BBQ shows ToryNotion 08-21-2003 10:27
 RE: Taping (video/audio) BBQ shows BigDork 08-21-2003 10:46
 RE: Taping (video/audio) BBQ shows ToryNotion 08-21-2003 10:51
 RE: Taping (video/audio) BBQ shows ToryNotion 08-21-2003 11:01
 RE: Taping (video/audio) BBQ shows ToryNotion 08-21-2003 11:55
 RE: Taping (video/audio) BBQ shows PuP 08-21-2003 13:16

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Mind Peach

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Are the artists okay with this? I've seen a few mentions of video taping
one of the BBQ's. I'll have to wait till the 2nd leg and Oct. before I get a chance and I only have a my daughters cheap camcorder. Wish I had
a sweet audio taping rig but i'd have to hock half the cd collection to buy one.


08-21-2003 10:15 ToryNotion is offline Send an Email to ToryNotion Search for Posts by ToryNotion Add ToryNotion to your Buddy List
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The contract that we, the promotor's sign states :

(Cool Restrictions: The promoter agrees to prevent broadcasting, recording and/or reproduction by radio, television or any other device of the artist's performance or any part thereof unless prior permission of the artist is obtained. The promoter further agrees that, except to the extent otherwise specified in this agreement, the performance by the artist shall not be in conjunction with any other performance and that no assisting artist shall perform without the prior written consent of the artist or his agent. This provision shall not be deemed to apply to 'opening bands' and that responsibility shall be within the sole discretion of the promoter.

Since it states that we have to request permission, I will, since I did read the contract.

Normally, I would use the "Better to ask forgiveness" principle, but with my name on the contract, I don't want to go there.


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08-21-2003 11:43 bret is offline Send an Email to bret Homepage of bret Search for Posts by bret Add bret to your Buddy List AIM Screen Name of bret: forty dlux
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you should check with the promoter to see if it's ok with them, most of the time it's not a problem.



08-21-2003 10:18 BigDork is offline Send an Email to BigDork Search for Posts by BigDork Add BigDork to your Buddy List
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I don't think they have any problem with it...........both BD and Squid were taping at the MN Q and no one said a word. Of course they cleared it with the promoter first Big Grin


08-21-2003 10:18 JR88 is offline Send an Email to JR88 Homepage of JR88 Search for Posts by JR88 Add JR88 to your Buddy List YIM Account Name of JR88: lostdog742003@yahoo.com View the MSN Profile for JR88
Mind Peach

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Now if these audio and/or video tapes got converted to a digital format and wound up on file sharing services, then the artists would object, right?
Or is it only the official releases?


08-21-2003 10:27 ToryNotion is offline Send an Email to ToryNotion Search for Posts by ToryNotion Add ToryNotion to your Buddy List
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Like this

Happy Campers

or this

Good Bread....



08-21-2003 10:46 BigDork is offline Send an Email to BigDork Search for Posts by BigDork Add BigDork to your Buddy List
Mind Peach

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Thanks for sharing, but I was really thinking more along the lines of




I've used both and most recently dc++ to download or share entire live shows in lossless compressed (.shn) format.


This post has been edited 2 time(s), it was last edited by ToryNotion: 08-21-2003 10:57.

08-21-2003 10:51 ToryNotion is offline Send an Email to ToryNotion Search for Posts by ToryNotion Add ToryNotion to your Buddy List
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Man, them's some powerfull mp3s ya got there. Both killed my browser when I tried to play them. Maybe I better save them and then try playing from my hard drive.


08-21-2003 11:01 ToryNotion is offline Send an Email to ToryNotion Search for Posts by ToryNotion Add ToryNotion to your Buddy List
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Thanks. I'm sure if DA, Terry, Lost Dogs, Mike Roe, et al encouraged fan taping and trading, like, say The Dead or Phish, I would have seen mention of it on this board or the web. I know they don't want the officially released albums shared on file sharing systems (the napster replacements) because they hope to reissue the OOP ones someday.

I've seen many different view points on this topic. One record company exec said something like 'Sure, share it online. If you can't give it away, how do you expect to sell it'. But I think he was talking about artists like Eminem (and of course there aren't many with selling power like him)
who sell millions of copies of albums even though the songs are widely available on file sharing systems (maybe 50% of the teenagers in the country allready had the mp3s???).

I personally think sharing live shows will increase the demand for the offical releases, but I know working musicians are deeply divided on the subject.


08-21-2003 11:55 ToryNotion is offline Send an Email to ToryNotion Search for Posts by ToryNotion Add ToryNotion to your Buddy List


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Per JT, we were allowed to record the concert and distribute it to the attendees. Unfortunately, the recording part didn't actually happen at ours. Frown

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08-21-2003 13:16 PuP is offline Send an Email to PuP Homepage of PuP Search for Posts by PuP Add PuP to your Buddy List View the MSN Profile for PuP
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