DA Old Gal/Guy Survey |
Ceremonial Kernel

Registration Date: 05-04-2006
Posts: 1,815
Location: sittin' on the dock of the bay
Well enough of this youthful the glass-is-half-full-rosy-eyed-nonsense. Some of you have been around long enough you’re beginning to smell, again. C’mon, you know what I mean, that’s why you hang out on massage boards, no, message boards.
It’s time we harvested the wisdom of your experience, the sum total of your losses to date, the ludicrosity of your dreams, how in fact life has mocked you from the very beginning because… well, we all need a good laugh that’s why and I can’t think of anything funnier than your suffering. This survey’s for you but only if you can stifle your tendency to be serious. Try to remember that no one cares what you think. That always helps me. Take a shot of prune juice if you need to loosen up a bit.
If on the other hand you feel it prevents you from revealing all that you can leave behind, or may potentially make a mockery of your noblest aspirations, please pull up your pampers and go complete the first survey a second time. Maybe you’ll get inspired.
Well, I guess if you want be serious that's ok... we can laugh at you anyway.
What is the most beautiful place or scene on earth you saw with your own eyes? When and who were you with?
What is the most beautiful place or scene on some other planet you saw with your own eyes? When and who were you with?
What is the highest land elevation above sea level you’ve attained? Where & Why?
What is the highest distance you have climbed or walked up? Where & Why?
What is the longest distance you have walked? Where & Why?
What is the most dangerous animal you have been near and how close (not human nor your brother)?
Have you ever seen an angel or a vision? Care to share?
What is your favorite book of the Bible (or other scriptures) and why?
What exploits did you or your immediate and extended family have in any armed conflict of the US?
Or for some other country?
Other military experience?
When did your ancestors (or you) arrive on these shores and what was their (your) story?
If you ever lived, worked, played on a farm or ranch, what did you do?
What paid jobs did you have growing up?
Tell us about your favorite pet (not human nor your brother).
Besides your parent’s mini-van (or station wagon) what vehicles did/do you drive, fly, or ride?
__________________ Though I have become like a wineskin in the smoke,
I do not forget your statutes.
Psalm 119:83
10-23-2009 12:07 |
Esculent Eskimo
Registration Date: 02-21-2007
Posts: 45
RE: DA Old Gal/Guy Survey |
I'm almost 44
Question 2) In the dark of night in the autumn, lying out in a recently harvested wheat field on my back with a bunch of friends, watching a meteor shower. Also, seeing the Northern Lights in green and orange.
Question 14) A 1983 Mazda GLC, a 1973 Olds Cutlass, a 1966 Pontiac Parisienne
10-23-2009 15:51 |
Ceremonial Kernel

Registration Date: 05-04-2006
Posts: 1,815
Location: sittin' on the dock of the bay
Thread Starter
RE: DA Old Gal/Guy Survey |
thanks for getting us started Doke
where was that wheat field? i remember as a young youth visiting a gaggle of relatives in Kansas who planted hundreds of acres in wheat - it was great, us cousins used to ride around on the combines and play in the wheat trucks when they were full.
__________________ Though I have become like a wineskin in the smoke,
I do not forget your statutes.
Psalm 119:83
10-23-2009 15:57 |
Ceremonial Kernel

Registration Date: 07-26-2007
Posts: 1,209
Location: Glendale, CA
RE: DA Old Gal/Guy Survey |
quote: |
What is the most beautiful place or scene on earth you saw with your own eyes? When and who were you with? |
Kenting National Park, on the Southern tip of Taiwan, standing atop a massive coral formation overlooking the sea at twilight, in the summer of 2000 A.D. - I was with a small group of total strangers who were charged with the task of keeping me entertained on my day off during a brief missionary stint.
quote: |
What is the most beautiful place or scene on some other planet you saw with your own eyes? When and who were you with? |
Sadly, my interplanetary travels have been few. I intend to rectify this upon retirement to my heavenly home.
quote: |
What is your favorite book of the Bible (or other scriptures) and why? |
Hebrews, because it traces a logical thread through OT Judaism to the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ, establishes Christ's authority, defines His role as redeemer and mediator between man & God, and proposes faith as the primary essential act of the believer.
quote: |
What exploits did you or your immediate and extended family have in any armed conflict of the US? |
Not an armed conflict, per se, but my Dad was a gunner on one of the picket ships blockading Cuba during the October 1962 missile crisis.
quote: |
When did your ancestors (or you) arrive on these shores and what was their (your) story? |
John Rolfe landed at Jamestown, VA in 1610, where he became a successful tobacco baron. He met and married Pocahontas (yes, that Pocahontas) in 1614, and it all went downhill from there.
This post has been edited 1 time(s), it was last edited by wakachiwaka: 10-26-2009 19:00.
10-23-2009 19:21 |
Ceremonial Kernel

