- Nina Astrom's Moods is released. Jerry Chamberlain sings background vocals.
- Glenn Rowlands' I Think I Can is released on Floppy Fish Records. Marty Dieckmeyer played bass guitar.
- Frontline Records disolves.
- Alex MacDougall becomes the Vice President of Special Projects for EMI Music.
Early 1995
- Terry signs a publishing deal with Benson.
- Terry begins work on his third solo album, John Wayne.
- DA Fan Kevin Shafer begins his long running website, "A Daniel Amos Home Page: A Page for Mr. Amos."
February 1, 1995
- The Waiting's Blue Belly Sky is released on Anacasia Records. Rob Watson played keyboards; Gene Eugene produced, engineered and provided vocals.
February-March, 1995
- The Lost Dogs perform in Nashville, TN.
March 8, 1995
- At the Foot of the Cross, Volume Two: Seven Last Words of Christ is released on Myrrh Records. The album was produced by The Choir's Derri Daugherty and Steve Hindalong. Jerry Chamberlain and Sharon McCall are credited for Vocal Arrangement help, and singing BGVs on "Forgive Us", "Why Have You Forsaken Me", and "I Thirst". Greg Flesch cowrote "Paradise" and "Come To the River" and played electric guitar on "Paradise", "Come to the River" and "It Is Finished".
March 15, 1995
- Crystal Lewis re-releases Wild Blue Yonder on Metro One Music. Terry Produced, Wrote "Only One" and sang background vocals on the original LP. On this reissue, a duet with Crystal was "Created" using Terry's Telethon Of Love version of "Only One" and the original WBY version.
June 29, 1995
- The Lost Dogs perform in Bushnell, Illinois at Cornerstone. Terry Taylor is sick and the band performs as a trio. The mainstage is rained out and the performance is moved to one of the encore tents.
Set List: You Gotta Move, Bullet Train, Built For Glory, Made To Last, Bad Indigestion, Pray Where You Are, Last Testament of Angus Shane,
Rocky Mountain Mines, You Satisfy, Jimmy, Breath Deep
- Terry Taylor is featured in CCM Magazine.
"After The Altar Call"
Summer 1995
- The Lost Dogs perform in Darien Lake Theme Park at Kingdom Bound 95. The Dogs did two shows, one on the main stage and one in a tent.
- Volume 1, Issue 2 of "DAylight" is mailed out. It includes an article about the saga of Horrendous Disc.
"Putting Together the Puzzle"
Fall 1995
- Volume 5, Issue 7 of "Vertigo", the Swirling Eddies Spinning Vortex Fun Club Newsletter is mailed out to the DA fan club.
View Newsletter
Late 1995
Songs of the Heart
- DA's Songs Of The Heart is released.
View Album Reviews
Album Info & Lyrics
Terry: "Daniel Amos's Songs of the Heart is a concept record which tells the story of a fictional retired couple, Bud and Irma Ackendorf, who travel Route 66 in a metaphorical search for a lost America and a seemingly simpler past. SOTH is essentially a journey of self discovery in which a number of strange events occur including, among other surreal incidents, a bonafide religious miracle, a young lady performing a passionate Hula at a bus stop, and a talented ghost who plays the organ at a local dive bar and appears to be stalking our protagonists. The couple figuratively comes to the end of the road when Irma's beloved husband passes away shortly after the couple arrives home."
Terry, on the song "Sins of our Fathers": "While composing songs for SOTH it occurred to me that a scene in which Bud confronts his younger self in the form of a slightly arrogant teenage waiter at a local diner, would be an effective means of revealing, through Bud's inner dialogue, his attitude and thoughts about life, modernity, youth, old age, and death. As listeners, we discover that as cantankerous and 'fuddy-duddy' as Bud can sometimes appear to be, he has a genuine grandfatherly affection for the kind but condescending young man behind the counter and, knowing how the sorrows, disappointments, and sufferings of life can, as the years pass, turn a once passionately hopeful and idealistic heart cold and bitter, Bud silently prays for the boy, wishing him 'mercy...grace...salvation...love... and the courage to make the world a better place.' Instead of a 'get off my lawn' kind of old geezer who has little tolerance for the arrogance and folly of youth, we encounter a fairly wise and compassionate elderly man who, while still acknowledging (in a humorous way) the boys youthful pride, mentally embraces the young man in a moment of tender empathy. Lyrically I tried to capture what is often the dynamic between the old and the young in which young people are guilty of presuming that the elderly are unaware that they're being patronized by those who, by virtue of their youth, think themselves more progressive, wise, and knowledgeable. Bud knows the boy is being slightly condescending but he says he 'just let's it slide.' We know that Bud has been around the block a few times and certainly 'knows a thing or two' as they say, and we know too that the boy has a long way to go and much to learn. We also know that Bud figures there is no use preaching to the lad. These are things that life will hopefully teach him. When I wrote 'SOTF' I had to imagine being an elderly man looking back on his life and the heady days of his youth. Now that I'm living the reality, I find myself becoming closer and closer to my old friend Bud in almost every way."
