DA - Instruction Through Film (DVD)      |
Dr Rich
Ubique Epoque

Registration Date: 03-15-2002
Posts: 9,986
Location: Hoverkrafti im është plot me ngjala.
It's pretty great.

04-07-2008 07:11 |
Dr Rich
Ubique Epoque

Registration Date: 03-15-2002
Posts: 9,986
Location: Hoverkrafti im është plot me ngjala.
quote: |
Originally posted by minutia
So what is with the easter egg clip?
It repulses me, yet I cannot look away. |

06-08-2008 05:42 |
Dr Rich
Ubique Epoque

Registration Date: 03-15-2002
Posts: 9,986
Location: Hoverkrafti im është plot me ngjala.
RE: When I'm Blowing Smoke |
quote: |
Originally posted by jyroflux
I miss jyroflux and his big pics!

08-10-2008 02:04 |

Registration Date: 03-12-2002
Posts: 11,145
Location: Missouri
Thread Starter
Would anyone be interested in creating a trailer for "Instruction Through Film?"
If so, we would have a couple of guidelines for you to work with, but other than that - anything goes pretty much - as long as it looks cool. We'd like to have something up on YouTube but don't really have time to put it together at the moment. We could actually use more than one if several wanted to do it... feel free to add a credit for yourself at the end as being the person that created the trailer. It would also need to let folks know where to go to buy the DVD.
Let us know.
__________________ "Blessed is he who expecteth nothing, for he shall enjoy everything" -St. Francis of Assisi
"A strange fanaticism fills our time: the fanatical hatred of morality, especially of Christian morality." - GK Chesterton
10-11-2008 13:55 |
Ron E

Registration Date: 03-12-2002
Posts: 5,614
Location: Central Ontario Canada
__________________ The opinion expressed is that of the participant and does not necessarily reflect that of Mr Dan Amos. But if it doesn't, he would be wrong.
10-13-2008 11:58 |