Registration Date: 07-02-2008
Posts: 2,164
Location: Arizona
"What is the most beautiful place or scene on earth you saw with your own eyes?"
The Grand Canyon in the early morning.
"What is the highest land elevation above sea level you’ve attained? Where & Why?"
Pike's Peak, Colorado: 14,110
"What is the longest distance you have walked? Where & Why?"
Got a flat tire in Middle-of-Nowhere, NM, and the car's jack didn't work. So I walked 7 miles to the nearest "town" where I got help.
"What is the most dangerous animal you have been near and how close (not human nor your brother)?"
I've been to a lot of different zoos, so take your pick.
"Have you ever seen an angel or a vision? Care to share?"
Yes, and no.
"What is your favorite book of the Bible (or other scriptures) and why?"
Ecclesiastes, I think.
"What exploits did you or your immediate and extended family have in any armed conflict of the US?"
My great-great-etc-etc-etc-grandfather crossed the Delaware River with George Washington.
"When did your ancestors (or you) arrive on these shores and what was their (your) story?"
I have no good answer to this, other than I am a mutt.
"Besides your parent’s mini-van (or station wagon) what vehicles did/do you drive, fly, or ride?"
My first car was a Caprice Classic. Now I drive a mini-van....
__________________ So I can type anything I want here? No?
My Photography Blog

10-23-2009 19:49 |
Ceremonial Kernel

Registration Date: 03-24-2005
Posts: 2,018
Location: Alabaster, AL
Lookout Mountain
Peaks of Otter on college trip
Not very far, 1 mile maybe?
Shark @ the Aquarium
Psalms.......nice tunes
My brother spied on Somalia in the 80s for NSA
Don't know
I had a Yugo once
__________________ If you tuned in to listen to Third Day, Casting Crowns, or Chris Tomlin,
You've come to the wrong place
10-26-2009 14:53 |
Audiori J

Registration Date: 11-27-2004
Posts: 7,730
Location: "Clowns to the left of me! Jokers to the right! Here I AM stuck in the middle with you." - Stealers Wheel
What is the most beautiful place or scene on earth you saw with your own eyes? When and who were you with?
A: Yellowstone National Park, with family
What is the most beautiful place or scene on some other planet you saw with your own eyes? When and who were you with?
What is the highest land elevation above sea level you’ve attained? Where & Why?
A: Probably a mountin but not sure.
What is the highest distance you have climbed or walked up? Where & Why?
A: See above.
What is the longest distance you have walked? Where & Why?
A: Walt Disney World, I guess... walked all day for several days.
What is the most dangerous animal you have been near and how close (not human nor your brother)?
A: Many large sharks in the gulf of mexico, was very close, too close.
Have you ever seen an angel or a vision? Care to share?
A: Seen? No.
What is your favorite book of the Bible (or other scriptures) and why?
A: Tough one, Ecclesiastes.
What exploits did you or your immediate and extended family have in any armed conflict of the US?
Or for some other country?
Other military experience?
A: Grandfather faught in World War I, wounded in the Muese Argonne Offensive, great uncle faught and died in World War II, another great uncle was in Korea and World War II.
When did your ancestors (or you) arrive on these shores and what was their (your) story?
A: John Townsend arrived in Philadelphia in 1712, he and his brother were freinds of William Penn.
If you ever lived, worked, played on a farm or ranch, what did you do?
What paid jobs did you have growing up?
A: pest control, roofing, security guard, drywalling, etc.
Tell us about your favorite pet (not human nor your brother)..
A: African Grey Parrot, named Opie
Besides your parent’s mini-van (or station wagon) what vehicles did/do you drive, fly, or ride?
A: Car, plane, helicopter, boat
__________________ “Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account.” Matthew 5:11
10-26-2009 17:32 |
Ceremonial Kernel

Registration Date: 07-26-2007
Posts: 1,209
Location: Glendale, CA
Revised and updated above.
10-26-2009 19:01 |
bein heinni
Luteous Llama

Registration Date: 03-12-2004
Posts: 330
Location: in the stratosphere
I have seen the Lord, and his train fills the temple.
__________________ What's your problem? You bein blinded by my light?

