DA Landmarks |

Registration Date: 03-12-2002
Posts: 11,145
Location: Missouri
Anyone have photos of DA-related locations and landmarks?
For example....
__________________ "Blessed is he who expecteth nothing, for he shall enjoy everything" -St. Francis of Assisi
"A strange fanaticism fills our time: the fanatical hatred of morality, especially of Christian morality." - GK Chesterton
07-17-2015 22:45 |

Registration Date: 07-09-2003
Posts: 11,774
Location: The DAmb Home for Wayward Sons and Fragile Daughters
Can't be Berger's house. The windows are too clean.
__________________ "At times this board is a place of thought provoking discussions, but most often it resembles a not quite done Mexican taco." - Jevon the Tall
07-19-2015 23:37 |
Jimmy Brown
Ceremonial Kernel
Registration Date: 06-26-2007
Posts: 1,425
I spent a summer around Bakersfield, but somehow I don't think that's the kind of thing you mean.
07-20-2015 08:04 |

Registration Date: 07-09-2003
Posts: 11,774
Location: The DAmb Home for Wayward Sons and Fragile Daughters
Looks a lot different without the green disc hovering over it.
__________________ "At times this board is a place of thought provoking discussions, but most often it resembles a not quite done Mexican taco." - Jevon the Tall
07-21-2015 14:20 |