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Go to the bottom of this page Let us all give Thanks...
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 Let us all give Thanks... Shemp 11-26-2003 13:16
 RE: Let us all give Thanks... You Gotta Be There 11-26-2003 13:58
 RE: Let us all give Thanks... Lur King 11-26-2003 15:26
 RE: Let us all give Thanks... jiminy 11-26-2003 15:02

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...to God for giving us Daniel Amos, The Swirling Eddies, The Lost Dogs, The 77's, The Choir, hearty appetites, family, good friends, life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, that all men are created equal, Dr. Pepper, Krispy Kremes, employment, homes, DVD’s, flash drives, coffee, His Bride, the Earth Household, offspring, parents, grandparents, ice cream, beaches, deserts, mountains, forests, sunrises and sunsets, aurora borealis, shooting stars, Larry, Moe and Curly, mp3’s, the internet, petroleum, the ark of the covenant, the cross, His return (soon), eyes, ears, nose and healthy limbs, electricity, fire, snow, baseball, staples, cordless telephones, remote controls, tooth brushes, squirrels, and the grace to live another day.


Happy Thanksgiving All
11-26-2003 13:16
You Gotta Be There
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Good post. Amen! Although I'll take a Mountain Dew of Dr. Pepper any day. What in the world is an "aurora borealis". A flower, or sometehing?
11-26-2003 13:58
Lur King Lur King is a male
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Originally posted by You Gotta Be There
Good post. Amen! Although I'll take a Mountain Dew of Dr. Pepper any day. What in the world is an "aurora borealis". A flower, or sometehing?

if anyone should have known that... eh ?

I'm back in the sea... Dodo/Lurker ~ My MySpace

11-26-2003 15:26 Lur King is offline Send an Email to Lur King Homepage of Lur King Search for Posts by Lur King Add Lur King to your Buddy List
Tallowy Tamale

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Great post shemp-
I'm gonna add
"my bride of 22 years......"
anbd the verdict is out on Krispy Kremes- aint had one yet.. (the pitfalls of living in NWisc

and I'll add ...........


theres nothing to EVER put here that will please everyone-let alone anyone.
11-26-2003 15:02 jiminy is offline Send an Email to jiminy Search for Posts by jiminy Add jiminy to your Buddy List
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