Benny Hinn, evangelist extraordinaire
Toufik Benedictus Hinn born in Jaffa, Israel
10-27-2009 11:38 |

Registration Date: 03-12-2002
Posts: 11,145
Location: Missouri
What is the most beautiful place or scene on earth you saw.. Wyoming
...with your own eyes? How else would I see it?
When and who were you with? Family, July 2008.
What is the highest land elevation above sea level you’ve attained? Where & Why? Jade Lake, Wyoming - 9691 feet. Why? Becuase I can.
What is the highest distance you have climbed or walked up? Where & Why? See above.
What is the longest distance you have walked? Where & Why? At one time? Hike to jade lake in Wyoming. I forget how many miles it was.
What is the most dangerous animal you have been near and how close (not human nor your brother)? Buffalo in wyoming; Large Sharks around the boat in the gulf of Mexico; hundreds of snakes in the woods - some nearly stepped on, some chasing me, etc.
What exploits did you or your immediate and extended family have in any armed conflict of the US? Grandfather Frank R Townsend (WWI); Great Uncle Glendal Thurman (WWII, Battle of Luzon); Great Uncle Sgt. Ira Jones (WWII - Bronze Star, silver Star); Great Uncle SFC Charles R. Matthess (Korea - Bronze Star; Viet Nam - Bronze Star)
When did your ancestors (or you) arrive on these shores and what was their (your) story? John Townsend arrived in Pennsylvania in 1712.
What paid jobs did you have growing up? There were many..
__________________ "Blessed is he who expecteth nothing, for he shall enjoy everything" -St. Francis of Assisi
"A strange fanaticism fills our time: the fanatical hatred of morality, especially of Christian morality." - GK Chesterton
10-29-2009 15:23 |
Ceremonial Kernel