"One day, Tim, Greg & I were sitting in Tim's rehearsal hall, and Tim had these old records on the wall. There was one with an old couple on it, in front of Oak Creek Canyon. I thought, `Hey, what would it be like to explore their lives?' I took that up and built the lyrics around it. We even used the original cover. It was the picture of this exact couple, and the name of the album was Songs Of The Heart, released in like 1963. We used a fictional name for the couple in the record." (Source: "To Craft The Night Watch: An Interview With Terry Taylor" by Devlin Donaldson, Mars Hill Review 5, Summer 1996)
The couple's real names are Bob and Elsa Beckendorf. They were a singing duo from the 50's and 60's from Sedona, Arizona - which happened to be the home of Terry's paternal grandparents.
During some final recording sessions for the album, Tom Howard dropped by the recording studio for a visit and after hearing some songs and the concept, announced that he remembered the Beckendorf's sing at his Church in '61. He even remembered the song and graced the band with his rendition of "Meet Me In The Morning".
- The Swirling Eddies' The Berry Vest Of The Swirling Eddies is released.
Album Info, photos and artwork
Terry: "In 'Glorious Dregs' I attempted to make use of paradox in pointing out the inherent duality found within fallen human nature, using such descriptions as 'alive and dead,' 'selfless and selfish,' 'the last, the first,' and so on. I had been working with Jimmy Brown, lead singer and guitarist for the band Deliverance, around the same time I composed 'Glorious Dregs,' and since Frontline records was getting ready to release a Swirling Eddies 'Greatest Hits' (Ha!) record entitled The Berry Vest of the Swirling Eddies I thought it would be nice to include a couple of new tunes as bonus tracts on the upcoming release. Along with 'Glorious Dregs' I wrote the song 'With the Tired Eyes of Faith.' Neither song was very Swirling Eddie-like, being stripped-down acoustic ballads more suitable to something one would find on a Lost Dogs style record, but I thought both were strong tunes and accurately reflective of my contemplations at that time and I was anxious to share them with the fans. Since I loved Jimmy's voice and had greatly enjoyed working with him on the Deliverance project, I felt he was the perfect fit as the counter voice on what was originally conceived as a solo vehicle, not a duet. I was so pleased with the results, as well as the ease of recording harmony based and simple acoustic tunes with someone I greatly enjoyed working with, that I suggested Jimmy and I might consider doing an entire record of such songs sometime in the very near future. Jimmy responded with great enthusiasm and committed to the project on the spot. As happens so often, life takes us down unexpected paths. Jimmy and I never got around to doing the project and, artistically speaking, it remains one of my few regrets."
November 1995
- CCM Magazine reviews Daniel Amos' Songs of the Heart.
View Album Reviews
November 15, 1995 - November 30, 1995
- Tim Chandler records with the Choir for what would become their Free Flying Soul Album.
November 19, 1995
- The Lost Dogs - Terry Taylor, Gene Eugene, Derri Daugherty and Mike Roe, meet at the Green Room to watch the Beatles "Anthology Part 1" on ABC.
Late 1995
- Noel is released on Via Records. The Christmas album was produced by the Choir's Steve Hindalong and Derri Daugherty. Jerry Chamberlain and Sharon McCall sing Lead Vocals on "I Heard The Bells on Christmas Day", and "O Come O Come Emmanuel". Jerry and Sharon also did the vocal arrangement for "O Come O Come Emmanuel". Jerry played guitar on "I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day" and "O Come O Come Emmanuel". Tom Howard provided orchestrations.