Registration Date: 05-04-2006
Posts: 1,815
Location: sittin' on the dock of the bay
Thread Starter
What is the most beautiful place or scene on earth you saw with your own eyes? When and who were you with?
Been to Crater Lake half a dozen times with various family members. Been to numerous rivers and lakes in the Cascades that can all make a claim to the prize. Honorable mentions for Yosemite, Yellowstone, Grand Tetons and Sawtooth country.
What is the most beautiful place or scene on some other planet you saw with your own eyes? When and who were you with?
Venus sulphur pools, '88, Calvin and Hobbes, first interplanetary expedition
What is the highest land elevation above sea level you’ve attained? Where & Why?
Tuolomne Meadows campground in Yosemite, about 9000', in the 90s a few times with buddies. We fished many times at Tioga Lake under Mt. Dana which is a mighty bare rust red and grey rock sticking above the tree line to 13000'.
What is the highest distance you have climbed or walked up? Where & Why?
2500' Mission Peak, east bay SF Bay Area - two weeks ago to prove I still could, neverwouldamadeit if my son-in-law had not set the pace, the chump. 2200' from its base over 3 miles. We saw the Sierra Nevada 100 miles to the east.
What is the longest distance you have walked? Where & Why?
32 miles in one day, Skyline to Big Basin State Park (16 miles) and back, to prove I could (50th birthday goal). Really not a bad trek except my little toenail had a blow out at about mile 25. Last 7 miles were a mite tender footed and strange gaited.
What is the most dangerous animal you have been near and how close (not human nor your brother)?
Buffalo, big burly bull buffalo, ~7' at the shoulder standing by a parking lot in Yellowstone. Within 20'.
Half grown black bear and his little brother came right through our campsite while my wife was cooking burgers on the campstove. Had to chase them off with a broom.
Full grown black (brown) bear at Tuolomne, at least 300 lbs, 50'.
Stared down a bull grey squirrel who wanted my nuts.
Have you ever seen an angel or a vision? Care to share?
not yet
What is your favorite book of the Bible (or other scriptures) and why?
touch choice but probably Hebrews, same reasons as Wakapakachookapooka up there.
What exploits did you or your immediate and extended family have in any armed conflict of the US?
Dad survived the accidental detonation of a practice grenade while goofing off in a WWII boot camp (way to go dad) otherwise finished his service without incident in New Caledonia to war's end. Uncle Jim survived a bad leg wound trying to keep the bad guys at bay with a 50cal (M2) in Vietnam. Great Great Grandpa Silsby served with the the Army of the Potomac through the rotten winter of 63/64. Was "discharged for disability" (illness) before they started the last great campaign that eventually locked up Lee at Petersburg. Some Silsbys before that served in the Revolutionary War but the details (& thus the certainty) are unknown.
When did your ancestors (or you) arrive on these shores and what was their (your) story?
Silsbys (mom's side) arrived as Puritans in the late 1600s or so and lived in the Massachusetts Bay Colony. Dad's side (from the bootheel of MO) claims grt grt grandpa was an Indian and history is unknown.
If you ever lived, worked, played on a farm or ranch, what did you do?
Broke my uncle's tractor and got my cousin in trouble. Held onto a rope, slack in the middle, strung through pulleys in the hay loft - went sailing up to the roof when cousins on one end of said rope jumped off a stack of hay bales... survived apparently.
What paid jobs did you have growing up?
summer jobs: member of crew that built a grain silo; member of another one that built a house; packed potatoes; moved irrigation pipe; moved more furniture than i care to recall (moving and storage, and warehousing)
Tell us about your favorite pet (not human nor your brother).
Shasta the Shetland Sheepdog (R.I.P.) had a habit of standing over one's foot when one was sitting with one's legs were crossed and a foot was in the air. This became known as "weenie wagging", or his way of saying hello to total strangers.
Besides your parent’s mini-van (or station wagon) what vehicles did/do you drive, fly, or ride?
Honda Trail 90; Cessna (steering through the open sky only); large trimaran on SF Bay, wifey got super seasick; large party fishing boat out of Half Moon Bay, I got super seasick; 1948 Chevy pickup (Ol' Blue); some similar ancient rig full of ancient cousin boy folk went blasting down a back hills highway in Kansas at 100mph in the '60s... 100mph that is, this was big deal
__________________ Though I have become like a wineskin in the smoke,
I do not forget your statutes.
Psalm 119:83
10-30-2009 01:00 |
Jimmy Brown
Ceremonial Kernel
Registration Date: 06-26-2007
Posts: 1,425
What is the most beautiful place or scene on earth you saw with your own eyes? When and who were you with?
The ocean. Any ocean really. Perhaps the most magical was the summer of 1996 at my wife's family reunion on the Outer Banks. It was before we were married, so I was sleeping in the living room of one of the beach house, third story so you could see the ocean over the dunes. I woke up, sat up, and saw the sun rising over the water as a pod of dolphins leapt northward past the beach. There were a few family members milling about, but I wasn't really with anyone.
What is the most beautiful place or scene on some other planet you saw with your own eyes? When and who were you with?
The moon is pretty nice through a telescope.
What is the highest land elevation above sea level you’ve attained? Where & Why?
Probably somewhere in the Appalachians. I was probably just passing through.
What is the highest distance you have climbed or walked up? Where & Why?
Brasstown Bald from the parking lot to the top. My wife wanted to go on her first day of retirement.
What is the longest distance you have walked? Where & Why?
Not sure how far, but day campers at Marannook stay out on the land all day and I was their counselor.
What is the most dangerous animal you have been near and how close (not human nor your brother)?
Face to face without a fence, probably a copper head I killed with a shovel in my side yard. I also once flipped over a big, plastic dishpan my parents used for the dog's water and discovered a black widow less than 3 inches from my fingers.
Have you ever seen an angel or a vision? Care to share?
Not that I'm aware of.
What is your favorite book of the Bible (or other scriptures) and why?
Either Matthew or Colossians. Both have a lot to say about the kingdom of the heavens, and that seems to help keep me on track. My best friend in college and I also read Colossians together when she and I had to stay in Macon over most of the Christmas break to work at a Christmas tree farm. It was almost a month since Mercer's break started at Thanksgiving back then.
What exploits did you or your immediate and extended family have in any armed conflict of the US?
Armed conflict, none that I'm aware of.
Or for some other country?
I got nothin.
Other military experience?
My dad was on the DEW line in the Air Force back in the '50s. Alaska was an overseas posting back then.
When did your ancestors (or you) arrive on these shores and what was their (your) story?
Not sure. Hard to find records on sharecroppers.
If you ever lived, worked, played on a farm or ranch, what did you do?
I picked blueberries one summer at a small farm.
What paid jobs did you have growing up?
Selling Grit newspapers door-to-door in the '70s. Stockboy at Fred's in St. Marys, Ga. at 15. Building fences and assorted infrastructure maintenance at the Gilman family's White Oak Plantation in Yulee, Fl.; we also buried a headless impala that died of natural causes in the exotic zoo there; I assume the head is mounted in the Old Lodge still.
Tell us about your favorite pet (not human nor your brother).
They're all my favorites.
Besides your parent’s mini-van (or station wagon) what vehicles did/do you drive, fly, or ride?
My first car was a 1970 Ford Maverick with a 250 in-line 6-cylinder engine; it looked bad, had holes in the floor, and the heat didn't work (you defrosted the windshield by driving fast), but it was a lot of fun. Second was a 1984 Ford Mustang; I delivered pizzas in it in Athens, Ga. in 1990-1991, so that it got abused while not making enough money for maintenance; it caught fire in Tallahassee, Fl. when the main gasket blew and spewed oil all over the catalytic converter. Third was a soulless metal shell called Ford Tempo; I had it when I got married, and we finally traded it for the roof rack on our 2000 Honda Odyssey. We still have the Odyssey (now 17 years old) and my wife's 1990 Aucra Integra 2-door hatchback with manual transmission and sunroof (27 years old).
06-14-2017 07:50 |
Audiori J

Registration Date: 11-27-2004
Posts: 7,730
Location: "Clowns to the left of me! Jokers to the right! Here I AM stuck in the middle with you." - Stealers Wheel
What is the most beautiful place or scene on some other planet you saw with your own eyes? When and who were you with?
A. The UFOs on Planet X and none of your business.
__________________ “Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account.” Matthew 5:11
06-14-2017 08:09 |
Ceremonial Kernel

Registration Date: 05-04-2006
Posts: 1,815
Location: sittin' on the dock of the bay
Thread Starter
ok, dopplegangerdude... who is this really?
wait that's none of my business too!?
man, this is getting complicated
hey just a second, something's fishy here... baxter said the UFOs are on planet why, not ex
__________________ Though I have become like a wineskin in the smoke,
I do not forget your statutes.
Psalm 119:83
06-14-2017 18:47 |
WoaaahJelly! unregistered
I'll work on this a bit and give you all a good answer.
What is the most beautiful place or scene on earth you saw with your own eyes? When and who were you with?
The Northern Lights. I can't remember exactly when, but it was late 2002 or 2003. Plus I had the flu (screwy mindset) and was taking flu meds (more psychedelic effects).
What is the most beautiful place or scene on some other planet you saw with your own eyes? When and who were you with?
Uncle Terry took me to see his "special cabbage". This was April 1935. I guess the planet would be Taylor's Planet.
What is the highest land elevation above sea level you’ve attained? Where & Why?
In a car- the mountains of Kentucky. I don't know the exact elevation. Beautiful. Also I flew commercially several times and that would be about 30,000 feet over the central and western US.
What is the highest distance you have climbed or walked up? Where & Why?
Nothing I can recall except for a steep trail at the local park I have walked countless times.
What is the longest distance you have walked? Where & Why?
I take long walks and hikes all the time for exercise and fun, and at work I walk all night long. Can't remember one longest walk.
What is the most dangerous animal you have been near and how close (not human nor your brother)?
I suppose in zoos I have seen all the big cats- lions and tigers etc. In the wild the biggest animal (of its kind) I can remember was this ginormnous black snake I saw in a nature preserve about two years ago.
Have you ever seen an angel or a vision? Care to share?
I cannot recall ever seeing anything like that *while fully conscious*. In dreams and hypnagagia of course I see all kinds of wild things, but I don't recall angels.
What is your favorite book of the Bible (or other scriptures) and why?
I don't have one really, but an author I like did a dump of the Psalms (I think it's the Psalms? The writer feels abandoned and hated by God and is venting). I say "dump" because it's just a line-by-line listing without numbers, annotations or any distracting nonsense. It was interesting.
What exploits did you or your immediate and extended family have in any armed conflict of the US?
None that I know of. Remarkable.
Or for some other country?
Other military experience?
I was in the Navy for 1.5 years.
When did your ancestors (or you) arrive on these shores and what was their (your) story?
Gosh- ages ago. I don't know that even the oldest members of my family know.
If you ever lived, worked, played on a farm or ranch, what did you do?
EDIT Ha ha! The corn detassler would be on a farm. What a tardhammer I am.
What paid jobs did you have growing up?
Corn detassler! Italian restaurant. Chicken restaurant. (Lord I'll starve before I ever work in a restaurant again.)
Tell us about your favorite pet (not human nor your brother).
My favorite living pet is Harry the tomcat. I adopted him off of the street about five years ago. He is unusually sweet and sociable for a cat and an excellent mouser.
Besides your parent’s mini-van (or station wagon) what vehicles did/do you drive, fly, or ride?
As a child a smallish motorcycle but not for almost forty years. Of course a variety of cars.
This post has been edited 2 time(s), it was last edited by WoaaahJelly!: 07-07-2017 08:00.
07-07-2017 07:37 |